Pathfinder Player Companion: Weapon Master's Handbook (PFRPG) - Free PDF?

Customer Service

Hey there Pazio people.

I just bought Pathfinder Player Companion: Weapon Master's Handbook (PFRPG), and I was wondering if I would get a PDF of it right away? I bought it here on the site mainly for the reason of getting a early PDF along with the book possiably faster then I would in Denmark.

Need som infomation within it dearly too, for a roleplay soon too :)

You only get a free PDF with a subscription to a product line, not by buying a single copy from

Pathfinder Player Companion Ongoing Subscription wrote:
After we ship your subscriber copy, you'lll be able to download a PDF of that volume—a $8.99 value—for FREE! (Note that you only get free PDFs for releases shipped as part of your subscription; you do not get free PDFs when purchasing older volumes that are not sent as subscriber copies.)

In addition, even with a subscription, you won't get the free PDF until your package ships. If you want instant access, you have to buy the PDF instead of (or in addition to) the physical copy.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

If you do want to get a refund, the Paizo customer support team is usually really accommodating and you can email them to see if they'll let you refund the physical copy of the book and buy the PDF instead.

What the... Better cancel then or get subscription or simply buy the PDF. Access says the 18. November on the PDF, I wonder if you get it quicker as a subscriber - -REALLY- need it badly for a roleplay soon :)

Subscription copies are currently shipping and are scheduled to finish today. If you subscribe today, it's just barely possible that your order might ship today as well, but I think next Monday or Tuesday might be more likely. It would probably beat the 18th, however, which is the earliest date you can buy the PDF.

Greenfeuer wrote:

Hey there Pazio people.

I just bought Pathfinder Player Companion: Weapon Master's Handbook (PFRPG), and I was wondering if I would get a PDF of it right away? I bought it here on the site mainly for the reason of getting a early PDF along with the book possiably faster then I would in Denmark.

Need som infomation within it dearly too, for a roleplay soon too :)

You only get the free PDF if you are a subscriber to that particular line of books. To get free PDFs of the Player Companion line, you need to be subscribed to the Player Companion line of books. You do not get free PDFs simply for buying the physical copies from Paizo.

The fastest way to get a PDF, without subscribing, is to buy it once it's available. Buying a physical book doesn't come with a PDF.

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