Infinite Water


Basically to keep a fire from spreading in a campaign, I need a way to create infinite water. Is there an item that will let me do such a thing.

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A cleric on a stick.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Infinite water would cause a few issues for air breathing creatures, and fill up all the space in the universe, so it's probably a bit overkill for putting out a fire...

An army of Clerics or Druids can cast Create Water indefinitely, though. Not aware of any other way.

Pull out some water elementals. Cleric on a stick is option #1, but eventually they'll get tired and hungry, and most won't be able to cast Nap Stack, although any of them can cast Dream Feast. Control Weather might be able to help a little, if you're an appropriately high level. Same deal with Control Water.

If you're a high enough level, opening portals to the Elemental Plane of Water might work. Also consider a decanter of endless water.

If you're trying to put out a fire, why not just get a lot of sand, or destroy all the fuel in its path?

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Decanter of Endless Water?

What level are you at?

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Cast wish and create a small, permanent portal to the Plane of Endless Water. Side effects as a consequence of a poorly-phrased wish are not covered by your insurance.

My Self wrote:
Pull out some water elementals. Cleric on a stick is option #1, but eventually they'll get tired and hungry, and most won't be able to cast Nap Stack, although any of them can cast Dream Feast. Control Weather might be able to help a little, if you're an appropriately high level. Same deal with Control Water.

It is a level 0 spell though.

So just get a bunch of level 1 clerics. The cleric equivilant of interns, basically. A bunch of those could get into shifts.

Falxu wrote:
Decanter of Endless Water?

Thank you!

shadram wrote:

Infinite water would cause a few issues for air breathing creatures, and fill up all the space in the universe, so it's probably a bit overkill for putting out a fire...

An army of Clerics or Druids can cast Create Water indefinitely, though. Not aware of any other way.

This is to keep a firebleeder subdued.

Not seeing how any amount of water could do that...

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Yeah, considering they're apparently fighting the setting-neutral version of Xotani, the Firebleeder.

Artifix wrote:
shadram wrote:

Infinite water would cause a few issues for air breathing creatures, and fill up all the space in the universe, so it's probably a bit overkill for putting out a fire...

An army of Clerics or Druids can cast Create Water indefinitely, though. Not aware of any other way.

This is to keep a firebleeder subdued.

Ah, so "that is the point".

With a Spawn of Rovagug, your best bet is to find a way to keep it perpetually KO'd. So having it suffocate for eternity is good enough. The usual tactic is to smash it with the hardest attacks and blasts you can muster, and then find the quickest way possible to get it into a body of water so it can't wake up.

In this case, the goal is to make a body of water. A do it yourself lake, basically. Alternatives would be to find some teleportation spell to dump it into the ocean... of course, I don't trust the oceans (too many of the weird things), so a lake you can guard built into a location you can choose (and potentially remodel with various earth spells) would be a safer bet.

Ashram wrote:
Yeah, considering they're apparently fighting the setting-neutral version of Xotani, the Firebleeder.

Actually I running a campaign, and I need it subdued for a while till later in the story. Basically a city is built around it.

Artifix wrote:
Ashram wrote:
Yeah, considering they're apparently fighting the setting-neutral version of Xotani, the Firebleeder.
Actually I running a campaign, and I need it subdued for a while till later in the story. Basically a city is built around it.

Oh, people are going to be around it regularly?

That opens up a lot of plot points. Cities tend to have desperate people- the poor, the homeless. The hungry. And there is an infinite mound of regenerating flesh right in from of them- completely unable to get up.

Not necessarily a good idea to eat the flesh of the dormant apocalypse engine born from a mad god of pure destruction...but people can get desparate. So you can have all sorts of terrible things happen with that. Mutation, possession, growth of power. Any mix of those could end up interesting.

It could just be that it's dormant and a source of heat that people don't know where it comes from. Like hot springs in Irrisen or some such. Doesn't have to be bound just not active.

lemeres wrote:
Artifix wrote:
Ashram wrote:
Yeah, considering they're apparently fighting the setting-neutral version of Xotani, the Firebleeder.
Actually I running a campaign, and I need it subdued for a while till later in the story. Basically a city is built around it.

Oh, people are going to be around it regularly?

That opens up a lot of plot points. Cities tend to have desperate people- the poor, the homeless. The hungry. And there is an infinite mound of regenerating flesh right in from of them- completely unable to get up.

Not necessarily a good idea to eat the flesh of the dormant apocalypse engine born from a mad god of pure destruction...but people can get desparate. So you can have all sorts of terrible things happen with that. Mutation, possession, growth of power. Any mix of those could end up interesting.

Feel free to discuss.

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