Help...Plot Hook For Cleric Deity Change


Liberty's Edge

Ok so I have been DMing a fast paced game, for a Neutral/Evil party. In this campaign so far they started off doing the dirty work of a local lord. After some initial success, they eventually failed the lord at a critical time and were imprisoned by their enemies. The party soon escapes the dungeon and begin fleeing the area to regroup. Fearing what the party knows and what they may have divulged, said lord hired a mercenary company to kill the PCs. Currently the PCs are trying to fight against the mercs while trying to find out who wants them dead.

The problem I am running into currently is that the party cleric want to change deities from Gorrum to Norgorber. Which in and of itself is fine, the player has even gone so far as to change his characters mannerisms, becoming very secretive, and no longer engages in fair fights preferring to ambush ememies. Where I am getting stuck is how to I weave a side quest in to this fast paced adventure without interrupting the pacing of the game, while still giving the cleric his due. As stated before, I want to give him a side adventure that could be wraped up in a seseor two that would explain his loss of power and his transition to Norgorber. I appreciate any help, thank you guys.

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My suggestion is you make is a personal quest for him alone, he'll appreciate the attention and since he's changing to a God of secrecy and what not he won't be too in the spotlight anymore, my suggestion is to make the quest happen 1 night in his dream, make it clear that if he fails in the dream he will be punished or worse in real life, and make the quest something where he's runing from gorum or his lackies for not being faithful and norgober and his minions end up saving him, and for dramatic effect when he wakes up have everyone standing around him as he's been writhing in pain for hours after everyone woke up

Or if you want a session where he's power less split it into 2 dreams 1 where he escapes gorum and is powerless and 1 where norgober has seen his potential and grants him power

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Adding to the previous post: Norgorber is also god of poison and murder.

Perhaps his quest is to find a special poison and decipher a cryptic paragraph in an ancient alchemist's musty tome. The alchemist had found just the right dose to allow the imbiber to hover in the dream world between life and death. Once in the dream world and before the poison wears off, he must determine what is real (true knowledge) and what is trickery and mere illusion. He must find his true rival amongst the charlatans, another dreamer who seeks Norgorber's power, and then he must murder them.

awesome idea boomerang!

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I would be tempted to drop in that he was following Norgorber all along, but the god of tricky deceived him into thinking he was following gorum. perhaps norgorber reveals this to him as he becomes more powerful and attunedto his power, and Norgorber uses this reveal to show the power of trickery and deception. Then drop in a short quest with a secret society who work for norgorber to allow the cleric to become a member of the society after braving a smoke and mirrors style dungeon.

Declindgrunt wrote:
awesome idea boomerang!

Thanks mate!

coldvictim wrote:
I would be tempted to drop in that he was following Norgorber all along, but the god of tricky deceived him into thinking he was following gorum. perhaps norgorber reveals this to him as he becomes more powerful and attunedto his power, and Norgorber uses this reveal to show the power of trickery and deception. Then drop in a short quest with a secret society who work for norgorber to allow the cleric to become a member of the society after braving a smoke and mirrors style dungeon.

Very cool!

Bonus points if you can set up a situation where the cleric in question uses duplicity to deceive someone into killing a follower or lower level priest of Gorrum.

The other ideas are better than mine, but:
Gorum didn't answer a call for help, and something really bad happened to the cleric. He sees that a powerful person follows norgorber, and the cleric wants to become powerful, he turns his back on Gorum and follows norgorber

Another idea that you could implement. Gorum often shows his disfavor by having any iron or steel equipment wielded by the character begin to rust rapidly. This could be either a real effect, or an illusion that the character and/or their party members witness that has no real effect on the items. Once the character switches to a new god, this effect begins to recede and eventually disappears.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks you guys for the suggestions so far, this will give me much to ponder. thanks again and please keep the ideas coming.

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