Gearing a Dragon


So a search on this didn't pop anything up, but how do people feel about gearing dragons? I mean, they have Hoarde of gear, and given that said gear magically resizes it's self one ring style, with an exception to armor and magical weapons, there seems little to no reason not to gear up a dragon NPC.

So have you guys experienced this before? If not, why not? Dragons finding gear to be out of fashion or a sign of weakness? They need custom made gear because in your setting it doesn't resize and it's too much work? Or for most encounters it'd just be overkill? I'm thinking about doing it in my next game and Just was thinking about it since my group is fairly good at optimizing and figure it might kick up the power of a dragon encounter.

I've done it. Its foes were very powerful themselves, and it made sense to do so. XD Really, depends on the CR of the dragon in comparison to the party - dragons probably SHOULD be notably stronger, and gear is a way to make them tougher without making 'em older.

Silver Crusade

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Dragons of any significant age should totally be decked out. Not just with wearable gear, but with things like Ioun stones, metamagic rods, and scrolls out the wazoo.

When preparing for a dragon fight as a DM i looked through the dragon's hoard to see which items he could use.

Magic Items resize to fir the wearer, so if the dragon has the bodyslot and it is useful to him, he will be wearing it.

But (!) there arent really any dragons outside of very special circumstances who sell their hoard to "gear up". So most of their wealth is still generic treasure to enjoy possessing.

If I am not mistaken, the CR of a dragon takes its hoard into consideration. Given that the hoard includes magical items. I make sure that the dragon makes use of those items one way or another.

Here are two threads

A dragon with an amulet of mighty fists alone would be impressive. Especially if it has an element opposite of the dragon's.

I have a dragon whose coins that gets confiscated get reminted in the likeness of the dragon. And also arcane marked. He sometimes parts with his coins to link himself to rulers and such in return for "services rendered" He uses his crystal ball daily. He also has a helm of telepathy. Summoning circles crafted from the finest gems and riches. Etc.

fictionfan wrote:
Here are two threads

Much thanks, I will look at these asap! All I could find on a cursory search were people gearing Dragons Disciples.

Also here

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