Interest check: Sword Art Online homebrew, build your class!


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I have been having this idea swirl around in my head quite a bit. Using several amines as a basis for starting a new homebrew, such as the following:

'Sword Art Online'
'Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon?'
'Log Horizon'

The idea can be trapped players though I was hoping for more of an open world for people to explore and do what you want. We can develop some of the world first such as major quests and landmarks.

Any want to help start building it with me?
Anyone interested in just jumping in the world?

I have a large section already created but I can make adjustments as needed!

My time is very limited but I am devoting an hour each day to PbP, so a few posts from me each night is likely the most I can devote at this time.

What exactly is the base going to be? Or will it be completely new?

If its a Alien tech post fall world [mad max, Dying Earth meets pathfinder], with old tech and Psionics Im in.

Got an idea of a Psionic class call "Weavers"

I would prefer the base of the game to be open world. It would be classic D&D but with no class system. The classes would give us direction but each 'player/adventurer' would have their own build and likely slowly developing their skills. After a while special secret skills would start appearing.

In this game I would allow anything. Though like I said above it would be more classic D&D.

General layout: the dungeon is a massive tower also leading below ground. A decent sized town has sprung up around it and has stayed for the last 100 years. It could easily be in the Pathfinder world but to the far East. Beyond the mountain range and out of the known world.

Old tech, future tech, psionics can be seen sparingly. I won't be focusing on them but having them surface once in a while would be fun. Treasure troves of different times... ;)

D&D/Pathfinder, but with no class system? So what, do we create our own classes from a select list, or do we just increase skills and get your own version of skill unlocks?

Very interested to hear how classes would be handled as well.

I could be interested, but I refuse to be compared to anything besides .Hack//!

I'd still like to hear how classes should be developed, anyways.

I'd also be willing to help structure the world/dungeon a bit more, but I'd want to be a little higher level so I have the influence and skills to do so.

Reading the general idea of the post brought .Hack// to my mind immediately as well... Heh.

Sounds like you're looking for a Point Buy system. Take a look at New World of Darkness or Shadowrun. Make some edits to certain skills and figure out what equipment to allow, and you've got a perfect MMO system.

Or GURPS. There's a way to make that into pretty much anything.

I'm into it, though. If we get a solid idea of character generation, this sounds like a great game.

BESM d20 could be what you're looking for here, with everyone being the Adventurer class, which is the "build your own class" class.

Yeah I could use one of those systems but I want to just keep with pathfinder. You can choose an established class or start from scratch. Starting from scratch gives you four class skills of your choice, 4 skill points, one of your saves is good, and three class specials. Your development depends on what you do.

Basic character creation starts with rolling 5d6, six times.

.Hack// is good inspiration as well.

sounds interesting

When you said "custom class" I thought you meant 1-20 like traditional Pathfinder.

So would be be picking parts of other classes and Frankenstein them together? Like taking Sneak Attack off of a Rouge and Rage off a Barbarian?

I don't think I'd like having to write out my own special abilities and keep them balanced...

Also would we gain more class abilities and skills as we progress?

Johnnycat93 wrote:
When you said "custom class" I thought you meant 1-20 like traditional Pathfinder.

Not sure exactly what you meant here. But most players would start at level one and growth would be quick.

Sach: Yes this system will allow you to build what your character can do, similar to elder scrolls. Most of the classes have different abilities you get to choose what you start with and develop into.

The nice thing about my plan you won't need to keep them balanced. You just keep thinking about what you want, the more focused on something the stronger it will get or you can diversify with it. Or you keep adding other abilities that you like, they will be weaker but you will be more diversified.

Each level you would gain on your development since the last level up. Just think about the years of training a normal adventurer should do just to get to level 1. I may diversify the levels some, since a standard 3rd level rogue would have about the same total points as a 6th level custom class. I plan to have the custom classes level up twice as fast as a normal character because you gain half as much abilities for each level up. It will all work out to keep it balanced.

I'm going to back out. This doesn't sound right for me.

Yeah, same here. Best of luck, all.

2 down, who is still interested?

I'm interesting. Elder Scrolls is bucking awesome, so it could be fun to try its leveling system in a Pathfinder game!

Tried something like this a while back.
Well the whole "trapped in the game" thing.
What we ended up doing was a SAO clone, its amusing how close you can get to that game by adding ToB attacks and some fast healing to normal pathfinder.
had to drop the magic classes to fit the theme but still.
Link to game referenced.

I'd be interested in giving this a go, my vote would go to something closer to Log Horizon than Sword Art. Log is much more focused on the interactions between players in general and the nature of the world changing so drastically as players bring their knowledge to bear is really cool. Plus that whole bit about the NPC's amuses me.

Now if only the series didn't progress at the speed of a heavily laden snail.

This doesn't sound like the thing for me so I'll have to bow out as well, sorry Wolf.

Good luck!

That is fine Sach. I am just looking for a few players to help start off off this idea that like the idea.

Thanks Fury, I am glad to see your interest.

I know what you mean Movin, Log did take its time with development. Then again most Anime are like that. Yes Log sounds like a good direction. Thanks, I will check out the game when I get a chance.

The trapped player/open world idea is pretty neat. Personally, i'd be more down for a Log Horizon type game, where they're trapped in an open world and don't know how they got there or why it's changing, compared to the linear world of Sword Art.

How are you gonna run the development? You could use the gestalt class of d20pfsrd it uses build points to make you character with various skills, class features and such, also, I highly suggest reading this, it might give you some interesting ideas.

Anima would be well-suited for this project. So would the Log Horizon RPG (though I haven't checked how far along the translation project is).

I may decide to recommit if we can use 3pp.

I'm interested, but I'd like to see what you have, and get an idea of what your vision (edit: for the mechanics of this game) is for this particular game first, if that's alright.

edit: Saying build any class and create anything can either turn out really good or really bad, depending entirely on how it's managed.

Beginning mechanics is actually built into the game. With six 'churches' or magical locations. Each location has an associated element, life, death, earth, fire, water, and air. From the beginning you appear in a mausoleum. You have basic gear on, backpack, clothing, a weapon of your choice, some food, a scroll to show your progress, and three potions. The potions are red, blue, and green.

Everyone starts off with 4 class skills, 4 skill points, 10 hp, one good saving throw, two feats, the proficiency with one weapon and one special ability (from a class).

Every time you level up you gain 1d3 hp, 2 skill points and one special ability. Also a crystal drops from your last kill that is glowing. This Crystal is currency to buy upgrades at the magical locations. Other special crystals may drop as well.

Going to one of the magical locations will allow you to choose more ways to develop yourself. You can buy special abilities, 1d3 hp, 2 skill points, feats, etc.

I believe this way you can create any character that you want even outside the restrictions of a class system.

Proficiencies with weapons and armor is based on how much you use them. Though you could broaden your scope as you choose. Single weapon, dual focus, weapon group, typically those are the typical groups.


Johnnycat: 3pp? Do you mean 3rd party material. I don't see why not. In this game I am going to allow anything unless the group as a whole chooses against something.

Korak: Thanks for the link!

Each player will be able to use their meta game knowledge, just as the players in Log Horizon. The world is based on a game but it is still growing you never know what might happen. I need from each player to give me two quests and one special event that they remember about the game. You don't have to do this but then you forfeit the right to remember any thing about what the events and quests used to be like.

If you want to help start developing the world send me a PM.

"3pp" is "3rd part provider"

Will there be multiple tiers of characters, From a meta standpoint?

Like Admins, beta-testers, and normal players?

1d3 is awfully low, can you do permanent upgrades to your hit die? How many points do these crystals give you to purchase with, glad you enjoyed it. It's definitely given me some ideas on new takes for old monsters.

... Yeah. 1d3 HP and only 4/2 skill points seems awfully restrictive...

that restriction would probably serve as a good balance for the metagaming. You might know a lot about what's going on in a certain area of the game, what the treasure to get is, but you can't take advantage of that knowledge because you're not strong enough yet.

5d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 1, 6, 6) = 17
5d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 1, 3, 4) = 16
5d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 6, 5, 4) = 23
5d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 6, 4, 2) = 15
5d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 2, 4, 5) = 16
5d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 2, 5, 1) = 17

So, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess we're dropping the two lowest rolls for each attribute.


5d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 4, 4, 1) = 15
5d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 2, 2, 4) = 13
5d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 5, 1, 2) = 16
5d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 5, 1, 2) = 20
5d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 2, 6, 4) = 19
5d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 2, 5, 3) = 17

How do potions and such work, it doesn't seem like normal magic item creation is the way to go on this one.

JohnnyCat: yes 3pp will be allowed within reason and group acknowledgment.

There can be some alpha and beta players, add it to your pre-game background. I don't think I will have any players being admin, unless they will just be that role which is possible, but think of them as helpers rather than GMs. It is possible an admin, meaning someone helping make the game or upkeep it has become locked into the game as well making them a normal player with more meta knowledge. Though if we had a player as such they would be helping me create a bunch of the world.

Yes you drop the two lowest rolls when doing 5d6.

Korak:Yes permenant upgrades for your hit die would be possible. Also you can add hit points by selling the gems as well. There will also be special events that will allow you to use some gems to reset your characters progression, giving back all your used gems. It likely will be costly though. I am still working on the chart to make it balanced.

Understand all classes have hit points, skill points, base Attack, saving throws, and specials. The gems allow you to make your own selections of development. Also the XP chart will be cut in half. You will be leveling up twice as fast, basically adding up to a standard class.

If you want you may pick up item creation feats. Though there might be others prerequisites. Such as brew potion, you likely will need two ranks in alchemy and go on a quest for an NPC 'witch' before she teaches you how it really all works. Other quests might allow you to develop on that feat. Feats that don't have direct impact in combat will likely just be quests that you can pick up, though you might be limited to the amount of those extra 'feats'. ;)

So... It looks like I have one player and even more limited time.
Ask your questions and hopefully I can get to them in a timely manner.

You referring to a friend or someone on this group?

5d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 5, 5, 6) = 21 =15
5d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 6, 4, 5) = 20 =15
5d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 4, 4, 5) = 17 =13
5d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 5, 6, 1) = 14 =12
5d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 3, 6, 4) = 20 =16
5d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 5, 2, 6) = 21 =16

O that 1st one should have been 16


Are we all Human?

Korak, I was referring you. JohnnyCat has some interest. And now it appears GM Panic is interested as well. Others have noted their interest but have not rolled for stats yet.

I am fine with players being any race that does not have a level adjustment. No special racial subspecies like a moon or sun elf, unless you want to write out a history for the subdivision. Basically you can have your elf look the way you want but it is still just an elf. Same goes for the rest of the basic races. Humans will be the most prevalent race.

I am still in the development stage of the game, any help will be appreciated. If you have a question about something please ask.

Well, what COULD we do to help? Other than world building, I suck at that as I learned the last time I tried to create a campaign.

I think a lot could be done to iron out this class creation system.

As it stands it serves as a pretty significant barrier of entry to anyone who may be wanting in.

Your creation system sounds a bit...rough.

Try this?

It's far from perfect, but I've refined it over the years little by little, and it's far more workable as a build-a-class system than what you seem to be suggesting. It's also partially 3PP compatible (I could write up class breakdowns for 3PP classes as requested).

Consider this a tentative interest. Fan of the premise, not the specifics.

5d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 4, 2, 3) = 18 = 14
5d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 6, 1, 2) = 12 = 10
5d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 3, 6, 3) = 22 = 18
5d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 1, 4, 3) = 19 = 15
5d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 1, 1, 1) = 12 = 10
5d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 1, 1, 3) = 11 = 9

I can for sure work with these stats if so.

Thank you Rynjin! Yes it did look like I bit off much more than I could chew. I believe your system would pretty well. I have seen a few but yours looks more developed.

Anyone have objections to using it?

Each player should work on a few things. Player background which includes how much association you have to the 'game' before being trapped. Your projected class: how you will use your points for the first level and the next few levels.

Anyone want to play as an NPC as well, create a personality,description, profession, and purpose for the NPC.

Anyone come up with some quests, I have a good bunch but could still use more.

OK GM willing to help.


Races, I would Keep it core races, or just human [with posibel +3RP see below]

Then if you really want interest allow race builder BUT with a race outline. Set the RP point spend in race builder at max for core race, which I think is 10 Race Points to spend [need to heck]. With 3 more Race point if they outline where the race comes from [1RP] 100 words, its culture 100 words [1RP] and small bit of history 100 words [1RP].

That way they can have a Race, elf, dwarf or other, even human with 13RP more and your getting into Advanced races etc,

In this way you get input into you world from PCs with vested interest in seeing their race become part of it.

Hope that helps.

Cool. Small warning, I may update it to suit the needs of one of the games using it right now, but most things should stay the same, and changes of any sort are rare besides addition of new classes (need to finish ACG classes and add Occult classes. I have a breakdown of the Aegis somewhere if anyone needs that). The magic system has received the most tweaks, as it's hardest to get right (too expensive and Druids are impossible to build, too cheap and it's just OP).

My character will probably be a complete newbie to the game, maybe even his first time playing, poor bastard. Sounded fun when it popped in my head.

Seems like it'd be sort of a double edged sword: Less meta knowledge to draw on, but less stuff to "unlearn" (Can't just spam your cooldowns guys, we have limited spell slots now!).

I would suggest allowing everyone to fully customize their appearance for funsies. That way you can have new fun "races" like skeletons and slimes (ala Overlord), but using extant race mechanics so less fiddly bits.

GM Panic: That sounds like a fair trade. :)

Rynjin: I am fine with everybody adjusting the aesthetics of their character. But if you want to play an adjusted race it will need to be created first. I am fine with your character physical description being off the wall from your base race. I think that answers your statement/question.

Rynjin wrote:
My character will probably be a complete newbie to the game, maybe even his first time playing, poor bastard. Sounded fun when it popped in my head.

Oh absolutely be a cliche.

Korak mutters about being beaten to it.
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