Alchemical Allocation

Rules Questions


In this alchemist extract, it's states that you can only gain the benefits of one potion or elixir in this way per use of this extract.

Does that means if I use a potion of Mage armor with Alchemical Allocation, I can't cast another Alchemical allocation and use another potion with it immediately after?

E.g. AA Mage armor. Drink AA potion of bark skin or even potion of cure light wound , the Mage armor will fizzle.

Can't find the FAQ to clarify this.

Each extract only works on one potion or elixir. Meaning you can't use it and then drink 3 potions and have them all work from alchemical allocation. But different castings of Alchemical allocations don't care what you've done before. So yes you can get mage armor and bark skin up with two uses of AA.

Scarab Sages

It is set up a bit weird. The duration is 1 rnd, and it is meant to have people drink the AA, then drink a potion and spit it back out. However, since the duration is one round, they didn't want players to drink an AA, the. Have 8 of his buddies force feed him potions and have them all benifit from that one second level extract. They should have just said 'lasts one round or until discharged' but they went with the weird ruling.

But chess pawn was right. Each extract of AA lets you benifit from a single potion without using it up. 2 AA would let you benifit from 2 potions, and would take 4 rounds.

VampByDay wrote:
They should have just said 'lasts one round or until discharged' but they went with the weird ruling.

I agree, it was a poor choice. In addition, they should have said something like "if an alchemist drinks a potion within the next round", rather than "next round", as it implies one could not drink a potion (such as being fed a potion) in the same round, which I think is an unintended —and debatably unnecessary— limitation.

In any case, it's the best alchemist infusion. My alchemist has filled all the slot s with that level and has 25 potions at high caster levels in his haversack. Plus, nobody else wants the potions once they have dwarf spit in them!

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