RPGs and Mental Illness

Gamer Life General Discussion

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
thejeff wrote:
I'll just say, one more time, when people keep misunderstanding what you're saying, it might not always be them. Possibly something with your communication style.

I don't believe that to be the case here, especially considering that I've gone out of my way several times to elucidate my meaning.

Excuse me, were we discussing RPGs and mental illness, or what Alzrius and IronTruth said?

I think we were using pedantics to obfuscate the issue.

Sissyl wrote:
Excuse me, were we discussing RPGs and mental illness, or what Alzrius and IronTruth said?

I'd love to go back to RPG's and mental illness.

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Irontruth wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
Excuse me, were we discussing RPGs and mental illness, or what Alzrius and IronTruth said?
I'd love to go back to RPG's and mental illness.

Technically speaking, ADHD is a mental illness, so there is no such thing as off topic.

ZOMG, you were the one who introduced the term "off-topic" to the conversation! :P

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You convinced me. Thread hidden.

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When you achive 5 degrees of seperation from the topic, will you start discussing Kevin Bacon?

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