Necromancer Wizard, level 6, build suggestions


Wizard 6, Necromancer school, Evocation and Enchantment opposition, Undead subschool.
Ability Scores w/ 15 point buy. not a PFS character
STR: 7
DEX: 10
CON: 10
INT: 21(18 base, +2 racial, +1 level 4 ability gain)
WIS: 10
CHA: 12
(All base, before gear)
Feats:(in no particular level gained order, 1 gained via flaw, 1 via human, 1 via class)
Craft wondrous Item
Craft Wand
Bouncing Spell
Persistent Spell
Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus(Necromancy)
Trait: Magical Lineage(Blindness/Deafness)
Spells in spellbook(some purchased, some via APG favored class option)
L1: Mage Armor, Grease, Silent Image, Feather Fall, Protection from Evil, Ray of Sickening, Repair undead, Adhesive Spittle, Enlarge Person, Shield, Alarm
L2: Command Undead, Blindness/Deafness, Fox's Cunning, Mirror Image, Make Whole, Molten Orb, Detect Thoughts, Scare, Protection from Arrows, resist energy[EDIT: Also Fox's Cunning]
L3: Animate Dead(lesser), Stinking Cloud, Haste, Slow

relevant Gear; most of it crafted over the course of gameplay
Headband(Int) +2
Handy Haversack
Catching Cape
Robe of Bones(very few items left)
Wand of Molten Orb(50 charges)
Cloak of Resistance +2
Belt of Con +2

the question is this;
My DM fudges dice rolls(pretty obviously but claims he doesn't) and hates SoS/SoD/SoL spells, preferring HP damage which he supports by stating monster weaknesses as "Damage" regardless of knowledge check. So my SoS spells rarely(to the point of almost never) ever land, regardless of the odds, if they are cast against anything that could be considered a threat.

How can I build this character going forward to make it less reliant on SoS spells, considering that we never find scrolls that I could scribe into my spellbook, liquid funds are a rarity, and purchasing spells is situational at best?

Leaving the group due to the DM's actions isn't an option for a few reasons, and yes; I know that as debuffing/SoS spells this is far from optimized. yes; my saving throws leave much to be desired, but our DM uses casters rarely, and resist(lightning) is enough to survive the occasional elemental bloodline sorcerer we come across

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