Interest Check: Deep Space PbP


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Hi all,

Lately I have been having a hankering for some good ol' deep space RP. What do I mean by Deep Space? Well, as an obvious reference, think Star Wars and/or Star Trek. Spaceships. Aliens. Lasers. Technology. That sort of thing.

Setting: Would be one of my own design, but based on our own world, but WAAAAAY in the future. Space travel is commonplace. We have claimed and terra-formed other worlds. We have encountered other intelligent life, and dealing with them is somewhat commonplace.

Rules Set: I would be using the rules for Rogue Trader to handle gameplay. Anyone who would be interested in playing would have to have access to those rules.

There would be some key differences from the books, however:

1) NOT in the Warhammer setting. It is one I am not 100% familiar with, and as such, would not want to get into lore debates with anyone about something I post. Therefore, just ditching that entirely.

2) Certain "classes" in that rules set plays off of mutations and such. Those features of them will continue to exist, but will have different lore associated with them, determined by both myself and the player of any of those classes.

3) Technology is not revered as some sort of religion as it is Rogue Trader. You DO know how a ship properly works, and are not so much blindly doing things and hoping the "machine spirit" of the ship likes what buttons you are pushing and does what you want.

4) I WILL allow multiple people to have their own ship, though only one person can be the "Rogue Trader" (that is the class term in the book, but in this game would be referred to as "Captain" or "Admiral" if the group has a fleet).

5) The game will likely lean more heavily on Role-Play than Roll-Play. If this is not your style, perhaps this is not the game for you. Will there be combat? Of course. Will there be dice rolling? Definitely. Will there be ship-based combat? What kind of space game would it be without it?

6) The BANE of most PBP's: this game will be a Sandbox (Yes. I said that.) I DO NOT HAVE A PREDETERMINED CAMPAIGN/SERIES OF ENCOUNTERS PLANNED FOR YOU! No railroads here. If the game stalls, I may throw something at you to force you along, sure. But the game is going to be what you make of it.

With all of the above being said: I am NOT looking for character submissions here, or even concepts. Just looking to see how many people would even be interested in playing. If you have any questions/comments/concerns, feel free to ask them here.

As for me as a DM:
I currently have a long-standing Rise of the Runelords game running here on the forums, started with Book 1, and are about to start Book 3. That game started back on January 23rd, 2014. I have, however, attempted to run another campaign on these forums, a dual-group, same timeline Kingmaker game. It did fall apart, mainly due to myself being overwhelmed with games at the time, as well as the loss of my desktop computer with all of my notes and game materials. The players were all superb, but my own lack of ability to post forced me to close them down.

Currently, I am down to 1 game as a player, 1 game as a DM, and my only other distractions are my family and work, which I am a night-shift RN at a hospital. There will be stretches where my posting slows, but I rarely go absent without giving some sort of notice. I have a replacement desktop (a loaner) that I am using until I can get my primary desktop repaired (a longterm project thanks to my wife having "better" things to spend our money on, heh.)

I might be interested, life is being a pain at the moment, and I don't have the rogue trader rules (although I've been meaning to pick them up). So I would be interested, but depending on when the recruitment is done, how long it's open, etc, I may or may not be able to join. I'm down to about 3 regular games I play in, and 4 I DM. I have 1 or 2 other games I play in that post 4-5 times a month, so I don't really count those as 'active'.

Looking at my work schedule, I would be assuming recruitment to be open for quite a while, so as to allow me ample time to answer questions and comment on things when I had stretches off.

So, you likely would have time to acquire said book.

We've crossed paths several times before, I believe, in one capacity or another via recruitments, though I don't recall having had the pleasure to game with you. Perhaps that streak would change?

(Glad to see Ravboom see the light of life in a campaign. I don't have the list with me, but I do seem to recall having him listed as an alternate for my RotR game back in the day. Heh.)

Yep, don't think we've been in a game before. Ravboom is fun, although he's more fun as the only semi-sane goblin in a normal game rather than the only semi-sane goblin in an insane goblin game (which is where he is currently). :)

Potential dot. Depends on the system.

I'll also dot for interest.

I haven't played Rogue Trader before, so as long as you're on board with someone who is new to the system, I'm definitely interested.

I've played other WH40k stuff by FFG and I assume Rouge Trader has similar mechanics to the rest of them so I'll definitely throw my hat in for interest.



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Sach wrote:
I've played other WH40k stuff by FFG and I assume Rouge Trader has similar mechanics to the rest of them so I'll definitely throw my hat in for interest.

Ugh, if it's like 2nd Ed WH40K, I will pass.

I hate that system (stuck in a game right now), and any system where you are an expert in combat and auto-miss 40% of the time (80% to start), before they dodge or block, is a major pain.


mdt wrote:
Sach wrote:
I've played other WH40k stuff by FFG and I assume Rouge Trader has similar mechanics to the rest of them so I'll definitely throw my hat in for interest.

Ugh, if it's like 2nd Ed WH40K, I will pass.

I hate that system (stuck in a game right now), and any system where you are an expert in combat and auto-miss 40% of the time (80% to start), before they dodge or block, is a major pain.

Not certain what edition rules set Rogue Trader uses off the top of my head, and am in the middle of a work stretch so no real time to look it up, but the games of it ive experienced never seemed to have too many issues with combat.

Dark Archive

As someone who has played rogue trader (really enjoyed it but it was a FtF group that split after only a few months ) and also just recently lost a PbP space based game due to a vanishing GM, this sounds very appealing to me.

So consider this a strong dot of interest.

Dark Archive

Well this IS interesting!

Ya, I'm so behind this. I think I even have the PDF of the rules, so that's a plus.
(I'm sure many people will want their own ship, so I'm thinking of a 'guy that does other things on the ship' sort of thing. =)

I'm in, sounds great.

Only played in a single Rogue Trader game a few years ago, but liked the system. Guess the question is how advanced would we be? Seemed like when I played that even as a "veteran agent" I was only about to do a lot of things 30-40% of the time. Also, what will the tone be? Warhammer 40k is pretty dark (or was in older editions, now its getting kind of cheesy), star wars is space opera, star trek is more pulp adventure, firefly is space western.. what are you thinking?

Tara Ravenheart wrote:
Only played in a single Rogue Trader game a few years ago, but liked the system. Guess the question is how advanced would we be? Seemed like when I played that even as a "veteran agent" I was only about to do a lot of things 30-40% of the time. Also, what will the tone be? Warhammer 40k is pretty dark (or was in older editions, now its getting kind of cheesy), star wars is space opera, star trek is more pulp adventure, firefly is space western.. what are you thinking?

Good questions!

I have nothing against dark tones, or any tone for that matter (except for slapstick goofy RP. Perfectly fine for a movie, but I HATE when people don't take the game seriously). So, as I will be developing this setting essentially at whim, I can make the tone whatever the group prefers.

I will review the rules again in detail, but my experiences of the game always made us feel more like the superheroes of the game...dunno what the discrepancy between what I experienced and concerns expressed here are...

Depends a lot on the power level that you set the game at; all the 40K games use the same system, but characters are at different power levels in each.

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