Silverhex Chronicles Request


Silver Crusade

Hello, I don't know if this is allowed, but I would like to request that a GM to run Silverhex Chronicles. My regular gaming group has already played through it, so none of them are willing to run through it again, so I am missing out on three of the quests. I am willing to play through all of them again, I would just like to finally get through all of them so I can move on with my character :-P

If requests are not something that's allowed, I apologize and will delete the thread posthaste.

Allowed: Yes.
Seen GM requests attempted: Yes.

Have I ever seen it successfully happen: No.

Good luck. I'm running two already, or I might consider.

Silver Crusade

Well, I figured it was worth a shot. Thank you :-)

Lantern Lodge

Are you in a particular hurry?

I wouldn't mind running it after the semester finishes.

Dark Archive

I have, in fact, seen a number of games manage to muster a GM, it just takes patience and a little bit of work. Just keep looking, don't give up too soon.

Silver Crusade

I am not in any particular hurry, no. I have been doing more GMing than playing as of late, and most of my play has been high level (getting my bloodrager through the Lissalla arc for retirement, getting my gunslinger through Bonekeep 3), so this character is on the back burner at the moment. It's just that leaving that first chronicle unfinished has been eating at the back of my mind is all :-P When does the semester end?

Lantern Lodge

December 18.

Silver Crusade

Oh, that's not that far off at all. If you are willing, I would love you forever for running it :-)

Lantern Lodge

Phylotus wrote:
Oh, that's not that far off at all. If you are willing, I would love you forever for running it :-)

CORE or Standard?

Silver Crusade

My character is standard, so that would be my request

Sovereign Court

I'm interested in this. I like the idea of the silverhex quests but haven't experienced any of it yet. If you're looking for someone to play all of them then I'll gladly join in :)

Lantern Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Sounds good.

Depending on what this weekend looks like, I will probably put up a formal recruitment thread. Until then, feel free (if anyone is interested/lurking) to mention it here.

It'll be one "table," Standard mode. Might even allow for dropping in/out if people deem it necessary, but we can cross that bridge when we get there.


My last final is on the 17th. I'd love a spot as well. Even though I've GMed The Silverhex Chronicles multiple times I've never actually played through the entire series.

Lantern Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

And then there were three.

I'd join this! :)

Sovereign Court

I'd be interested in this, as well.

Silver Crusade

I am interested as well. And we have access to many pregens so it can be rather interesting!

Lantern Lodge

Six is a good number. A perfect number, even.

Check back here in a week or so. Consider which pregen/pregens you'd like to play (talk amongst yourselves), and we'll get started (likely) on the 19th. Give or take a day.


I'm thinking of turning my Grippli Boon into a Spiritualist (I have this image of an ectoplasmic swarm of Grippli tadpoles that never survived long enough to leave the water), so my request would be to try out the new Spiritualist Pregen.

Silver Crusade

Going to apply this to a standard character though. So anything works for for me.

Sovereign Court

I'll take some time looking through the level 1 pregens and see if anything jumps out at me shouting "PLAY ME!"

Sovereign Court

I am looking at the pregens, as well. I want to try out a class I haven't played before.

Silver Crusade

If no one is opposed, I would like to play the Kineticist pregen. Fire burn

Sovereign Court

I am thinking of one of the pregens from the Advanced Class Guide, probably the skald, investigator or war priest.

I've been meaning to try the occultist...

Sovereign Court

I'm thinking of keeping it simple and sticking with a core pregen for this.

That way i can fill whatever role we still need:
Kyra the Cleric if we need healing
Amiri the Barbarian for hitting hard,etc

Silver Crusade

PatheticWretch wrote:
I've been meaning to try the occultist...

As one who is playing an occultist for my 13th PFS character, I can say it has been a really fun class. I haven't looked deeply at the pregen, but they're a class that can hold its own early while having some interesting toys to play with, and I can only recommend it.

Great, thanks! I'm excited to try it then!

Lantern Lodge

An update:

It might be Saturday the 19th instead of Friday the 18th, but we're still on as far as my end goes.

Yay for having to input 640 grades one at a time.

Sovereign Court

Whatever day works for you, Jayson. We just appreciate you running it.

As of right now, if I get in, I am planning running Oloch the Warpriest.

Sovereign Court

You get yourself fully sorted out first Jayson MF Kip and i'm sure we'll be ready to go when you are.

So i think we have:

Siriak - Warpriest
PatheticWretch - Occultist
Phylotus - Kineticist
Nefreet - Spiritualist
Spencer Ramirez - ?
Luthor Volandis(me!) - fill in a gap.

Any suggestions for which pregen i should play? I don't mind which and i'm happy to play whatever the group needs :)


Saturday works better for me. I'm helping a friend move in the morning and then have no plans that evening.

Friday is Star Wars =)

Saturday is better for me, too. Friday night is homegame night@!

Also, I wanted to test out my new Oloch alias :)

Lantern Lodge

Alright. This may be slow going, as it's my first run-through on PbP. Apologies in advance.

Also: A Link!

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