gilthanis316's page

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I've been thinking of making a monk magus using two weapon fighting, by using blade bound/kensai magus, and having your offhand weapon be your unarmed. I'm not going for the ultimate optimization but rather a unique blend/flavor. What would make this a good build?

I agree talk to the other players and gmm first... If that don't work set him up to die, talk to the other members of the group and next big fight let him charge while the rest hang back, of he wins he will be a lot weaker, then you can challenge him with an advantage, allow him to beat his self, imagine his face when he has about 10 hps left and you look at him and say..."now about that duel?"

I thing every 5 foot move you should drop 1 attack, that way a 15th lvl fight don't seem like they don't know what they are doing,

I know its 5 foot increments just giving an example if you just (example) move 6 foot, your attacks drop so much, I can't wrap my head around why the bad ass 15th lvl would drop so many attack making him # of attack wise as a 1st peon lol

OK, I don't understand why say a 15th lvl fighter with lets just say 5 attacks a round moves 6foot looses 4 attacks, and gets 1 attack that round. While a lvl 1 fighter moves 6 foot a round and gets the same number of attacks. My question is why does the higher lvl fighter lose so many attacks? Or am I reading combat wrong?

Sorry, if he muticlassed with a class that gave him scimitar as a weapon prof, just to clear

Can say a monk have dervish dancing and two wepon fighting use a scimitar in one hand and use the off hand as an unarmed strike? Basically fighting with 2 weapons?

Thanks for the answer, makes sense a player I know was wondering

So...if a druid changes into say an eagle and has a 4 hour duration, is he stuck as an eagle? Or can he change into a bear within that 4 hour time period? To me or makes sense that he could change into several different animals during his time allotment... Or is that wrong?

What about slashing grace feat?

Plus there is a difference between chaotic evil and chaotic stupid...

In a kingmaker campaign I'm playing a ne wizard and my friend is playing a palladin. The only way he found out I was evil is 5 lvls later (I started at 5th lvl) he saw on my sheet I was ne. He kept saying he'd know by detect evil but when I came into the group I had an eye patch with non I made absolutely sure when detect evil cone went off I was always behind him. I never screwed the group over but I'm the one that got the bad stuff done when making a kingdom....the funniest part is the look on other players faces when they say "you're evil?!?!" Fun fun we are lvl 17 now and no one but the queen in the group knows I'm evil....because I seduced her into marriage lolol