synjon |

Building a combination blockbuster/god wizard for our RotRL campaign. Need help deciding between the following options:
* Magical Lineage/Reactionary: Currently has +7 Initiative (+3 Dex, Compsagnathus familiar). Lineage would go on Fireball.
* Metamagic Master/Arcane Temper: Temper would give smaller boosts, but to two useful abilities instead of one (Initiative + Concentration). Metamagic Master would also go on Fireball.
I use D20PFSRD (Paizo only) for what is allowed in the game. Metamamgic Master was originally Wayang Spellhunter, but since it doesn't list as such on the site, I don't generally nitpick about it. Also considered Arcane Graduate/Magical Lineage, but I felt like concentration checks shouldn't be as big a deal if the character is smart enough to stay out of melee. Speaking of which, any thoughts on putting Spell Specialization on either Burning Hands or Magic Missile? Currently, we're going with BH, but MM was very tempting due to range & no miss chance...
The character's concept is based off the Outlander (Loreseeker) campaign trait, but decided we could roleplay it without needing to take the trait.
Any advice would be appreciated. If any extra info is needed to clarify, please let me know. Thank you in advance!

synjon |

Forgot to mention he's going Admixture school, so he'll be able to adjust the elemental damage type on the fly. That's one of the key items in the Blockbuster build.
Also, need to pick two traits - the options above were for combinations, not either/or. So taking either Reactionary & Magical Lineage OR Metamagic Master & Arcane Temper (OR Magical Lineage & Arcane Graduate - as mentioned above, it was considered).
Not that Reactionary isn't a solid choice, mind you. But getting a free level of metamagic isn't anything to sneeze at, either... Actually, that's kind of the problem - they're all good, solid choices.

dnoisette |

Out of the two options you propose, I would pick Magical Lineage and Reactionary together.
This is because, as you said yourself, concentration checks should not be required too often if you play smart while initiative is crucial (especially on a blaster, you don't want to fireball in the melee unless you have Selective Spell - or a rod).
About your question regarding which spell to select with Spell Specialization early on, I would choose Burning Hands. Magic Missile is tempting sure but one more missile is 1d4+2 damage (average 4.5) while CL+2 on Burning Hands is 2d4 more damage (average 5).
Very little difference there but I like Burning Hands better for flavor as well. If you're going to blast things, fire is more flashy than force!
I also strongly recommend that you consider dipping into Crossblooded Sorcerer. I know it feels weird when you're already playing a full prepared spellcaster but the extra damage you gain in doing so is huge.
It turns a 2nd level Burning Hands from 4d4+1 (average 11) damage into a 1st-level Burning Hands for 3d4+7 (average 14.5) damage. This is just for low levels as the more dices you roll for damage, the better the bonus is.
I do realize that the guide for the Blockbuster Wizard advises you against the dip but I've played both with and without it and I can tell you that dipping into Sorcerer is required to do enough damage that it becomes worth it shooting a Fireball rather than casting Stinking Cloud or Black Tentacles.

synjon |

Was leaning towards Reactionary/Magical Lineage, pretty much for those reasons. Debate with Arcane Temper was if splitting the bonuses might be worth considering since Initiative was already +7, even without Improved Initiative - a +1 concentration, while not much, might still come in handy for those situations where something unexpected happens. But perhaps I'm making too much out of that. My oldest son, who plays in another game with friends that's much tighter/stricter on the rules than we play, told me he doesn't really feel concentration checks come up all that often in his other game (since the wizard 'plays smart').
Agree that BH will do more damage, although a little concerned about the range. MM just had enough things going for it, including affecting incorporeals (may or may not come up, but nice if it does) to make it a tough choice.
Willing to consider the dip - when would you do it, & which bloodlines? Guessing draconic/orc? Only issue might be his 9 Cha - or is that really an issue for a 1-level dip to get bonus damage from the bloodlines?

![]() |

The character's concept is based off the Outlander (Loreseeker) campaign trait, but decided we could roleplay it without needing to take the trait.
This is an Underrated Trait to be Honest. 3 spells to Increase both DC and CL by +1. When I used this I used it on Glitterdust and it was a real workhorse for the first 3 books. If your considering a Dip into Crossblooded this Trait becomes very useful in keeping Fireball at your HD instead of -1 from the dip. It can also help you boost Burning hands early when paired with Spell specialization and intensified Spell.
As far as traits I highly recommend:
Magical lineage and Wayang Spell Hunter- Fireball.
This will allow you to throw out Empowered Fireballs At level 5.
If you consider Dipping the Crossblooded Orc/Draconic I recommend doing so at level 6. After you grab up Fireball, Haste, dispel magic and Fly spells.
Spell Specialization should be for Burning Hands. You will be using it all the way up to Level 10 as intensified Burning hands in a 2nd level slot is a powerful Choice. Especially when you can make it any element on the fly.
I would only consider Magic Missile if you can put Toppling on it early...but then this really stops working about level 6 in this campaign but those first 6 levels tripping is a very viable Control method. But I really like Burning hands as just killing groups is also great control.

WagnerSika |

I multiclassed my pyromaniac gnome at 2nd level. Granted, it delayed getting third level spells but being able to cast 4 extra 1st level spells like Enlarge person and windy escape was a real boon too. I specialized with burning hands first, then switched out to Burning arc, the best 2nd level damage dealer imho. Then at the first opportunity switched to fireball.

synjon |

Going with either Lineage or Metamagic Master, not both. Yeah, it'll be impressive later, but I don't want all the eggs in one proverbial basket.
Still undecided on Reactionary vs Arcane Temper, although Reactionary will probably get the nod unless I get a really compelling argument otherwise....
It's the direction I was going anyway, but Spell Specialization to BH it is, then. May still give him MM as a backup, as the range & ability to affect incorps could still come in handy.
The dip into cross-blooded sorcerer can be decided another day, but it'll get serious consideration at that time. Thinking mid-levels is a good place for it, if I decide to do it.
Thanks for the opinions so far...