Traveler's Any-Tool ; Looking for DM's acceptable use.

Rules Questions


AURA moderate transmutation CL 9th WEIGHT 2 lbs.
This implement at first seems to be nothing but a 12-inch iron bar
lined with small plates and spikes. It can be folded, twisted,
hinged, and bent, to form almost any known tool. Hammers,
shovels, even a block and tackle (without rope) are possible. It
can duplicate any tool the wielder can clearly visualize that
contains only limited moving parts, such as a pair of scissors, but
not a handloom. It cannot be used to replace missing or broken
parts of machines or vehicles unless a mundane tool would have
done the job just as well.
The any-tool counts as a set of masterwork artisan’s tools for
most Craft or Profession skills (although very specialist crafts
such as alchemy still require their own unique toolset). It is an
ineffective weapon, always counting as an improvised weapon
and never granting any masterwork bonus on attack rolls.
Craft Wondrous Item, major creation

Several threads have been made for the list of things that could be made but what was not defined was what the end product weighs or its overall size.

This Thread thread gives ideas on what could be made if the GM allows. I am looking to answer the following questions due to the limited description on the any-tool.

1) Will it create a tool that weighs more or less than the 2 lbs the any-tool starts out as?

2) Will it create a tool that's more than 12 inches in length/width/height?

Case in point, It says it would create a Block and Tackle (without rope). How much weight would it support? Would it create a tripod for the B&T if that's what you visualized?

If it could create a sledgehammer, could you specify an 8 lb sledgehammer?

If you wanted a 2 foot sled, would it do that? Or a wheelbarrow?

Liberty's Edge

If the description specifically calls out a shovel as an option, I think it's safe to say it can create tools longer than 12 inches and heavier than two pounds.

The description says any mundane it can create any mundane tool.

#1 "any tool the wielder can clearly visualize that contains only limited moving parts". How much does the end product weigh? "WEIGHT 2 lbs".

#2 "any tool the wielder can clearly visualize that contains only limited moving parts". How much does the end product weigh? "WEIGHT 2 lbs".

End weight and size are not limitations of the item.

Case in point: It supports the exact same weight as a normal Block and Tackle and comes with the same things on it as the normal tool has. So if you normally have a tripod when you buy one, the magic item makes one. If not, it sounds like you need a second Traveler's Any-Tool to make a tripod.

sled or wheelbarrow? Are they tools? Can you visualize them? Do they have limited moving parts?: It answers itself.

Really the only grey area is what counts as a tool as there is no real definition of it in the game.

Size/weight: Yes, it can replicate tools that normally (mundanely) weigh more than 2lbs or are larger than a folded up anytool. However, this does NOT imply that the anytool now weighs more than 2 pounds. It's just a 2 lb item that is doing the job of what is normally an 8 lb item.

Block and Tackle (without rope). How much weight would it support?

Same as a block and tackle. I.e. not specified.

If it could create a sledgehammer, could you specify an 8 lb sledgehammer?

No but it will do the same job as an 8 lb sledgehammer in every respect except weighing 8 lbs. (Like if you are Indiana Jones and you need to replace an 8 lb weight on a pedestal with something, the sledgehammer will help you the anytool won't. But that's about it)

If you wanted a 2 foot sled, would it do that? Or a wheelbarrow?

Sleds are listed under vehicles not tools. Wheelbarrows I don't think are listed anywhere, so GM fiat if it's a "tool" mostly. I'd probably say yes. Seems mostly a tool. Doesn't seem to contradict anything.

I think it's also implied that it needs to be a hand tool in particular, when they say "not a hand loom" instead of having chosen the example "not a loom". So probably not a 10 ton dock crane. But still, a wheelbarrow is a hand tool so sure.

Crimeo: I wouldn't put too much stock into where things are listed to figure out what's a tool or not. Several lists feature things that could be counted as tools. I also wouldn't count a 2' sled as the same thing as a 300 lbs wagon on runners that needs 2 horses to pull.

That leaves it up to GM fiat really, much like the Wheelbarrows.

Traveler's Any-Tool
Based off major creation, and at CL 9, that effects up to 9 cubic feet of metal/stone, which most tools are made of. I think weight and size is not an issue.


Is it a one-shot item?

Cevah wrote:

Traveler's Any-Tool

Based off major creation, and at CL 9, that effects up to 9 cubic feet of metal/stone, which most tools are made of. I think weight and size is not an issue.


Except that the tool doesn't cast the spell or produce an effect like the spell. The tool doesn't generate extra material or change its material composition in any way, it just "can be folded, twisted, hinged, and bent, to form almost any known tool". No matter what you do with the tool, it will still weigh 2 pounds and be made of iron (as per its description).

It's a very large magical leatherman/multitool/swiss army knife. Wheelbarrows and sleds are slightly outside my definition of "tool", but the any-tool could probably create a smaller version of each one. Not large enough for a medium creature, but maybe a small one. I agree with the others that it is the GM's call though.

And no, its not a one-shot item, it can be re-used and re-shaped as many times as needed.

Enh. I agree with Cevah on this one; I personally think that it will never be LIGHTER than 2 lbs, but considering the spell inherent in its making, and the fact that it's radiating that 'moderate transmutation', the 'use weight' may be greater - specifically, equal to that item which it is at the moment imitating. The tool, I would rule, does in fact create more iron as needed to expand its size to become a tool larger than its own starting size, and as it's folded back up, that materiel is removed.

GMs will have their own opinion, of course. This one's mine, but you can share it if you want. ;)

I guess I can see that interpretation, but generally magic items strictly do what their description says, regardless of what spell was used in their creation. The description doesn't say that the any-tool produces more material or grows in size or weight, so my opinion is that its better not to assume more than what is written.

The tool, I would rule, does in fact create more iron as needed

This seems contrary to the description. It is "folded, twisted, hinged, and bent" none of which imply expansion of matter, just reshaping it.

And we already know that it definitely doesn't replicate the exact form of what it is used for, because it couldn't make wooden handle of a shovel for example anyway. So given that that goal is already not achievable, why expect it to match the shape or weight either, in particular? That would be adding powers to it that you don't need to to justify what it does, and that can't get you all the way to full mimicry anyway.

It's not strictly logically a problem -- it can just form sturdy modern-style trussed wireframe type versions of tools. A backpack for instance is like a metal pipe cage frame with stuff hooked to it or captured inside, perhaps, without needing extra metal.

*shrugs* Like I said, that'd be my rule. It'd be my rule because it fits my conceptualization of a magic item that is any basic tool for any general need, which can go from a 6" long scissors to a 4' x 3' x 3' wheelbarrow. The material being so folded, twisted, hinged, bent, etc. is to my mind obviously changing, and doing so magically, gaining mass as necessary to make a sturdy wheelbarrow, or 10' ladder, or non-combat boathook, or whatever. It may not make a wooden handle of a shovel, but it makes a perfectly fine iron handle instead, the form being replicated - the perfect form being replicated, because you get a +2 circumstance bonus for a masterwork tool!! - though not the exact material.

I suppose it comes from my headplace that says 'if it was merely a highly-complicated system of folding and unfolding, always the same amount of metal and always 2 lbs, it wouldn't need to be a magic item.' It uses Major Creation; it can become something very small or pretty big; it creates and removes metal as necessary for the tool, albeit in such a manner that it's hidden during the folding, twisting, hinging, bending, etc. It'd be like pulling out one blade of a swiss army knife, but instead of just it being a fingerwidth knife, it's a 2" long, 4" wide, 1/8" thick plate that you can then unfold so it's 4" long and 4" wide, but still 1/8" thick. And keep doing so until you get the bottom of your wheelbarrow, then twist and pull on those two knobs and they both lengthen to become the handles.

Maybe it's just 'cause I'm a Whovian, I dunno. It's bigger on the inside!!

Major Creation was used to make the any-tool, but that doesn't mean that the any-tool can use Major Creation itself. Despite its aura and CL, it is still a 250gp item, so giving it the full power of a 5th level spell at will seems like a bit much.

It also comes back to the question of just how large a tool the any-tool can make. There is a vague limit on complexity in the form of it not having too many moving parts, but its not clear why that limit exists. Lack of material or a limit to the number of folds/twists/hinges seem like the most logical explanations for such a limit that I can imagine. Both of those limits also seem like they would lead to a size limit, but a size limit itself is not mentioned.

In the end, it is a magic item in a fantasy world and the item description is vague in such regards. I don't really see either interpretation as being notably more valid than the other (outside of my own opinions), so I just hope that maybe people will read both and come to their own informed conclusion on the matter, and then not argue too much if their GM comes to a different conclusion.

Well, it isn't giving it the full power of a 5th level spell; it's giving it the very restricted channeling of the power of a 5th level spell (i.e. 'after some work, make any masterwork tool needed'). I agree with you on the idea that there should be a size limit, otherwise you could wind up with a ladder to the sky or some such foolishness. And I agree wholeheartedly that either description is plausable, because in this case, 'MAGIC!!'

So vary your mileage, because your mileage can vary!

Again I think the hand loom comment in the rules, though very oblique does slightly imply "hand tools only" not industrial building sized tools.

Because as a real life hobbyist weaver (lol), I can tell you that hand looms do not have particularly more moving parts than floor looms as a matter of principle or definition or anything. So them mentioning that detail would only really make sense as a size comment. Pretty thin, clearly, but something.

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