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You determine the HP as per the Eidolon. My apologies if I was unclear.

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Hello folks!

Mind Blade and Improved Mind Blade have been updated.
>The damage has been recalculated to mesh better with the weapons in the game
>Action to draw has been changed from standard to normal for drawing other weapons (move or part of a move),
>They now always target KAC
>Wording has been smoothed out and clarified
>Improved Mind Blades can now count as being a part of a weapon group as long as their damage type is appropriate for it.

VERY slight wording changes in Soulknife to account for these changes, as well.

Steelforge as well, can't forget mine.

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Vitalist and Vizier from Dreamscarred Press
Incanter from Drop Dead Studios

Fury of the Tempest wrote:

Kinetic Kickers is awesome, but the fact take the same amount of damage really limits the power of them. I think you should still take damage, but it should only be half. That way you can actually play as a Dungeoncrasher in Pathfinder, but not be as insanely powerful as it is in 3.5.

City in the Bottle is just awesome, a portable industry and R&D department! Who needs to spend hours making magical weapons and items, when you have a cohort to do it for you without having to sacrificing any time at all! ... I of course have no idea what the city traits are or what they do, but it's a fantastic item with so much flavour and fun to it!

You don't take the damage, just the victim and the hard surface. I'll try to make that clearer.

If you don't care about settlement traits, then don't worry. The City in a Bottle works perfectly well without them.

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Barachiel provides some good examples... just not for the side he's trying to argue. The following assumes no rebuilding, but a DM that plays enemies to their intelligence.

Storm Giants are difficult to control due to constant freedom of movement. A 15th-level party is going to be facing them 2-4 at a time, and they are smart enemies. Add both Control Weather and Call Lightning to the SLAs, and they can nuke out weaker party members. Not too bad, though, if you are prepared.

The Pit Fiends have Wish once each. That means an unimpeachable teleport, without any deviation. Vitalist finds himself at point-blank range to three of the nastiest monsters the Nine Hells can conjure up, two of which probably readied actions to do horrible things to him. They also have a wide variety of SLAs, SoL effects, plus hit like trucks anyway, and are smart enough to focus fire and one-round major threats.

This is a roundabout way of making the point. A party with a Vitalist is virtually immune to HP damage unless it is enough to one-round or one-shot the character in question (Guardian Method makes this quantity much more difficult to reach for enemies). However, no amount of healing or temporary HP can stop a save-or-lose from connecting. They are excellent buffers and party support, but any DM worth his salt can present threats that are still threatening. They are only overpowered if allowed to be, something that takes actual effort once past level 10 or so.

Alright, announcement time.

AGrinningCat submitted a subsystem a while ago to enhance weapons without the use of magic. We at DSP looked it over, and found it to be a good idea and worth pursuing. The result of this has just gone up into the Steelforge Playtest Document, the Nonmagical Item Enhancement system! Check it out, it's Chapter 9 in the document.

Jamie Charlan wrote:

It's an Option! Multiple! Bits! Attack Satellites!

Why are they artifacts and why can't you get four? It has to be four!

It's a minor artifact, so there is nothing stopping you from hunting down four of them (other than their owners, and the high chance you will be on their Defined Foe list)

Just got through doing a major editing pass. Warsong Instruments changed significantly due to feedback, losing the BAB bonus and clearing up confusion in wording (plus getting MUCH cheaper).

In other news, Slime Master had ability DCs clarified, Soulvenom Infusion now accounts for resurrection that doesn't require a body, and the Incinerator Cannon has been added. Axiom resist bonuses from shield investment got buffed. Mostly grammar and punctuation other than that.

Check it out!

Safety Belt was a recent addition, yes.

I'm currently working on cross-system items for Spheres of Power. First couple ended up too good (as in build-warping), so the new versions should be up some point this week

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So, I have something exciting to announce.

We have messaged Adam Meyers, the creator of Spheres of Power, to ask for permission to create some items for this project featuring his classes and mechanics. Perhaps would even be working on possible synergies between the classes of Drop Dead Studios and Dreamscarred Press. We had a few of these items sketched out, just ideas really...

And he said yes.

None of them are on the doc just yet, they are undergoing polishing and getting brought up to the standards we expect out of ourselves. Over the course of the next week, though, a few are going to start showing up. You read that right. I am happy to announce that Steelforge will include content featuring Spheres of Power.

Happy hunting!

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So, getting back on topic...

The Gravity Slime Master prestige class has been added to the playtest document, by popular demand.

Because this is its own, unrelated project, Tempest.

Aratrok wrote:
There's a lot of awesome stuff here (I'm especially happy to see the gravity slime make its triumphant return :D) I need to go into detail on later. I'm a little confused about the "other item enhancements" section and how pricing it works, though. It says "the price of this enhancement works like armor", but that would make it 10 times as expensive as normal competence bonus to skill items are (Bonus^2 * 100 gp), which is really weird.

Sorry it took so long for me to see this feedback, but it is a good one. My thing is that these are much more versatile than just straight numbers. Having looked it up, though, I can agree that I put the price point way too high.

A bit of a change is coming to the Item Enhancement system, though it's enough of a wording effort that it won't be up for at least a day or two. More stuff, less raw numbers. One of our big concerns is with stacking up the numeric bonuses on something that is very easy to boost way too high

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This is Jacob, and a good time to be had by all!

But seriously, this project is my first as a freelancer, and writing from this side of the game is a much different experience than any I've ever participated in. I'll be watching the threads closely to answer questions as well.

On the face of it, Jeremy was trying to look excited. On the inside, though, every snapping twig sounded like a Goblin footstep, every lull like the wild had been driven away by necromancers. He was almost relieved when he heard the howl, it meant he'd have a target to get his nerves out with soon enough.

Doesn't hurt to be ready, though...

The ring-shaped Akashic construct on his left hand sparked a bit at the thought. Jeremy made sure he was loaded and ready, his quarterstaff properly slung and dagger on his belt just in case.

"Yes, let's see what the hounds have found."

"Teaching someone how to be a hero is not something that needs to be done. Heroes are what happen when someone decides to make a stand when it probably would have been smarter not to. I nearly dies twice last night, and again this morning, because I don't know how to back away from something I see as wrong.

I saw how strong that arm of yours is when you cracked that giant rat with the staff I gave you. Really, if you'd had even a walking stick you could probably have made the goblins regret attacking you without needing my help. Next time, don't hide in a corner. That's all there is to it."

Jeremy definitely enjoyed the conversation. The prior day had been a whirlwind, the morning not much better, and prior to coming here? Well...

"I'm the fourth son of a merchant, Aldern. 'Harrowing tales of adventure' doesn't really describe anything about my life. Cheliax isn't really a nice place. Looks like it is, but I couldn't stand it. Up and left, after watching one too many Halflings get whipped and realizing I couldn't do anything about it from where I was."

Jeremy sighed a bit.

"Never even got to date, much less the great court intrigues. Not that I'd want to do the latter, not back there. Too many losers in those games, and the stakes are way too high. No, it is best that I came here.

Alright, just finished my readthrough. The biggest note I have is one that has been mentioned before. The class is only good when the GM lets it be good. The core of your class does not pertain to about 75% of traditional adventures, and unless your opponents use a lot of divinitations it's not as good as several other options even in the remaining 25.

The community size scales WAY too slow as well. By level 20, you should be known at LEAST throughout your home plane. Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark are good examples (Tony admits his identity, but even before then he was known worldwide). If I die at that point, I want the angel who asks me my name at Heaven's Gate to recoil in terror should I give him my Vigilante Name instead of my Social one.

I'm personally not particularly interested in yet another spellcaster class, especially one which trades off your big hitters for a situational class core. If you want to make Dr. Strange, you can probably do it better without going full Vancian. Give it cantrips/orisons for utility and backup, then make the talents lean more on (Su) stuff along those lines. Making Selena Kyle/Catwoman as a Stalker is one thing. Being able to make her as a Zealot invoking animal aspects with Isis the cat as a true familiar is way cooler.

I'm rambling a bit, so I'll sum it up. You have a decent class with a LOT of good ideas, but they're scattered and unfocused, dependent on circumstances that are difficult or impossible to obtain in regular gaming in order to become ALMOST as effective as options that currently exist.

"She's a beautiful gift, Aldern. I will make sure to keep her well and active, and to protect her as I did you. Tocha and Rycher, was it? Do you mind taking it a bit slow and letting me watch? I don't do this two often, and will not always have assistance with the tack.

I think I'll just start praying now, to anyone who will listen, that today will be uneventful from now on...

"Let's just say that if you'd had crossbow targets up, I wouldn't have missed as badly as with the beanbags. Know for fact at least two of the things had their names written. Many thanks for the stabling, I hope Rose won't be much trouble."

JUST realized I forgot to check for something at the tomb... hopefully still there when we get back.

"Alright then. Five crossbows coordinated should help things if trouble finds us."or so I truly, deeply, and sincerely hope...

Jeremy looks around for a second, then remembers. "So... which one will I be riding? I will admit that I will need to take it a bit slow today, horseback is not a place I've often been"

Jeremy thinks for a moment. He seems determined. Best I can do is to mitigate the risks as much as possible, and that means going along.

"I will come along, but that's not security by itself. I need two things from your group. First, everyone needs to be armed beyond boar spears. At the very least, a bow or crossbow of some kind. Second, in case of an attack, what I say goes. We will need to work together if the worst should happen. If that is alright by you, then we can finish preparations and go hunting."

"Aldern, I wish it could be that simple. Recent events have shown that there is likely to be a major threat somewhere nearby. I would recommend not going on the hunt, unless all present are carrying weaponry to defend themselves from more than just what we hunt... and if there are at least a couple more people with us."

Doesn't help that this'll be my third time on a horse, ever, and that counts the concussion

Aldern is staying at the Dragon. Gods grant that I get there fast enough to catch him. I'll have to apologize to Rynshinn later, lives may be on the line.

Jeremy heads back to the Dragon at a hustle.

...add riding that horse he's insisting on giving me to the list of things I need to learn to do

"I don't know too much, but not even counting anything magical being able to parade the stolen corpse of a significant and beloved priest is a big deal. Goes double if it's shambling around as an undead minion. On the pure Arcane side... it depends on what we're dealing with. I'm not a strong channeler of arcane power, what I do is parlor tricks next to the big guys of Cheliax, for example. Some few of the strongest, though, could possibly use a powerful corpse in more powerful ways."

Jeremy sighs a bit. He REALLY didn't like thinking about this kind of thing.

"If you would examine the remains, I hope whomever left those robes behind used the two there as the materials for the Skeletons. That is a best-case for us, but I doubt it."

I really need to learn more about this place. They are going to need my help, and badly. Also need to make sure I bone up on the more pure magic side, if this kind of thing will be frequent... hang on, someone is about to head out into danger...

"Sheriff, Father, is there anything else I can do here? I heard that there is a boar hunt that is going to start at noon today, and they may be riding into more danger than they realize. Not just Goblins, but if this necromancer is running around any hunter that falls is just fuel for their rituals. I think I should go and ensure that they don't. May I carry the robes I found? If there is time later, I plan on giving them a more in-depth scan.

.. and if I have to do some sneaking, wearing those robes might get me places that traveling clothes won't.

Yes, that pun about necromancy was both intentional and horrible. Not apologizing :D

I'm not actually going to retrain. If that was part of the plan, I'd have asked for permission to redo some of my gold purchases during the chapter switch. Remember that my Veils swap out daily (or more, later on). Know now that I'm fighting undead, things like the Loyal Paladin's Spear of Light may come in handy.

...that, and I actually wrote and submitted one of the new ones that got accepted (the Frostbite Halo). Most of the stuff on that doc can't be retrained into anyway (races and PrCs are the bulk of it). Later on, if I get the chance to get specific items somewhere, then the Akashic Catalyst item will become critical to what I can do.

He wasn't going to even try to identify it completely, just get what he could and bring it to Father Zantus for more detail.

Know(Arcana): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Jeremy could only tell one thing, but that one thing was critical. "Sheriff, the robes on the ground here are magical. Can't tell quite what it is, but Father Zanthus might. I suggest reporting back to him, this just got a lot hairier than a Goblin incursion. We need to be able to plan and counter."

Major question here, one that will become important possibly as soon as next fight. Quite a few more Veils have come out, and are in the playtest document (or even the other PDFs besides the Vizier). Am I limited to the ones up on the PFSRD, or can I use ones from the document?

The Dropbox link for the Supplemental document is at:

Anything marked Vizier I'd gain access to. Anything not marked Vizier and not in the Blood slot, I could get with a feat.

Really didn't want to do this, but it's why I bought the darned wand to begin with...

Jeremy activates the Wand of Detect Magic, using his temporary charge. He slowly scans the room, beginning with the area that contains the robes.

Alright, if the next combat occurs in less than 10 minutes, do tell. Otherwise, I'll set my temp HP back to max

"Sheriff, this could be very bad. Could you please examine the newly-unanimate corpses for any identifying items or marks? While you do so, pray to whomever you find holy that they are the bodies of the Tobyns. The sarcophagi are empty, and I have no wish to think what a truly powerful necromancer would do with the body of a truly holy man"

Jeremy picks his crossbow back up and slings it, then walks into the Vault, keeping a close eye out for more unpleasant surprises. He takes a look around the room, before closely examining the pile of black robes.

First roll is for the room, second is for closely examining the robes. Know(Rel) is for the robes as well, unless you call for a different one
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Know(Rel): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

I'll save the talking for later, this guy is used to living enemies...
Jeremy strikes the same skeleton he tapped once already.

Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7

"Focus on one at a time, get the one between us and we can dispatch the other more easily!"

With that, Jeremy strikes at the skeleton between them again

Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
damage: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 2) = 3

Finally get a decent attack in, and I roll like that...

The mindless nature of the skeletons showed in their lack of tactics. One stepped forward into JUST the wrong position, opening itself up to attack and blocking off its partner. Jeremy quickly stepped into position and lashed out with his quarterstaff.

LOVE the fact that Undead aren't immune to sneak attack anymore... Anyway, +0 from BAB/Str, +2 from Flanking. Using the doorframe for half-cover from number 2
Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

Activating Tireless Logic, double-roll and take higher
Know(Rel): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Know(Rel): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Well, that was a waste of a 1/day ability

Jeremy stumbles back a half-step, calling out to the Sheriff. "Animate Skeletons! break the bones with clubs or staves, they don't respond much to swords or arrows!"

With a bit of room to breathe, Jeremy drops his crossbow. It would be ineffective anyway. He prepares his quarterstaff and gets ready to strike the first to come near

5-ft step back to the NW, swap weapons on the Move, and ready the Standard to attack any that make it past the Light Whip. I'll update my position on the map in a sec.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Jeremy suddenly stops short of the vault, scrutinizing the ground closely. "You may get your wish yet, look at this." Pointing at the ground, he continues softly "Something bigger than those puny pyromaniacs has been around here. Hold back for a moment, let me see if I can get a glimpse in quietly. I'll wave you over if it's clear or if I need something."

With that, Jeremy's entire demeanor changes. Rather than walking tall and proud, he crouches. His shoulders hunch a bit, and he begins to move closer to the open door.

Stealthing up if it wasn't obvious, rolls below.
Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Jeremy is breathing SO much easier, now. 12 HP sucks, I much prefer being at 21

"Many thanks for both information and healing, Father, they are appreciated." Once healed, he stretches a bit and loads his crossbow before turning to the Sheriff. "I'm ready when you are, sir

"If it's goblins, then there should be no issue. Do you happen to know what the inside of the tomb was like? I ask in case it was looted, it would be best for someone who was familiar with it to help restore it. No matter if not, we can clear it out now in any case, if you'll show us to it."

It pretty well has. Three 18-hour days in a row hurt my posting rate, but my bosses have SOME mercy and I'll be able to take it easier for a few

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Jeremy gave a wry grin. "Most of my training was trial and error, Sheriff. Had to figure things out myself, past the basics that the tutors taught. Only two ways an arcanist can go in Cheliax, and neither appealed"

The cathedral square looks very different this morning, what with the lack of festival-goers, goblins, and fire. The new cathedral itself was surprisingly peaceful, all things considered. Jeremy clasped his hands and bowed slightly in respect. "That we have, Father Zantus. Can you tell me what you know before we head in? The more we can prepare, the better, and not everything can be solved by a crossbow."

Holy CRAP this week has sucked. Should be back to posting more regularly starting now, though

Jeremy is more than happy to keep talking, and also to hear that the good cleric would be near. If there was another bunch of Goblins, he felt that the aches and pains would be better gone soonest.

"I'll be sticking around here for a while, sir. Grew up in Cheliax, fourth son of a merchant, so all his boys got some weapons training. Not a fan of the place, though, and that's pretty much why I left. Always was the best with the crossbow among us, glad to see it's coming in handy here"

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I smell the fight you were worried about coming...

"Will do. By chance, do you know where Father Zantus is? I would like someone there who would know the details better than us, someone who would know if something is out of place or missing."

Jeremy gets a serious look on his face, checking his equipment briefly.

"Runshinn, it would appear that this visit must be cut short. I will return later, but given what has been going on I don't imagine an urgent summons from the Sheriff can be ignored."

He turns to the guard. "Lead on.", he says shortly.

Not quite sure where this is going. (seriously, I'm avoiding all spoilers that I can), but I'll play along a while. Sorry for missing yesterday, life intruded.

"That's good to hear, Rynshinn. Is you mother here? I'd like to meet her if I may"

This post is broken up into a couple of parts, seems a good time to RP it up a bit. First as as I'm walking in

Jeremy was not used to this kind of attention. Again, though, he definitely didn't mind. There were a couple of lookers in the crowd... but on the flip side, he say how his second-oldest brother's first marriage went, so he knew that looks weren't quite everything. He was distracted rather quickly as he walked there.

Glad I'm in work clothes, but that Halfling needs some help.

He stopped by the wagon and spoke in the Halfling's native tongue to him. Hey, need a hand? Name's Jeremy"

The rest assumes either a polite refusal, or else that he let Jeremy help for a few minutes and then he went on his way. If this is not how it plays out, we can RP out the interaction.

Jeremy's smile quirks up a bit more at the hug. "It's amazing what a serious cleric can do these days. The next bunch I ran into wasn't anywhere near as polite as the first" Letting go of the hug, Jeremy turns around briefly to the other women. "And if you would help out the occasional stranger, you might also find one worth having as a friend." He turns back to Rynshinn.

"So, how are you? I was a bit scared when I couldn't find your mother last night, is she alright? Did the Goblins get at your things?"

Here's hoping, then. I misplaced my starting gold by a bit, forgot that this character wouldn't be able to craft his own heals. If I get to Two, though, it shouldn't matter. Still looking forward to finding a wand, but I have no faith in Paizo treasure.

Keeping it to the AP progression, so we'll see. The fights are surprisingly tough, and one random roll can make or break things much more easily.

Jeremy got up early. Before heading downstairs, he meditated to change what he would be bearing mystically. The red eye on his forehead disappeared, its energies flowing down into a broad leather belt about his waist.

Dropped the Eye of the Oracle for today, shaped Stone Giant's Girdle. 10 temp HP, recovers 1/minute. Will edit on the sheet once I get a chance, but 2 HP is WAY too vulnerable.

He ate his breakfast gratefully (and hungrily), then began heading over to Mud Street. Hopefully, Rynshinn wouldn't be too hard to find.

Please tell me there is a level-up in the near future :P

"And to you as well"

Gods above, this has been a long day. Freaking exhausting, too, but that's to be expected. Combine that with the good food here and I'm done in

Jeremy finishes his meal and makes sure to thank Ameiko before getting up (slowly, his muscles still ached like crazy) and heading to his room to settle down for the night.

Jeremy's ears perk up slightly. Looks like I saved the rich guy. Seriously, a horse? Hope I can figure out which strap on the saddle is which before I have to do any serious tricks. Still, I have a promise to keep with Rynshinn, so here's hoping I can convince him to chill for just a bit.

Many, many thanks for the gift! I walked here leading a donkey, having four legs to do my walking for me sounds like a slice of the divine. I am occupied tomorrow morning, unfortunately. I promised a friend who was showing me around that I would find her again after the mess with the Goblins was cleared up. Perhaps in the afternoon, or the morning following? I would love to hunt down a boar or two, they make fine eating

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