Where are the other cockroach ?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Where are Giant hissing cockroach, Venomroach, Spitting cockroach, Sawback cockroach, Dragonroach ?

"A number of species of giant cockroach exist, as summarized on the table above. Most of these variants have additional abilities, such as poison stings."


Giant Cockroach
It gives you the size, and the HD. Just use the advancement rules in the Bestiary.

What book is this from?

4 people marked this as a favorite.

They seem to be under my stove, in abundance.

Bestiary 1

Hissing cockroach and venomroach can be found here (scroll down to Variants). Not sure about the others. Maybe they're out of an early AP bestiary and thus 3.5?

But what about

"Most of these variants have additional abilities, such as poison stings." ?

They don't exist outside that table. Mentioning things like the poison stings is just so you don't make them all the same.

Venomroach actually already has stats, so the others posting here have been misinformed!

Giant Hissing Cockroach: Roughly the size of a wolf that something stepped on, this cockroach variety is native to a distant jungle archipelago. Although it is not native anywhere else, the hissing cockroaches have proven tremendously adaptable and like to burrow under older wooden structures.

Hissing cockroaches lack a fly speed, as they are wingless, but increase their Climb speed to 50 feet and gain a +4 innate bonus on Climb checks. They do not need handholds to climb and can scale even smooth surfaces like glass with ease. The hissing cockroach uses its hisses to manage basic communication—while they have no major effect (aside from startling predators), they are mimicable: A subject who has spent time with the cockroaches and learned to mimic the hisses can use Handle Animal or Wild Empathy on the cockroaches at a -10 penalty. A hissing cockroach cannot learn more than two tricks at once, and any training fades after 1d3 months.

Spitting Cockroach: These deadly monstrosities come from certain parts of Numeria, and are regarded by the inhabitants of that land with great fear. Evolved from some terrific disaster, the spitting cockroach is the size of a small elephant and a whole lot meaner.

Aside from its size, the spitting cockroach can vomit up a stream of acid in a 15-foot cone. All within the area must make Reflex saves or take 6d6 acid damage. If they succeed at their saves, they take half damage. It can use this attack once per hour. The spitting cockroach is not immune to all acid, but is immune to that of other spitting cockroaches.

Sawback Cockroach: I don't know what to do with this.

Dragonroach: Only whispers (and also screams) tell of the fearsome dragonroach. Only one is known to exist, the inhabitant of a long-lost grotto beneath a strange and ancient ruin in the heart of the Mana Wastes. It may be centuries old—perhaps even millennia—and could easily be as old as the Mana Wastes themselves.

The dragonroach's tough shell is hardened against magical assault, like that of the flail snail's, and spells targeting it have a 50% chance of suffer the same effect (instead of 80%). The dragonroach's bite deals 1d6 points of acid damage.

Once per day the dragonroach can release a tremendous gout of acidic bile. A 20-foot cone before the dragonroach is filled with green slime, affecting those squares as specified under Green Slime's entry. Anyone in the area when the breath weapon is activated can make a Reflex save to negate the effect—success indicates that they move outside the cone's radius by the quickest possible safe route on their turn. Otherwise, they are affected as though they had moved within the area.

The dragonroach is immune to acid and green slime. The green slime dries up after 1 day, but the dragonroach likes to keep its lair nice and goopy for its own comfort. Some say the dragonroach's eggs need the stuff to incubate, but surely life could not find a way?

Kobold Cleaver wrote:

Venomroach actually already has stats, so the others posting here have been misinformed!

Actually that appears to be homebrew based on the table we are referring to, since the page lists it coming from Bestiary 2, but the only venomroach in bestiary 2 is simply a name CR 3, large size and 3 HD in that table. I am really starting to not trust d20pfsrd, doesn't even tell you when the thing is third-party.

Edit: Here are all the cockroaches in PF.


Flesh Eating


Really? Weird. Someone should let the PFSRD guys know that.

Looks like the first link you gave also gives info for the "Mwangi Hissing Cockroach". And the venomroach, so it's not homebrew!

The venomroach at d20pfsrd is very loosely from Bestiary 2. It's one person's interpretation of a the CR 1/2 giant cockroach as a CR3. And the site has become pretty relentless in pushing third party and Amazon.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Looks like the first link you gave also gives info for the "Mwangi Hissing Cockroach". And the venomroach, so it's not homebrew!

The Keleshite Venomroach has completely different stats the the d20pfsrd one. Wrong size and everything. Also, it's from (the 3.5e) Pathfinder #13, not Bestiary 2. The d20pfsrd entry is based on the snippet of information from the giant cockroach table.

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