A Melindra mini!

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Silver Crusade

Has been announced in the Rusty Dragon Inn set!

Are there more PACG characters?

Usually there are two...

Have to get em all ;-)

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
Myfly wrote:

Are there more PACG characters?

Usually there are two...

Have to get em all ;-)

Radillo was previously announced to be in the same set, as a rare figure. Note that this is for the Pathfinder Battles line where, similar to CCGs, you get a randomized set of figures instead of a known fixed list. If you're interested in it only for the PACG characters, it may be worthwhile to buy them secondhand as singles rather than purchasing large quantities of sealed product and hoping you get lucky.

Paizo also sells singles, I believe. But they won't be listed until after the release.

So Melindra and Radillo it is, right?

But i dont see them here, why?


Myfly wrote:

So Melindra and Radillo it is, right?

But i dont see them here, why?


2nd row, 3rd from left and 4th row, 1st on left.

They aren't named Melindra and Radillo, they have more generic names. Gnome Wizard and Half-elf Enchanter, respectively. But their artwork is the same as the Melindra and Radillo that we know and love in the card game.

Sehr vielen Dank, Adlermond ;-)

Adlermond? Nein. Habichtmond zwei-sechs-neun.

How does this rare uncommon common thing work out? I never liked the idea of blind boosters, so I think buying them as singles will be the way to go.

My impression is that, in singles, the rare will cost more than the uncommon, which will cost more than the common. There will also (somewhat obviously) be more commons to sell than uncommons and more uncommons to sell than rares.

For instance, in the Lost Coast set...

This uncommon medium was $4.50.
While this rare medium was $9.00.

There seems to be some price adjustment due to size, but usually more to do with Large costing more, while Small doesn't cost less. It would seem reasonable to expect similar (though not necessarily exact) pricing this time around. That really makes you realize what a good deal those iconic heroes sets are. Especially since they come with cards too.

Red Harvester wrote:

Adlermond? Nein. Habichtmond zwei-sechs-neun.

How does this rare uncommon common thing work out? I never liked the idea of blind boosters, so I think buying them as singles will be the way to go.

Habicht, du hast recht. Danke.

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