Occult Healer


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I will be creating a new character for a new campaign...no one else wants to handle the healer role so I will do it.

I really want to try one of the new occult classes and I was leaning toward the Medium (hierophant spirit as main with relic archetype since I don't want to deal with the useless Haunt ability & limited locations) or a Spiritualist maybe with a Zeal emotion.

I was leaning toward Aasimar for the race.

I would also like to maybe work a Hallow Deck into the flavor if possible

Any suggestions what feats or traits which would make a Medium or Spiritualist a decent healer?

Any way I can get Channel Energy at 1st level via a feat?

Any assistance would be appreciated!

at level 1 via feat? not that i know, you could VMC cleric to get it at like, 7 i think

Grand Lodge

I would seriously reconsider relic hunter if you want to focus on heirophant. Being stuck with two spells known per spell level (plus cure X at 6th) is painful. I think you'll really want the ability to grab remove/restoration spells as needed.
If you're focusing on heirophant, I'd look at storyteller. Your spirit bonus and boons aren't a big loss, and bardic music is solid.

Unfortunately, I can't see a good way to avoid sucking until 5-6. Things really open up at 7 though: perform +2 as move, channel, and haste as a 2nd level spell. You're almost as good as an evangelist cleric. :(

Aether kinetisist with umd could be an interesting healer. Too bad the chirurgeon is garbage, it gave away too much for 1 mercy per burn. It needed a restoration infusion line,ranged kinetic healing and the internal buffer needed to be a free pool, 1 per 3 levels plus 1 at level 1,rather than one that still requires burn from the kineticist.

That being said an aether without infusions could still use telekinetic manouvers, the big loss would be loosing the range and speed increases to telekinesis from extended and extreme range. Again the base aether kineticist is most likely better.

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The Medium class channeling the Hierophant spirit can channel energy starting at 6th level.

I'd go with reanimated medium for your archetype. You're harder to kill. A little bit... staggered, but it's decent enough and it offers an opportunity for role-play.
As for channeling, the only feat I can think of that you'll want to grab (if allowed) is selective channeling. You really can't get channel until sixth level (as a medium at least), but you can still get cure spells while channeling the hierophant. Maybe take spirit focus.
If you're having a difficult time trying to get around suggested locations, I'd talk to your gm about it, because relic channeler (like all archetypes) changes things a lot and not always for the better. You might be able to get away with role-playing it. Maybe your character was raised by the church and they were the favorite of a powerful cleric who recently passed away, maybe that cleric wants to see you succeed and rise to your full potential and so they haunt you, using your faith as a beacon to find you by.

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