Doctor Strange


Scarab Sages

Picked up the first issue of the new Doctor Strange series. Good opening. Sets up some stuff I'll be interested to see the direction of. Some of Strange's characteristics were dead on.

My problems - Strange conjuring weapons. Interesting, but I prefer to see good old spell slinging. And some parts of his character were annoying. Especially the way he talked. It just made him seem (to me, at least) too damn young. Not a deal killer for me (yet), but just damn irritating.

Either way, I look forward to seeing where they'll go with this.

Although I do wish they had stuck with Dr. Voodoo, Sorcerer Supreme.

Dark Archive

I really dug the search for the new Sorcerer Supreme arc. Though, I like how Bendis writes Hellstrom, so I was hoping it was him over Dr. Voodoo.

I do remember an issue of Doctor Strange where he turned a butter knife into a sword.

Still upset it's not Dr. Voodoo. Here's hoping he makes a serious appearance in the series in a role other than sidekick.

Scarab Sages

Freehold DM wrote:
Still upset it's not Dr. Voodoo. Here's hoping he makes a serious appearance in the series in a role other than sidekick.

He does make a brief appearance in the first issue. Not enough for my tastes. Hopefully, they'll bring him back for more.

I was impressed with it. I am sure it's to help set up the movie, so I will support it unless it goes way off the rails

Scarab Sages

I'm still enjoying this series, but the plot of "otherworldy bad guys marching through the multiverse, wiping out all opposition until they get to our hero" is becoming kind of stale. They just did something similar with Cyborg over at DC.

Scarab Sages

Yeah, I was enjoying this series - three months later and still the same lame plot. Plus, they keep throwing out this "all magic has a price" lameness. Again, overused. And they way they're going about it - "ooohhh, casting this spell makes my eyes bleed", "casting this spell makes me no longer able to eat normal food" - is pretty f*&~ing stupid.

Probably going to remove it from my list next time I go into the comic book store.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Still upset it's not Dr. Voodoo. Here's hoping he makes a serious appearance in the series in a role other than sidekick.

I could never wrap my head around Dr.Voodoo whose only power is to have his dead brother posess him as the Sorcerer Supreme of an entire dimension.

Then again even that didn't raise my hackles as much as Marvel's even dumber idea of a Scientist Supreme, and the even more idiotic notion that Hank Pym was the man for the part.

I like Strange but I don't think he should be written as a superhero, he's more pulp/fantasy than that. The new series is not bad, the new opponents who want to erase all magic are reasonably interesting but I still think it lacks something.

Personally I'd love for Marvel to give Strange to Neil Gaiman to write OR on a completely different but still awesome track to G.R.R Martin (but FIRST he needs to finish writing aSoIaF!!!)

Scarab Sages

I recently discovered that this first story arc they've been muddling through is going all the way to (at least) issue 10. Thanks, but no thanks. Between that and some of the stupid s@+* they've put in the book, I'm not only going to stop collecting the series, but I'll also sell-off the issues I've collected so far.

Sovereign Court

I just picked up issues 1 through 12 or so... pretty good stuff I think. I'm at the end of #3 now and he's had instances where his magic is failing... can't wait to see what's up with that!

(no spoilers please!)


Scarab Sages

meh. I gave it up a few months back. The story was taking too long, and that crap about magic having such a terrible price and making him sick was just too f*#@ing lame for me.

Sovereign Court

[all caught up now] Looks like Marvel is becoming a magic dead area, sort of... but Baron Mordo is still at full power: I suspect it's because he is being powered by Dormammu from another plane.

This could bring an interesting new dynamic to the Marvel universe: if you want power you need to make a deal with an outsider.

I could also see some good come out of Strange's new 'weakness': he's becoming awfully good at using magic items and/or cannibalizing their magic power. What if he starts becoming a magic battery of some kind? i.e. bad guy shoots magic at him and he absorbs its Bishop-style?


It's possible. Right now I'm just convinced they're trying to depower him from before since he did almost fight the Hulk..

Sovereign Court

Very possible. I for one never liked Strange as an Iron Man-like blaster. He's not supposed to operate in the same realities dominated by either Hulk or Stark.

Edit: I absolutely *LOVE* what they're doing right now, when he's taking a stroll outside and seeing all the ethereal parasites latched on unsuspecting people...

Wasn't he supposed to be the most powerful humanoid in the MU? I suppose that was several depowering/empowering cycles ago (as well as Universe-changing events and retcons...)


He's the Sorcerer Supreme, not a Celestial. Whether or not he could fight Hulk has been...debatable by many. Being the most powerful? Probably not but I'd scale him close to Thor and Hulk at times. Even after Secret Wars and the Incursions. Before that? Might have been stronger. Now? Not so much.


That is a kind of cool thing to see, especially after they started grounding him down. Reminds me of Dikto's run.

Thomas Seitz wrote:


He's the Sorcerer Supreme, not a Celestial. Whether or not he could fight Hulk has been...debatable by many. Being the most powerful? Probably not but I'd scale him close to Thor and Hulk at times. Even after Secret Wars and the Incursions. Before that? Might have been stronger. Now? Not so much.

Hulk certainly couldn't fight him though - barring a good deal of luck in the set up.

Go in astral form and use illusions, distractions and other spells that bypass the Hulk's strengths. In many ways (at least in some versions) Strange is one of the closest literary examples to a high level D&D/PF caster.

Sovereign Court

thejeff wrote:
In many ways (at least in some versions) Strange is one of the closest literary examples to a high level D&D/PF caster.

Now, he's been retconned to an occultist: a dude that draws power from magic items, with weak side magic. He 'does' seem to walk around with a permanent True Seeing though...

I think it's more his third eye being open and thus seeing stuff beyond than "true seeing." But eh.

You mean he sees things as they truly are?

Sovereign Court

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:

You mean he sees things as they truly are?

LOL... I see what you did there! ;)

True Seeing:
You confer on the subject the ability to see all things as they actually are. The subject sees through normal and magical darkness, notices secret doors hidden by magic, sees the exact locations of creatures or objects under blur or displacement effects, sees invisible creatures or objects normally, sees through illusions, and sees the true form of polymorphed, changed, or transmuted things. Further, the subject can focus its vision to see into the Ethereal Plane (but not into extra-dimensional spaces). The range of true seeing conferred is 120 feet.


Boo! Bad joke!

Also I'm still not sure about it being true seeing but if it is...okay.

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