Labyrinth Souls needs two players


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Also space has been tight so far and myself and one other are usually on the frontline; hopefully you won't have any trouble maneuvering your tiger where it needs to go.

He's medium for the moment, and I can give him the Narrow Frame feat later if it becomes a problem.

...he's medium, why do I need a saddle. Tsk, too used to horses.

On another note: interested in joining the covenant [order of the sheep]? It'll make your inevitable yet horrific death slightly less painful and you'd be doing me a favor.

Does it contain actual sheep for my tiger to eat?

EDIT: Swapped heavy mace for a light mace. Added a point in Craft: Barding; do you reckon that would allow me to pick the studs out of studded leather armor and give it to my cat?

Johnnycat93 wrote:
Should be, GM will probably post in a few hours. In the meantime...

You sure have got my posting frequency memorized. Good work with the feedback, buddy.

Araden the Wanderer wrote:
GM MG wrote:
Looking good, except you seem to be one gift short? Mediums were among the ones who get Relic of War for free.
I'll be honest, I totally missed that somehow. I think thematically I'd love to have something akin to the Pendant, but I was thinking something more along the lines of a letter in his pocket, clearly from a loved one wondering when he'll be returning home, but he doesn't recognize the name. So that becomes the driving factor in his desire to get out of the Labyrinth. If you'd prefer it stick with a pendant, though, that's cool. I like the flavor either way.

It's fine to reflavor the pendant as a letter, as long as it retains the mechanical effects of the pendant (which are, apparently, none).

Kayla - Black scorpion wrote:
Is this still recruiting? haven't heard form anyone in a while


Lin Zi wrote:
Same. Wouldn't mind some feedback on my application.

Aside from everything that Johnnycat has already said (all of which sounds good), here's some feedback in no particular order:

-The submission you posted is in "fill in the blanks" format. While such a format is certainly simple to post, it's not really invitating from GM's perspective. It's like showing up to a job interview, handing out your business card and CV and then leaving without even a handshake or nice-to-meet-yous.
-That character sheet format is not what I would consider a good character sheet. I recommend using the basic format that Paizo (and Herolab) uses, which is easy to read.
-Flavor-wise, a lunar oracle with a pet tiger might not be the best fit for this kind of campaign. Maybe.
-I do not mind alias recycling.

Lin Zi wrote:
-Did the equipment then realized the custom equipment list; hoped to talk with the GM about things, since surely a saddle is something I could have.

(Like Johnnycat pointed out, you can't ride the tiger, so no saddles. Right?)

Johnnycat93 wrote:
Lin Zi wrote:

-Did the equipment then realized the custom equipment list; hoped to talk with the GM about things, since surely a saddle is something I could have.

You'd be surprised; we didn't even start with clothes.

Hey, someone put their heart and soul into making those rags you wore! You could show appreciation, the least you can do is call them clothes!

Lin Zi wrote:

Does it contain actual sheep for my tiger to eat?

EDIT: Swapped heavy mace for a light mace. Added a point in Craft: Barding; do you reckon that would allow me to pick the studs out of studded leather armor and give it to my cat?


To answer the second question, I don't see anything wrong with downgrading a piece of armor if you have the skills for it.

cool on the still open part.

Any feedback for Kayla? I want to be sure I have all the necessary information.

and to be sure I comply with the required rules. I was really frustrated at first but soon enough figured things out and learned what the feel the game was really going for.

and now that I got that figured out I am good.

-Yeah my application format works better when I have a long and detailed backstory to add substance. Nice mix of the CV to help distinguish myself from other applicants whose resumes may not be so concise/simply formatted, and the backstory for the more detailed interview. Just that for this charater, at this low level, I felt I could get more from being concise.
-I'll definitely convert it to a normal text sheet if accepted. It's just my own format which I like for making characters. Plus it fits on a single page.
-I thought it could work since Dark Souls is full of exotic characters from far-off lands with odd aspects; Shiva of the East, onion-knight, etc.
-Yep, removed the saddle, far too used to horses.

If you're intruiged by my concept and have parts you'd like me to flesh out i'd be happy to hear them, otherwise I'd like to keep it as it is. Again, I believe it fits the character better to be as concise as possible.

Suppose it'd also be good to ask for any and all feedback on Araden here. I think I'm setup fine stat- and format-wise, but anything you catch that seems off or unfitting, let me know!

Kayla - Black scorpion wrote:
Any feedback for Kayla?

Everything looks fine. The only thing I'd say is that Weapon Focus (Wakizashi) may not pay out for quite a while. We haven't really seen any eastern gear so far. It may be better to replace it until a wakizashi actually becomes available.

Araden the Wanderer wrote:
Suppose it'd also be good to ask for any and all feedback on Araden here.

The only comment I'd make is that Umbral Unmasking isn't really a drawback, at least in the spirit of the word. You're not actually getting any benefit from it in this case so it's a minor nitpick at best.

Johnnycat93 wrote:
Araden the Wanderer wrote:
Suppose it'd also be good to ask for any and all feedback on Araden here.
The only comment I'd make is that Umbral Unmasking isn't really a drawback, at least in the spirit of the word. You're not actually getting any benefit from it in this case so it's a minor nitpick at best.

Yeah, I mostly took it because it seemed like an interesting touch, and GM MG said the drawbacks would really only be for flavor, since we aren't getting a trait from them. Just a weird thing other people may notice about the character.

Johnnycat93 wrote:
Kayla - Black scorpion wrote:
Any feedback for Kayla?
Everything looks fine. The only thing I'd say is that Weapon Focus (Wakizashi) may not pay out for quite a while. We haven't really seen any eastern gear so far. It may be better to replace it until a wakizashi actually becomes available.

I took that because it was based on character backstory. it is the weapon she would have been using before ending up in the labyrinth.

also I need that feat to get Slashing grace so I can add my dex mod in place of strength for damage. I will most likely get weapon focus short sword.

I wasn't sure on feat re-training so that was why I went the way I did, if that makes any sense.

BTW cant use slashing grace with a short sword because it isn't a slashing weapon.

Retraining isn't a problem. Everyone receives one free rebuild of their character that functions exactly like DS where you get to rebuild from the ground up instantaneously.

If I were in your shoes (which I kind of am, 'cept I'm a magus so it's a whole lot easier) I'd hold out for an agile weapon. Mostly because Slashing Grace and Fencing Grace are so damned bad.

Either way, something like Piranha Strike would probably have better payouts right now.

Alternatively - you may be able take something like Signature Moves in conjunction with Relic of War and try and convince the GM to let you take a Wakizashi.

I am not going to try and convince the GM of anything more than I already got. he was nice enough to help me with the poisons, which I really am grateful for.

I will have to look at the other stuff you recommended, of course I still have wait and see if selected anyway.

ok looked at Piranha Strike, first is the pre-requisite, (BAB +1) my only feat is from level 1 when my BAB was +0.

Signature Moves: requires GM approval, and may put me at a slight advantage over you guys. War Relic cannot be an exotic weapon (which is why I went with short sword).

Take weapon finesse as your 1st level feat, take ninja combat trick at 2nd level for Piranha Strike.

As I said, Signature Moves would be kind of a crapshoot with the GM. The extra value of the item may be enough to convince him to let you have an exotic weapon.

Well, I like that idea for the piranha strike feat, never thought of that route.

I will hold off on signature moves for now pending GM decisions

for flavor I would call the feat Scorpion's Sting, to flavor with her nick-name "the black scorpion"

Loup Blanc wrote:
Johnnycat93 wrote:
Araden the Wanderer wrote:
Suppose it'd also be good to ask for any and all feedback on Araden here.
The only comment I'd make is that Umbral Unmasking isn't really a drawback, at least in the spirit of the word. You're not actually getting any benefit from it in this case so it's a minor nitpick at best.
Yeah, I mostly took it because it seemed like an interesting touch, and GM MG said the drawbacks would really only be for flavor, since we aren't getting a trait from them. Just a weird thing other people may notice about the character.

Hm-hm. The idea that taking a drawback (which in this game may not even be an actual drawback) would earn an additional trait is silly, but for flavor and RP purposes they are pretty fun.

Johnnycat93 wrote:
We haven't really seen any eastern gear so far. It may be better to replace it until a wakizashi actually becomes available.

What about those two katanas you found in the boss lair? Which you sold.

Re:Signature Moves: Unsurprisingly, the answer is no. But hey, sooner or later a Wakizashi/(insert exotic weapon here) may pop up.

I expected that with signature moves... kind of goes against the grain of the game a little.

I'll make a final decision if selected, if I swap out weapon focus for piranha strike

been looking a bit at the gameplay thread. is the pool of accumulated souls up to date? I haven't seen it updated in a while.

just curious really.

also as I read through and learn more, I am really enjoying the concept.

I think 151 is an accurate number.

Tannan Valdri

Tannan was sitting in jail, his head hurt from the beating at the hands of the law. He was convicted of theft, and also was being charged with murder. Not just any murder. but the murder of a wealthy merchant, whom had connections.

Tannan, received another brutal beating, but was just knocked unconscious, so he could serve his punishment proper. When he awoke, he was in a strange place. It was cold, dark, damp...but wasn't the dungeon. He now wanders this strange new place in hopes of finding his freedom.

He is a Knife Master Rogue, he spent his total 50 souls. He is built to be annoying, but not super deadly unless he get flanking :)

Kayla - Black scorpion wrote:
been looking a bit at the gameplay thread. is the pool of accumulated souls up to date? I haven't seen it updated in a while.
Johnnycat93 wrote:
I think 151 is an accurate number.


Gilthanis wrote:

Tannan Valdri

Tannan was sitting in jail, his head hurt from the beating at the hands of the law. He was convicted of theft, and also was being charged with murder. Not just any murder. but the murder of a wealthy merchant, whom had connections.

Tannan, received another brutal beating, but was just knocked unconscious, so he could serve his punishment proper. When he awoke, he was in a strange place. It was cold, dark, damp...but wasn't the dungeon. He now wanders this strange new place in hopes of finding his freedom.

He is a Knife Master Rogue, he spent his total 50 souls. He is built to be annoying, but not super deadly unless he get flanking :)

  • Ooh, a CE.
  • I'd want to see skills written in a more simple way (eg. no need to write down +1+1+3=+5 when just +5 is enough), but that's a minor nitpick.
  • You're one gift short (Master Key was a freebie).
  • What are your FCB?
  • So your feats are Point-Blank shot from 1st level, Precise Shot from human, what's your 2nd-level rogue talent?

Now we're waiting for TheWorg and johnnythexxxiv.

Recruitment closes on 26th. Selections announced on 27th.

What is FCB?

My other gift were the alchemist fires, sorry if I didn't make it clear. Will fix the skill points soon.

I am torn for Rogue talents lol. I am tossing around a few, wpn focus dagger via combat stealth, combat truck far shot so I can throw daggers farther.

Hm. I'd be cutting it a little close, but... have room for another application?

My FCB was to hp.

Mahorfeus wrote:
Hm. I'd be cutting it a little close, but... have room for another application?

Yep. You'd have to act fast, however.

Gilthanis wrote:

My FCB was to hp.

My other gift were the alchemist fires, sorry if I didn't make it clear. Will fix the skill points soon.

I am torn for Rogue talents lol. I am tossing around a few, wpn focus dagger via combat stealth, combat truck far shot so I can throw daggers farther.

Hm, your hit points should be 8 + 5 (level-up) + 2 (CON) + 2 (FCB) = 17.

Oh yes, I was only looking at the Equipment Details -section and missed the alchemist's fires in your Combat Gear. Remember to keep both updated.

Ended up taking Dodge as feat and Precise Shot as rogue talent, huh. AC has certainly proven to be a valuable asset.

3d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 6) = 13
3d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 1) = 6
3d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 1) = 6
3d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 1) = 5
3d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 6) = 13
3d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 3) = 15

Truly a Waste of Skin.

good luck all

Let's see if I can toss my hat into the ring in time for the cut-off!
First, let's see if I'm using point-buy or not.

Dice Rolling:

3d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 4) = 6
3d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 4) = 10
3d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 5) = 14
3d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 3) = 9
3d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 4) = 10
3d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 5) = 12

Eeeew . . . pretty sure that's a ZERO point-buy equivalent. Guess I'll be taking that 15-point buy, thank you very much!

Too late? I'll spoiler this just in case.

I had an idea of the kind of character I wanted to play, but wasn't quite sure how execute it. I'm sure the overall concept will sound familiar. :P


Seeker Sozen

A talented swordsman that hails from the lands to the East. As a young man he trained under a famed master, and was a promising student. But when he learned of the fabled sword of legend, said to be capable of cutting through anything, he abandoned his master. He traveled far and wide in search of the magical blade, and met others that were chasing the legend. They traveled together for a time, but as they drew close, Sozen grew suspicious of them. Days later he killed them all in their sleep, and continued the search on his own.

The madness had taken him completely. More lives were lost as he continued his fruitless search, many of them innocents that knew nothing of the sword. Sozen settled down in the woods to sleep one night, dreaming again of the blade, and of how unstoppable it would make him. When he woke however, there were no longer trees around him. The sword he had stolen from his master was gone, as was the rest of his armor and equipment. Strangely, though he could recall dreaming of something he had coveted, he could not longer remember what it was.

Perhaps if he can escape this vile labyrinth, he can remember what it was that he was searching for. For the time being, he will have to settle for the wretched straight sword he found.

Male human samurai (sword saint) 2
CE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +1

AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 23 (2d10+7)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will -1

Speed 20 ft.
Melee longsword +5 (1d8+4/19-20)
Ranged silver dagger +4 (1d4+2/19-20)
Special Attacks challenge (+2, +2, 1/day), iaijutsu strike +1d6, resolve 1/day

Str 17, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 12
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Power Attack, Toughness
Skills Bluff +6, Intimidate +6, Perception +1, Sense Motive +4, Swim +8
Languages Common
SQ ronin
Traits Killer, Nonchalant Thuggery, Power Hungry
Combat Gear lesser estus flask; Other Gear breastplate, relic of war (longsword), silver dagger, antitoxin, invader orb, soul of a forgotten gambler

Namen Los wrote:

Let's see if I can toss my hat into the ring in time for the cut-off!

First, let's see if I'm using point-buy or not.

** spoiler omitted **

Eeeew . . . pretty sure that's a ZERO point-buy equivalent. Guess I'll be taking that 15-point buy, thank you very much!

Quite a lot of errors here. Some of the things I've noticed:

  • Hp is calculated incorrectly.
  • Special attacks: hatred, sneak attack?
  • Ninja trick bonus?
  • Ki pool?
  • ...
At this point I have to point out how similar your sheet is to Kayla's. Next time do not copy someone else's sheet, because doing so is begging for mistakes.

Mahorfeus wrote:

Too late? I'll spoiler this just in case.

I had an idea of the kind of character I wanted to play, but wasn't quite sure how execute it. I'm sure the overall concept will sound familiar. :P

** spoiler omitted **...

Ooh, another CE. Seeker Sozen? More like deceased Sozen. Everything seems to be in order.

Recruitment is now closed. I'll go applicants over, mull over, and announce the two tomorrow.

GM MG wrote:
Namen Los wrote:

Let's see if I can toss my hat into the ring in time for the cut-off!

First, let's see if I'm using point-buy or not.

** spoiler omitted **

Eeeew . . . pretty sure that's a ZERO point-buy equivalent. Guess I'll be taking that 15-point buy, thank you very much!

Quite a lot of errors here. Some of the things I've noticed:

  • Hp is calculated incorrectly.
  • Special attacks: hatred, sneak attack?
  • Ninja trick bonus?
  • Ki pool?
  • ...
At this point I have to point out how similar your sheet is to Kayla's. Next time do not copy someone else's sheet, because doing so is begging for mistakes.

saw this and had to take a look.

yes a complete copy paste.

But to be fair, I am pretty sure it was simply a copy to get the format and will update with the actual stats.

Kayla, nothing personal but.

Tannan sneaks up behind you and stabs you in the spleen. Don't think of it as killing you, think of it as me "improving my odds of being selected". XD

1d4 + 1 + 1d8 ⇒ (4) + 1 + (8) = 13

Gilthanis wrote:

Kayla, nothing personal but.

Tannan sneaks up behind you and stabs you in the spleen. Don't think of it as killing you, think of it as me "improving my odds of being selected". XD


you have to find me first

you cannot see me: 1d20 + 11 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 11 + 4 = 22

per: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Glad there's no overlap with my character concept...

Hey Gilthanis, I thought your name sounded familiar.

You played Vincent, remember me? Sister Azmaria

you should be more careful, when you select you prey, they just may turn the tables on you.

sneak attack from the shadows: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + (5) = 9

oh did I mention the poison? that's a DC 15 fort save every round for 10 rounds to avoid an additional 1d6 damage for each failed save.

Hey sis, I hope the game your in is still going strong :)

Tannan takes a stiff shot to the ribs. He feels the poison, enter his veins and saps his inner strength. He slinks back into the shadows, hoping to be able to make another move at a later time. Even though he tries to hide behind a corner, his body is still too weak and slumps to the ground in a heap of blood and anguish.

fort: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 141d6 ⇒ 4

move behind cover and hide: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
fort: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 111d6 ⇒ 5

I didn't think I would go like this...Huh, at least I went on my own terms and not the terms of the damned noble b#~!#es at home

Damn, I knew I should have made a ninja lol

at least you were taken out by a cute ninja

BTW, that game went on hiatus and never came back.

I actually hope that we can both get selected. if we are then I have an idea to share.

but I will wait to see what the selection choices will be before discussing it with you.

How did you get the poison, it wasn't on the master list? Or did I miss something?

Gil... see PM

Mulling complete. I won't keep you all holding your breaths, so without further ado:

Welcome to the Labyrinth, Loup Blanc (Araden the Wanderer) and Gilthanis (Tannan Valdri)!

Because there were only a handful of applicants I felt suitable to go each over in a bit more detail. But as I wrote my thoughts for each applicants' submissions I realized some may not want to have such personal feedback visible to public. So if anyone wants feedback on their submission, PM me.

The decision is final, however.

Araden and Tannan, come prepare to die here and come say hi here.

Congrats to those that made it in, and best of luck. Try not to die too much. ;P

I'll be keeping an eye in this one.

Awesome! Thanks for the chance to play, I'll check in over in the game proper shortly!

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