mourge40k |
Hey folks! I recently got the privilege to apply for a campaign with a starting level of 11. It's Rise of the Runelords, and I've decided that (based on the sheer amount of magic-users present in said campaign) that I want to build something that can give casters a real headache. Enter one of my favorite classes ever: The Bloodrager.
Long story short, I'm making an Arcane Bloodrager that capitalizes on the fact that it can make casting spells a chore. I'm looking for some advice on how it's doing on feats, and what I might be able to do better. For the record, she's a Changeling, which I acknowledge is not really an optimal choice. Regardless of this fact, I am keeping her as that race, because I like the flavor.
STR 23 (19 without belt)
DEX 14
CON 12
WIS 12
CHA 14
1: Combat Reflexes
3: Dodge
5: Mobility
7: Combat Patrol
9: Phalanx Formation
11: Mother's Gift (Surprisingly Tough)
4: Eschew Materials (B)
6: Disruptive (B)
9: Power Attack (B)
Fruian Thistlefoot |
Look up Carl Jr. He is EXACTLY what you want.
Half-Orc Primalist Spell-eater Bloodrager
Alternate Racial Traits: Sacred Tattoo and Shaman's Apprentice
20 point buy: Str: 16+2 racial=18, Dex: 13+1=14, Con: 15+1=16, Int: 10, Wis: 12, Cha: 13+1=14
(the +1s are as you level up.)
Trait 1: Fate's Favored- Paired with Sacred Tattoo you get +2 Luck bonus on all 3 saves...this is better than taking 3 feats. Also I am a firm believer in the Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier.
Trait 2: Dangerously Curious (cause UMD is a Nice skill to Have...scrolls are cheap and VERY useful)
Trait 3: Optimistic Gambler (this is NOT PFS legal because it is a campaign trait from second darkness. but if you play in a home game where they don't care about where the trait comes from and allows 3 traits and 1 drawback This is the trait to pick up.) This trait comes from the second darkness campaign and is THE BEST trait for a Bloodrager or Barbarian that is not rage cycling like the build below. Gives 1-4 extra rage rounds after you choose to end your rage every time. Basically its better than taking Extra rage feat 2+ times.
Build By Level:
1 HD: Feats- Endurance(from Shaman's Apprentice Trait) and Die Hard, fast movement, bloodrage, Disruptive Bloodrage (Su)
2 HD: Blood of Life(Su) Notice the SU in that ability. This fast healing IS magical and not a EX ability like a majority of Fast Healing
3 HD: Feat-Fast Healer, Blood sanctuary
(because of Blood of Life (Su) your fast healing IS magical...makes Fast Healer actually work for you to increase your amount of Fast healing by 1+ Half CON modifier)
4 HD: Eschew materials, Blood casting, Arcane Bloodrage (Sp)
5 HD: Feat-Raging Vitality, Spell Eating (Su)
(another source of Magical healing in spell eating and Raging Vitality makes your CON effectively 2 points higher and you don't end rage while unconscious so you can fast heal while down to stabilize and get back up)
6 HD: Bloodline Feat- Power Attack
7 HD: Feat- Arcane Strike, Fast Healing/ Increase
8 HD: Greater Arcane Bloodrage (Sp)
(Doesn't every melee frontliner want Displacement to add layered defense to your AC...amazing ability to have as a free action)
9 HD: Feat- Combat Reflexes , Bloodline Feat- Iron Will
10 HD: Fast Healing/ Increase
11 HD: Feat-Bloodied Arcane Strike, Greater bloodrage (Need to take bloodied Arcane strike to free up your swift actions for Raging Brutality and Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier.)
12 HD: Bloodline Feat- Disruptive, Primal Choices: Superstitious & Witch Hunter
(you're giving up Caster's Scourge (Ex) for 2 rage powers. You should already be a caster's worst nightmare with Disruptive Bloodrage (Su), Disruptive feat, and Supersitious rage power. Now add in more damage (from Witch Hunter) you're just pissing on casters.
13 HD: Feat- Raging Brutality, Fast Healing/ Increase
14 HD: Indomitable will
15 HD: Feat- Big Game Hunter ,Bloodline Feat- Spellbreaker (mosre caster hate)
16 HD: Fast Healing/ Increase, Trade out True Arcane Bloodrage (Sp) for Eater of Magic and Come and Get me
17 HD: Tireless Bloodrage (Su), Feat- Toughness or (what ever seems good to you)
RP is up to the player honestly and not really what is written on the sheet. I tend to play my guy a bit like Natsu from Fairy tail and mixed him with President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho form the movie Idiocracy. I also steal a lot of Quotes from the movie. like: "F#&+ you I'm Eating" and "I like Money"
Validorn |
I've got a similar build on my 'spell breaker behemoth'. He's arcane/abyssal to get auto-enlarge during bloodrage for reach and action economy. I figured that was a decent replacement for blur at 4th level.
1: Phalanx Formation
3: Combat Reflexes
5: Power Attack
6: Disruptive (B)
7: Lunge/Shapeshifter Foil/Undecided.... (not 100% if spells could qualify bloodrager for foil)
9: Iron Will (B) due to will penalties of cross-blooded, I also RP him as wearing a 'tin foil hat' because he's worried about his mind being taken over by evil spellcasters.
11: Spellbreaker (retrain to teleport tactician @12)
12: Spellbreaker (B)