Best feats and archtype for ghost / undead / vampire / demon hunting ranger?


Hi all, I'm going with a 2 handed melee ranger build...The pc is a supernatural monster hunter.. Any suggestions for archetypes and feats?

Can you give more info? What are his current ability scores? What race is he or she? Does your ranger have an archetype (Corpse Hunter or Tanglebriar Demonslayer)? Do you plan to multi-class into something else (perhaps a Paladin if your ranger is LG in alignment)? Any info will help give us an idea of what feats you would need. :D

Race is not set yet... I'm thinking human for an extra feat. Also thinking about taking 4 levels of Druid with the feats shaping focus and shapeshifting hunter... I like the natural flavour and some wildshape, but don't want a melee wildshape fighting Druid. I like the whole natural vs unnatural thug the ranger has. Archtype is not set also...

The ranger archetype Infiltrator might be something for you.

You switch the Favored Terrain for Adaptions, an extraordinary ability to use the physical traits of your Favored Enemies for a limited duration per day.

This archetype is very rich in RP flavour, if you play it right.
You could play the tragic monster hunter who was forced to give up on his humanity since only monsters can kill monsters. Or the hunter so lost in his wrath that he didn't notice himself becoming what he hates.

You can pick up Darkvision and Lunge pretty early, but you can only use one adaption at a time.

Corpse hunter and demonslayer are options, but the infiltrator does sound cool! Which would be better in combat?

You should pick up the Hunter's Blood trait if traits are allowed.

Well for starters, you can combine different archetypes as long as they don't change the same class feature. The infiltrator could be taken with either Corpse Hunter or Demonslayer, since those two archetypes don't modify your Favored Terrain class feature.

As for what to chose between Corpse Hunter and Demonslayer...

Corpse Hunter is a really specialized archetype, even more so than the Demonslayer. You will not get to choose any secondary Favored Enemies if you take the Corpse Hunter, and most features you modify are only usuable against Undead.

The Demonslayer does modify alot, but they can still be used for other targets. For example:

Fiendish Quarry (Su):
At 11th level, when a demonslayer chooses an evil outsider as his quarry, he can the forgo the normal +2 attack bonus and instead treat his weapon as if it were good-aligned versus his quarry. This ability is otherwise identical to quarry and replaces that ability.

You can still use the Quarry class feature against normal targets, the Demonslayer archetype will just give you additional bonuses if you use it on evil outsiders.

I would go for the Demonslayer of the two of them, but if you are facing alot of undead, take the Corpse Hunter.


Seconding CampinCarl, that trait is just awesome for any "Van hellsing" character.

Thanks for the advice. Guess I'll be taking demon slayer archtype.. Infiltrator. Sounds cool! Like the flavour. Also saw the menir savant Druid, wanted to take 4 levels for wildshape and the spirit sense is a nice bonus. Still in doubt about the race... Also still open for suggestions for feats :-)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
CampinCarl9127 wrote:
You should pick up the Hunter's Blood trait if traits are allowed.

Is that a 3rd Party Trait? I feel like I've seen it in an official book, but the source listed is Wayfinder#1.

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