
Ianofdoom's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Dark Archive

These are amazing and I am loving including them in my game. Do you have plans to do any more? Do you have a patreon or something cuz I would totally support that to get more like this.

Dark Archive

I will be starting this soon, and I had a question for the Devs in regards to impact down the line of the AP.
I was thinking instead of having the PCs have amnesia, I would switch it to having most of the world having forgotten them, or they have been erased from peoples minds, with the exception of plot specific NPCs that would remember because they were in on it. That would explain how they got tossed in asylum, their friends and family and etc wouldn't have known them, and been freaked out about someone claiming to be their brother/wife/etc. I thought the negative space idea would work better with my group than the straight up amnesia one, but if it is going to be a nightmare later on, then I will scrap it. Thoughts?

Dark Archive

Hey everyone! I am looking at starting up the HV game, and was thinking that running a team of vigilantes would be pretty cool. I plan to really focus on the social aspects of the campaign, and can fill the missing "oomph" from full healers and casters with some magical support. I'll have five players, each one focusing on a different Lord of Hell for their vigilante persona.
I only have the first book so far, and from people that are a little deeper into it, what complications can I expect with this plan? Any advice on how to smooth things out?

Dark Archive

I really dug the search for the new Sorcerer Supreme arc. Though, I like how Bendis writes Hellstrom, so I was hoping it was him over Dr. Voodoo.

Dark Archive

I agree! Any news? Would love to utilize this as I recently moved away from my whole group!

Dark Archive

I'd dig checking this out too!

Dark Archive

I played a human cleric that was an undead lord type. Buuuut only because he was huge, and fat, and lazy, so he didn't want to do anything. Eventually, he had skeletons carry him around on palanquins and had other undead servants do pretty much every task for him. It was fun, but sometimes pretty rough, as he often was stuck in some awful situations, ha.