Top three 3PP class you like to play?

Product Discussion

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This is simple and to the point: What are the top three classes created by a 3PP that you enjoy using in your games at home?

Mageknight from Drop Dead Studios using the Spheres of Power system. It's a class that you can build nearly any type of gish you can imagine.

Malefactor from TPK Games. It's not particularly strong on its own, but it feels like a crossover between the Witch (hexes) and a Rogue in terms of how it plays, and that's cool.

Shifter (Drop Dead Studios) allows you to Wild Shape all day every day (even on your days off), and that's awesome.

I'm going to put up Mageknight again. As a blank slate that can be any kind of caster you want its ripe for fun. That and it's tied to the easiest third party casting system to understand and make use of.

I'm a big fan of the Golemoid from Thunderscape: World of Aden. Part of it is that the iconic is a half-golem tigerman, but the class itself brings out cool aesthetic.

The Host from Machinesmith. I like 'playing the monster' as you can see from Golemoid up there. I could say that the Metamorph from Liber Influxus instead but I haven't actually played it yet. Theoretically I think the Metamorph is better designed and supported but kind of creates some questions with third party evolutions which the Host does not so its hard to compare. But both have the same general idea mechanically so I'll cheat and count them both as the same class.

Taskshaper (Rite Publishing)

Psion (Dreamscarred Press)

Monster Trainer (Northwinter Press)


Runners up: Other psionic classes and Path of War classes (Dreamscarred Press), Masquerade Reveler Barbarian Archetype (Rite Publishing; yes it's technically an archetype but it's so different from the base Barbarian), Fistful of Denarii classes (Tripod Machine), Battle Scion (Kobold Press).


Unfortunately my opportunity to use interesting new classes is a bit limited by my usually being the GM. More often I end up looking at 3PP Archetypes of currently existing classes or at old 3.5 content instead.

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The Fusilier from Rogue Genius Games (an alternate gunslinger that is a very good swashbuckler).

Sadly, that's really the only one I have had a chance to play, and even that is more of an alternate class/enhanced archetype like the ninja and samurai than a completely new class.

Although in a different campaign another player is using an archer version of the Soulknife.

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Magister, Spellweaver, and Artisan are all amazing and well worth playing. I'm in the same boat as Orthos, though as a player. The GMs don't want to even try third party stuff. :(

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Azten wrote:
The GMs don't want to even try third party stuff. :(

MAN I hate when that happens =(

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Azten wrote:
Magister, Spellweaver, and Artisan are all amazing and well worth playing. I'm in the same boat as Orthos, though as a player. The GMs don't want to even try third party stuff. :(

Thankfully when we started really getting into Pathfinder one of the GM's was big into 3rd party classes. Nearly anything from the Genius (other than the Godlings - and that's due to all the moving parts) is allowed so long as the GM has access to the class.

Scarab Sages

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GM most of the time too but I love building Viziers (Dreamscarred, Akashic Mysteries), Warders (Dreamscarred ,Path of War) and again, Mageknight (Drop Dead, Spheres of Power).

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm partial to Monte Cooke's Arcana Evolved classes, especially the Totem Warrior and the Champion.

Psion (Dreamscarred Press,Ultimate Psionics)

Vitalist (Dreamscarred Press,Ultimate Psionics)

Aegis (Dreamscarred Press,Ultimate Psionics)

In that order. I love me some psionics.

1. Maestro (Ultimate Composition/Strange Magic, Interjection Games). I can't recommend relying on the version on d20pfsrd, though, as that is horribly incomplete (the class has been updated and expanded substantially, and those updates haven't made it onto the srd).

Oh, am I supposed to pick two more? I thought the Maestro was enough. Ah, well,
2. Psion (Ultimate Psionics, DSP)
3. Ethermancer (Interjection Games, Ultimate Ethermagic/Strange Magic)

Runners up: All the other Ultimate Composition classes, the PoW classes (particularly the Warder), Armorist (SoP), Incanter (SoP), Truenamer (Ultimate Truenaming/Strange Magic), Psychic Warrior (Ultimate Psionics), Luckbringer (The Secrets of Adventuring, Rite), Tanimin Racial Paragon Class (Rite, In the Company of Dragons), Gelatinous Cube racial paragon class (Rite), Spontaneous Divine Channeler (okay, not actually a published class, but a house-ruled variant of Rite's Divine Channeler from the Secrets of Adventuring), and Omnyoji (Interjection).

It really bites when I go for a pbp game where third party is allowed and either I don't get picked or I do and it dies. Pretty much only way I get to play 3rd party. Still, the chance to build amazing characters takes some sting out.

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Vitalist and Vizier from Dreamscarred Press
Incanter from Drop Dead Studios

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Always GM, so I pretty much roll only NPCs/semi-DMPCs that follow the players around. But from this limited sample I really loved playing:

1 - Onmyoji from Interjection Games (great theme, great mechanics, amazing mood)
2 - Vitalist, from Dreamscarred Press (all that healing! And the psionic crafting, what a frigging joy)
3 - Etherfuser, an ethermancer archetype, from Interjection Games (a competent healer, but the fun part is really managing how much of your neverending pool point you're willing to sacrifice for some extra healing/buffing - desperate times!)

Observing my players, they have enjoyed the Tinker, Marksman, Herbalist, Daevic, and Nightblade at one point or another.

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Occultist from Radiance games.

Medium from Purple Duck

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As someone else stuck in the perma-GM state, I feel the pain in this thread. So many classes I want to play, but probably never will.

That said,

Vitalist from DSP is super awesome. Especially with soulthief style healing.

One of players was the Dragon Rider from Rogue Genius Games. It was his first time playing and he loved it.

Another one of my players is the Medusa from Rite Publishing. She's having a blast turning things into stone and poisoning everything.


For me personally, I want to play that Iron Titan by Rite so badly. Don't think I'm going to be able to do that at all though

Carl has written several new classes for us in Unarmored and Dangerous: Boxer, Fencer, Lin Kuei, Mystic Dancer, Sword Mage.

Other recent classes include:

Angel's - Kingpin
Carl's - Sacerdote
N. Jolly's - Chi Warrior

- Mark Gedak, Purple Duck Games

I've played all 3 of my listed classes through a significant number of levels and in a fairly high-powered, DM-optimized campaign environment. I was quite pleased with all 3 classes versatility in dealing/excelling with tactical combat, social encounters and puzzle management. And most of all ... they were fun!

1. Herbalist - Interjection Games
2. Dread - Ultimate Psionics
3. Malefactor - Total Party Kill Games

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I really like the mighty godling. Looks like I need to check out mageknight though. I love me a good gish.

sepik121 wrote:

As someone else stuck in the perma-GM state, I feel the pain in this thread. So many classes I want to play, but probably never will.

I look at it as a chance to try even more classes. Next time you are introducing an NPC who will be around for a couple of encounters (minor reoccurring villain, temporary ally, etc), use a class you are interested in trying.

Admittedly, it's not nearly the same thing as the full PC treatment you get when you aren't DMing, but it's a great way to try a variety of base classes so that when you do get to play, you have a better idea of which one you want to play all the way:)

Psychic Warrior (Dreamscarred Press)
Psion (Dreamscarred Press)
Aegis (Dreamscarred Press)/Battle Scion (kobold Press)

For the most part I love versatility in the classes I play and these along with the Alchemist, Ranger, Investigator & Hunter are what classes I am enjoying at this time.

Deranged_Maniac_Ben wrote:
sepik121 wrote:

As someone else stuck in the perma-GM state, I feel the pain in this thread. So many classes I want to play, but probably never will.

I look at it as a chance to try even more classes. Next time you are introducing an NPC who will be around for a couple of encounters (minor reoccurring villain, temporary ally, etc), use a class you are interested in trying.

Admittedly, it's not nearly the same thing as the full PC treatment you get when you aren't DMing, but it's a great way to try a variety of base classes so that when you do get to play, you have a better idea of which one you want to play all the way:)

Yeah, and it's a great excuse to get more classes - you use all of them!

I pretty much always convert the main NPC villain from every adventure I run. A human magus turned into a thunderjarl (half-giant psionic warrior archetype), a tengu cavalier into a harbinger (with a counter where he had a 50% chance to be missed or something like that - man, my players hated him so much), a spider-eye goblin adept into a herald of madness (ethermancer archetype - this one nearly tpked the group, only one character left standing).

Scarab Sages

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Unbiased list not including things I've worked on-

1) Soulknife (Dreamscarred Press)

2) Monster Trainer (Northwinter Press)

3) Armorist (Drop Dead Studios)

The for real but totally biased list including classes I worked on-

1) Battle Lord (Amora Games)

2) Guru (Dreamscarred Press)

3) Vizier (Dreamscarred Press)

Stalker (Path of War, Dreamscarred Press)

Warlord (Path of War, Dreamscarred Press)

Nightblade (Path of Shadows, Ascension Games)

All of them are versatile classes which can replicate any number of character concepts. I also like the flavor associated with them, too.

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