Steampunk book?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Can we get a Steam Punk styled book after Horror Adventures?

New class suggestions

Engineer (A machine based class that creates an automaton to assist in combat.

Artificer (specializes in infusing magic into items and making temporary magical items)

Other ideas... rules for airships and airship combat

Steam society.

Steam technology in Golarion.

Airship pirate organizations and other steam punk related organizations etc.

This would be an awesome book...

Silver Crusade

I think the most "steam punk" area of Golarion is the Grand Duchy of Alkenstar.

They have guns and airships. I would pick up Wardens of the Reborn Forge. It has a gazateer about Alkenstar.

I hope this helps

There's a third party hardcover for this. It's called the Pure Steam Campaign Guide. It doesn't take place in Golarion, but clever GMs can world-build around that.


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'd like a paizo official one though. I think that would be super awesome!

I would like to see something like this as well, in particular a pile of items that are balanced alongside the typical sword and sorcery, not items that are obvious replacements.

I'd recommend Thunderscape and Pure Steam.


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

"I'd recommend Thunderscape and Pure Steam."

Neither of which is usable in PFS. ;)

Scarab Sages

Verzen wrote:

"I'd recommend Thunderscape and Pure Steam."

Neither of which is usable in PFS. ;)

There is a good chance it wouldn't be available in PFS anyway. See the Technology Guide and Magical Marketplace clockwork prosthesis.


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Both the technology guide and magical marketplace aren't hard cover books, which I feel offer a certain defacto integration into the world.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The description for Occult Realms sounds like there are at least "psi-tech" options as part of the official Pathfinder Campaign Setting. With Alkenstar already pushing the boundaries (in one area of Golarion, at least) toward steam-punk (as Numeria pushes it toward sword and planet), a "Steam Punk Adventures" hardcover could expand on firearms/artillery as well as other technology (or even magic-powered technology to get around fuel requirements) based on pre-industrial principles.

IMO, a steam-punk/psi-tech mashup campaign could be pretty awesome (Jules Verne crossed with Atlantis myth/H. P. Lovecraft)...

I remember reading in one of James Jacobs posts that there are no plans to add steampunk to Golarion.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

James Jacobs has said here that steampunk does not fit with Golarion, and here that if such a book existed, it probably wouldn't be applicable to Golarion, and thus likely not for Pathfinder Society. Of course, he's also said a time or two that he would be interested in a book like Steampunk Adventures (though both were a long time ago), but I wouldn't get your hopes up about it being integrated into the setting.

Scarab Sages

Besides, there are already airships, guns, clockwork prosthesis, clockwork automatons, and blasters in Golarion. If you take the combination of elements that are available, and combine them together, you can have a very "steampunk" feel without needing to reinvent the smoked goggles.


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
I remember reading in one of James Jacobs posts that there are no plans to add steampunk to Golarion.

No plans doesn't mean no.

Also even if the steampunk elements don't fit within the Inner Sea, they might fit into places like Akiton or Verces.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
MMCJawa wrote:
Also even if the steampunk elements don't fit within the Inner Sea, they might fit into places like Akiton or Verces.

Indeed. Steampunk Adventures might be something we see someday...though I doubt that much of it would be eligible for Pathfinder Society. Really, genre books like this would be something I would really like if done well, though as others have said, there are some fairly nice third party entries on the subject, though sadly not all of them are as thick as a hardcover entry in the Adventure line would presumably be.

Steampunk stuff is one of the most requested thing now.

Imbicatus wrote:
Besides, there are already airships, guns, clockwork prosthesis, clockwork automatons, and blasters in Golarion. If you take the combination of elements that are available, and combine them together, you can have a very "steampunk" feel without needing to reinvent the smoked goggles.

Need way more rules... and way, way less Fluff vs Rules Paradoxes.

Luthorne wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
Also even if the steampunk elements don't fit within the Inner Sea, they might fit into places like Akiton or Verces.
Indeed. Steampunk Adventures might be something we see someday...though I doubt that much of it would be eligible for Pathfinder Society. Really, genre books like this would be something I would really like if done well, though as others have said, there are some fairly nice third party entries on the subject, though sadly not all of them are as thick as a hardcover entry in the Adventure line would presumably be.

Even Outside PFS, many DM/GM are reluctant about using 3rd party stuff.

And James Jacobs seems to have some serious reserves on the subject, even if you ask "elsewhere in Golarion/the_solar_system/the_galaxy/the_universe".

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Nutcase Entertainment wrote:
Luthorne wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
Also even if the steampunk elements don't fit within the Inner Sea, they might fit into places like Akiton or Verces.
Indeed. Steampunk Adventures might be something we see someday...though I doubt that much of it would be eligible for Pathfinder Society. Really, genre books like this would be something I would really like if done well, though as others have said, there are some fairly nice third party entries on the subject, though sadly not all of them are as thick as a hardcover entry in the Adventure line would presumably be.

Even Outside PFS, many DM/GM are reluctant about using 3rd party stuff.

And James Jacobs seems to have some serious reserves on the subject, even if you ask "elsewhere in Golarion/the_solar_system/the_galaxy/the_universe".

Yeah, it's possible he's changed his mind since then, it was a few years back. Who knows, though? Not likely to be any time soon, I think, regardless.

Considering the GMG has a section on steam powered technology + the fact they've made non-golarion rules before, I don't think it really matters what James Jacobs says in the long run. If the design team want to do a book on x, they will probably do a book on x.

Eventually they'll run out of other decent ideas and this one will have to come up as a good choice that (some) people would like to see, whether it fits into Golarion or not.

I'd also love to see it.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Are there any "unknown" continents on Golarian? I know there are 2 continents around the Inner Sea region, but beyond the oceans surrounding those continents might be regions with steampunk technology, right? Or might there be pockets of ancient steampunk Azlantan technology from way back when?

SmiloDan wrote:

Are there any "unknown" continents on Golarian? I know there are 2 continents around the Inner Sea region, but beyond the oceans surrounding those continents might be regions with steampunk technology, right? Or might there be pockets of ancient steampunk Azlantan technology from way back when?

Alkenstar / Mana Waste in Garund, + some ruin on the continent.

Maybe in what is left of Azlant...

Maybe in Arcadia...

Maybe in Casmaron...

Maybe in Tian-Xia...

Maybe frozen in the Crown of the World...

Sarusan is still an unknown...

There is also other planets and moons. Besides it doesn't have to exist in the campaign setting, it would just be nice to have more rules that can be used for it such as trains.

Nutcase Entertainment wrote:
Sarusan is still an unknown...

As an aussie, I really really really really really hope they don't make Golarion-Australia steampunk. That'd just be... so wrong.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Milo v3 wrote:
Nutcase Entertainment wrote:
Sarusan is still an unknown...
As an aussie, I really really really really really hope they don't make Golarion-Australia steampunk. That'd just be... so wrong.

Even Mad Max steampunk??? ;-)

Sarusan is supposed to much more wild with great beast and strange dreamscapes.

SmiloDan wrote:
Even Mad Max steampunk??? ;-)

That's dieselpunk :P

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Milo v3 wrote:
SmiloDan wrote:
Even Mad Max steampunk??? ;-)

That's dieselpunk :P

You know that's right!

SmiloDan wrote:
Milo v3 wrote:
SmiloDan wrote:
Even Mad Max steampunk??? ;-)

That's dieselpunk :P

You know that's right!

Can be hard to tell all of them appart at time, especially when they get mixed in a single work.

. . . . . . .

Warning: TV Tropes: Punk Punk, a list of 'Punk' genres.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Neat! It's really inspirational. :-)

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