GM and Players for Mid-Level PbP Campaign?


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Dark Archive

Got a lot of time on my hands and looking to play a tank pally. Anyone else interested? If you are wanting to GM, you can put whatever module or setting you'd like in the post itself.

I would not mind getting to play in a mid-level campaign. Would be nice to get past the first few levels. Around what level did you have in mind?

Dark Archive

"The Lucky Halfling" wrote:
I would not mind getting to play in a mid-level campaign. Would be nice to get past the first few levels. Around what level did you have in mind?

Anywhere from 9 to like, 13

I would say for PFS, 9-13 is high level. I am tied up in some games right now for Gameday IV, but i should be free afterwards to run a high lvl module/campaign.

qwerty1971 wrote:
I would say for PFS, 9-13 is high level. I am tied up in some games right now for Gameday IV, but i should be free afterwards to run a high lvl module/campaign.

I don't think he mentioned PFS, did he?

Dark Archive

The Dragon wrote:
qwerty1971 wrote:
I would say for PFS, 9-13 is high level. I am tied up in some games right now for Gameday IV, but i should be free afterwards to run a high lvl module/campaign.
I don't think he mentioned PFS, did he?

Indeed I didn't. It doesn't even have to be a modules, it can be a custom campaign if the GM explains their setting a bit

Mid-level would definitely be more eventful than a lower-level module. I'm interested

Mid-level? Yeah, I'm definitely interested! I guess the most difficult is to find an interested GM, though...

I'm in the middle of a recruitment or two right now, the results of which will have a big effect on my free time. If I discover that I'll have time to do it justice, I could possibly either GM for or play with the group.

Caveat: I'm a fairly new GM, and relatively new to Pathfinder in general. My experience at higher levels is pretty limited, especially when it comes to magic, so I may not be playing enemies to their full potential. I'd definitely do my best, but it'd be a reality of my leading a game.

If folks would be cool with my potential limitations, and if someone better doesn't come along, I'd be thinking about running Beyond the Vault of Souls, a 9th level Paizo module that deals with plane-hopping, saving the multiverse, and other such trivialities. :)

Cool! Saving the 'verse is always nice as a snack between a real job and the next ;)

That's fine by me!

Would be fine by me too. :)

Silver Crusade


Grand Lodge

I would also be interested in this mid level
Module! Got one or two ideas cooking already!

Liberty's Edge

sounds like fun (I've grown rather tired of 'just off the farm' characters)

I'm gonna go play with some char ideas

Silver Crusade

It looks like we have a few people. We need a GM. I would be willing to take on that role as a last resort, though be my first game to run.

But hopefully we have a better option forthcoming?

Liberty's Edge

Rennai said that he/she (English really needs a proper set of gender neutral pronouns) would if she/he had enough time. I think that we're waiting to hear back on that, it's only been a few days.

Mid-level is not a good place to start GMing. If Rennai can't and nobody else steps forward, I'll dig around in what I've got and will run something. Mind, I've never run pbp before.

I have run games before, just not at mid-to-high level, and not a lot of them. And you're right, English does need gender-neutral pronouns. (It's she.) :)

Still figuring out if I'm going to have time and energy. If you'd rather do it, sable, go for it. :)

Interested in playing. I could GM a PbP but I'd need some time to throw some jazz together, make a frankenventure so to speak. Fair warning: I don't do maps(prefer we all use our imagination ::See Spongebob for more details::), I like beefy PCs so I can make life/death interesting, and I don't do PC murder-sprees til after 10th level to give the party time to cohere before ancient wyrms and undead armies begin running amok.

I'm looking to get Mr. Brooks and Ham to at least level 9, so this is something I'm definitely interested in. I would like to submit my newest creation(s), Mr. Brooks and Ham. Please note the archetype requests at the bottom. Also, the whole "amnesia" thing isn't just a way to cop-out of making a background. I originally had a whole story about being raised in a minor noble family (the nation would have depended on what campaign I was accepted into) before an attack in which Ham made himself known, and Mr. Brooks was disowned. I just liked the idea of Mr. Brooks not knowing anything about his past, and the potential for him to run into people who recognize him. If selected, I will happily adjust him to whatever guidelines are decided on.

Liberty's Edge

I'd rather not run. I enjoy running but I enjoy playing more. I'm just volunteering as a reserve GM.

@Cthulhu, as they say 'no school like the old school' :). I wouldn't be using maps either.

Alrighty then, folks, I'm cooking something up. Doing starting info and then I'll generate the intro. Just a heads up, this is gonna be a Human-centric campaign due to the initial direction. All races will be human-related, the mutts of tabletop lol, and I even have a male Changeling statted up: the Witcher, delicious.

It will start at 9th level, as requested, so you will all have 1 level to cohere before I rev up the meat grinder :: Cackles Maniacally::.

Any requests as I get back to building? Classes and the like.

Silver Crusade

Cthulhu, Jr. wrote:

Alrighty then, folks, I'm cooking something up. Doing starting info and then I'll generate the intro. Just a heads up, this is gonna be a Human-centric campaign due to the initial direction. All races will be human-related, the mutts of tabletop lol, and I even have a male Changeling statted up: the Witcher, delicious.

It will start at 9th level, as requested, so you will all have 1 level to cohere before I rev up the meat grinder :: Cackles Maniacally::.

Any requests as I get back to building? Classes and the like.

Does it have to be just humans? I have a really interesting back story for a ratfolk wizard, and that race gives me the best stat mods.

But in any case, what character creation rules? The OP said he wanted to do a paladin so it'll likely need to be some sort of point buy. (Because if it's not, you can't really pick a class until you see your status block.)

Dotting interest. Am hoping for DSP stuff, but I can play without.

Are you allowing only core classes?

@ThePuppyTurtle: Hmmm, would you be opposed to a Wererat Skinwalker? Could tweek stats for you if you want something more ratfolky?

To lead for stats: 30pt buy(calling it Legendary Fantasy, lol) with 1st level scores no higher than than 18 or lower than 10, all core classes, apg classes, plus gunslinger and magus. No archetypes using mechanics outside those limits. Considering a special form of gestalt requiring half of each gestalt to be melee-oriented for some muscles. I have some guidelines for gear so don't go nuts with slapping on armor just yet.

I'll be starting a thread with my GM archetype: GM Miskatonic, in the next 48hrs and posting the finer details of character creation and the setting.

Are Ham and Mr. Brooks within your somewhat complicated guidelines, Lord Cthulhu? If not, how should I adjust them?

@Alynthar42: Ham/Mr. Brooks looks peachy for the moment, once I get around to posting the Character Creation guts he'll get considerably stronger.

Shiny. Stronger Ham is fun.

Grand Lodge

This is gonna kick ass. Thanks for stepping up Cthulhu, Jr.

No problem, I hope you all like the direction I end up going :)

Liberty's Edge

Well, it should be an interesting trip at the very least.

Shiny! So I think I'll just wait until I see what those creation rules are 100%. I have some ideas in mind, like a zen archer, a barbarian, etc, that I can easily take to lvl 9.
I take material from UC, UM and the like is not allowed? Or just the classes?

Any material associated with the allowable classes is fair game. Working on setting up the recruitment thread. Anyone in this thread who is genuinely interested gets first dibs, no joke. I'm considering 2 tanks, 2 healers, and 3 dps(ah, mmo lingo). At least one caster dps and one rogue dps will probably be optimal. One of the tank slots is TheIronGiant6's if he still wants it.

If I am feeling particularly good about it I may split the campaign into two threads with two groups running through the same campaign simultaneously. It would be two parties of 5-7 each if such a feat were to happen, but baby steps for now. First I gotta see if you all like the goods before we dive into multi-group mayhem.

I'll try to get the character creation jazz up before I crash but I'm running on fumes after a week of killer overtime so I may be drowning my keyboard in drool before I'm through.

Silver Crusade

Cthulhu, Jr. wrote:

@ThePuppyTurtle: Hmmm, would you be opposed to a Wererat Skinwalker? Could tweek stats for you if you want something more ratfolky?

To lead for stats: 30pt buy(calling it Legendary Fantasy, lol) with 1st level scores no higher than than 18 or lower than 10, all core classes, apg classes, plus gunslinger and magus. No archetypes using mechanics outside those limits. Considering a special form of gestalt requiring half of each gestalt to be melee-oriented for some muscles. I have some guidelines for gear so don't go nuts with slapping on armor just yet.

I'll be starting a thread with my GM archetype: GM Miskatonic, in the next 48hrs and posting the finer details of character creation and the setting.

I'm doing a wizard, so the ability to shape change into a less intelligent form would be pretty useless.

I'm not 100% attached to my idea, though I like it quite a bit. What exactly is the premise such that nonhumans are a potential problem?

Alright, I always sucked at healing with my resto shaman, so I'm calling for a slot as a ranged dps (zen archer?).

Silver Crusade

Jereru wrote:
Alright, I always sucked at healing with my resto shaman, so I'm calling for a slot as a ranged dps (zen archer?).

I'm currently planning to do an evoker wizard. I hope that doesn't conflict?

Grand Lodge

Calling a slot for tiefling grappling white haired witch. Still working out some specifics but its almost ready to show off.

Can we multiclass with gestalt?

ThePuppyTurtle wrote:
Jereru wrote:
Alright, I always sucked at healing with my resto shaman, so I'm calling for a slot as a ranged dps (zen archer?).
I'm currently planning to do an evoker wizard. I hope that doesn't conflict?

I don't think so...

I think I'll fill the skill monkey slot with a human rogue :)

Elf King wrote:
I think I'll fill the skill monkey slot with a human rogue :)

So, mostly, this makes for the ranged DPS (Wizard, who can also control), melee DPS (Rogue) and the whatever DPS (me) :)

Don't forget me, filling a melee DPS role. Also, please don't gestalt.

Liberty's Edge

I'll be a human cleric then.

Are we using the standard deities?

Grand Lodge

Yolollama wrote:

Calling a slot for tiefling grappling white haired witch. Still working out some specifics but its almost ready to show off.

Can we multiclass with gestalt?

Oh wait, if I'm reading your limits correctly then, I can't use archetypes outside those the core and apg.

If thats the case I'll take up the other healer spot. Dibs please.

Cthulhu, Jr. wrote:
Any material associated with the allowable classes is fair game.

From this, I understand that from books other than Core and APG all we get to use are feats and archetypes for the allowed classes. No feats or archetypes for banned classes (which makes sense, lol).

Wizard pew pew (I guess he'll be kind enough to cast the ocasional Slow or haste XD)
Rogue slash slash and skill skill
Zen archer shoot shoot and able to go to the front line
Melee dps crush crush
Cleeeeeric, Cleric Allelluuuuuuyah...

Witch is basically pew pew, cackle cackle
Edit: How long would you like our background and/or personality to be?

@ Jereru & Elf King: Your sound effects are commendable :P

@ Yolollama & Jereru: The only banned Paizo material is the Advanced Class Guide(i.e. Hybrid Classes and their spawn) and Occult jazz with the exception of feats and such that do not deal with the banned classes/archetypes. Technology is also kind of super rare, even in adventure paths that have it, so no starting with tech, it will make an appearance later though. The intro will have a list of the limits here.

@ sable: All Golarion-based deities are in play, Tian-Xia may be visited at some point but is not gonna be a huge part of things. The alignments I'll have listed are pretty fair. Also, a certain missing god will play a heavy role in the campaign... though initially worshipping him is futile since in the era you guys are he is very much gone.

@ ThePuppyTurtle: The campaign is an homage to my favorite figure in the Golarion-verse and his relatives. It's also a blatant attempt to point out the ridiculous fertility of humans. They can breed with like anyone or anything, seriously, it's kinda gross, lol. Mostly, however, it's the goal of the campaign that makes human-oriented races important. We can always work on a kind of 'polymorph experiment gone awry' *POOF!* once a human, now a ratfolk! Would be an easy finagling of racials and such, I'm pretty easy going when you're creative so I think we can work something out.

@ Alynthar42: The reason I'm including a gestalt option in the creation rules is for beefy hp pools for everyone and reasonable feat/ability options that don't taper each member's role into just one corner(i.e. no pure tanks, dps, or healers will exist, hint-hint-wink-wink, everybody). If you find perusing the archetypes for 'gestalt jenga' to be irritating you can always just go for a basic fighter for you melee half. Has damn good feats, bab, and hp, which is the goal.

So, I basically passed out right after I got home and been sleeping all day ::cough:: so, back to the intro, it'll be up soon. I'll also list all the dibs so far there as well but once you all see the build rules a tricked out alias would be appreciated. Thanks for keeping interest :D

Grand Lodge

Going with the Witch for dibs since White haired archetype is acceptable. Put me down as Tank. Yeah..I know. :3

And as a side question, how would you feel about a half-giant? You mentioned mutt races. :3 Or a human with a paid for permanent enlarge person? If not I can deal with a wand.

Looks fairly interesting. The mention of witcher has me wanting to do a Swashbuckler or Daring Champion Cavalier//Magus.

Given that Swashbuckler is banned, I'd probably go for the cavalier version. The idea would be str-focused, but with Slashing Grace(Longsword or Bastard Sword).

I think it could wind up being pretty cool.

@ Yolollama: Interesting concept, may consider just such an event.

@ The Dragon: Methinks you will like the Witcher far more than you realize...

Also, Human, Half-Elves, and Half-Orcs are getting some buffs/mods for some more flavor. Almost done with the intro thread.

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