Attacks and movement


OK, I don't understand why say a 15th lvl fighter with lets just say 5 attacks a round moves 6foot looses 4 attacks, and gets 1 attack that round. While a lvl 1 fighter moves 6 foot a round and gets the same number of attacks. My question is why does the higher lvl fighter lose so many attacks? Or am I reading combat wrong?

gilthanis316 wrote:
OK, I don't understand why say a 15th lvl fighter with lets just say 5 attacks a round moves 6foot looses 4 attacks, and gets 1 attack that round. While a lvl 1 fighter moves 6 foot a round and gets the same number of attacks. My question is why does the higher lvl fighter lose so many attacks? Or am I reading combat wrong?

That is just the way the rules work. It is stupid, but non-casters apparently can't have nice things.

Movement is measured in increments of 5 feet, so you'd need to move 10 feet.

That aside, full-round attacking and standard action attacking is different. Full attacking is (usually) where a character plants their self in place and starts hacking away at whatever is in front of them. Standard action attacking is where a character decides to take one good swing, usually because they spent the rest of the round moving. If you are only good enough at combat to take one good swing a round, then yes, you don't lose any attacks by only taking a standard action attack. If you're a 1st level fighter with 2 attacks, you can only make 1 attack as a standard action attack. If you're a 15th level fighter with 5 attacks, you still can only make 1 attack as a standard action attack. If you're a 15th level wizard with 2 attacks, you can only make 1 attack as a standard action attack. That doesn't change.

It's unbalanced in favor of casters, but yeah, that's the way things work.

You should check out 5e if that irks you. I believe they allowed characters to take their attacks anytime during a move. Though if you weren't a fighter you'd never get more than 2 attacks. Much more compressed system, seems pretty different.

Why not let them move half their mv speed and get full attack? Maybe at a penalty.

Mobile fighter gets some nifty abilities like that. Maybe offer some as feats?

Have you never tried a combo in a character action video game?

This is comparing a charging dive kick with the long combo (that you unlock a longer combo as you go on).

I thing every 5 foot move you should drop 1 attack, that way a 15th lvl fight don't seem like they don't know what they are doing,

I know its 5 foot increments just giving an example if you just (example) move 6 foot, your attacks drop so much, I can't wrap my head around why the bad ass 15th lvl would drop so many attack making him # of attack wise as a 1st peon lol

Being that you can attack with you hands and move with your feet, you should he able to take a full attack while moving your move speed. I could see getting only 1 attack if you double moved

jimibones83 wrote:
Being that you can attack with you hands and move with your feet, you should he able to take a full attack while moving your move speed. I could see getting only 1 attack if you double moved

Double move attack is a charge.

I can understand the rules for someone engaged and focused on someone right next to them being able to attack more and find more openings to attack

I view combat as where you are in melee range you two are clashing swords the entire time. The attack roles are for you to find an opening to strike. Having to cross some distance to engage and find those openings will cost you.

That's just how things work.

Move more than 5ft you only get one attack, unless you have a pounce or pounce like ability.

If you don't like it, look into Unchained rules for removing iterative attacks.

Does unchained have alternative rules for such a thing? I haven't been able to peek into it yet.

Getting your second attack as part of your standard would be a good feat.

jimibones83 wrote:

Does unchained have alternative rules for such a thing? I haven't been able to peek into it yet.

Getting your second attack as part of your standard would be a good feat.

Yes, as I mentioned. They have a section called "Removing Iterative Attacks".

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