Ultimate Campaign Third Party Books?

Advice and Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

What I'm looking for is a product that's added a lot of pre-made army stat blocks for stuff NOT covered in Paizo's Ultimate Campaign.

I have Ultimate War by Legendary Games, and while it's very good, doesn't have any new pre-made armies. I know I could make them but the work involved versus the simple game I want to run doesn't add up.

So, I'm looking for pre-made armies of things like demons, devils, dragons, giants, etc. Does anyone know of such a resource?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Jon Brazer Enterprises; Book of the River Nations has some samples.

10 human armies (1 flying), 1 elf, 1 gnome, 1 kobold, 1 centaur, 2 orc and 1 zombie.

Scarab Sages

If you'd like to try something new with regard to battles, check out this book. You will have to make up your own stat blocks, but the battles themselves will be much more engaging and interesting for your players.

Community Manager

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Several of the Wayfinder issues have Realm Building articles that provide more kingdom-building options.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Good catch Liz!

Wayfinder 11, The Imperial Army of Her Infernal Majestrix.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Legendary Games also has Ultimate Armies on the horizon (no idea how far, though), which is going to provide a healthy number of pre-made armies, a template for the troop subtype, and more.

You'd have to ask Jason Nelson for a better idea of timescale, though (I know he's massively swamped with other things, so UArm is probably on the back burner until he can squeeze in the time to work on his own projects - the life of a designer who runs a publishing company cannot be easy).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Wolfsnap wrote:
If you'd like to try something new with regard to battles, check out this book. You will have to make up your own stat blocks, but the battles themselves will be much more engaging and interesting for your players.

Also, ooh, thanks for reminding me, Wolfsnap!

Bestiary 5 just snapped my budget a bit, but I really want to see this one so I can review it.

The product I want to recommend isn't actually out yet (I think), so... eh. XD

If you want LOTS of pre-made armies, you might have to write them up yourself (or use Hero Lab to automatically generate them, if time is more important than money).

GM Rednal wrote:
If you want LOTS of pre-made armies, you might have to write them up yourself

I'm not sure you understand the meaning of pre-made....


In this case, it's pre-made as in "you don't have to create it at the table".

GM Rednal wrote:


In this case, it's pre-made as in "you don't have to create it at the table".

... You wouldn't need to make it at the table to begin with though.

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