AwesomenessDog |

There is basically the circle cleave feat, I forgot its name but it doesn't work off the cleave tree. But you make an attack against everyone within in your threaten area as a full action. Better than cleave but weaker than great cleave. At the same time, if you have more than one attack from BAB you don't have to focus a single target.

DoubleBubble |
Also if you go mythic, Sweeping strike can work pretty well. Specially if you play Aberrant Bloodrager and take Lunge. It's a full round action, but if you are play mythic and bloodrage, you will do great. Long arm and enlarge person Mythic as well as your bloodline power plus lunge will make Sweeping strike works very well. Only if you have that many enemies to fight.

Michael Grate |
There's the Slashing Cape
If you're mounted at all then mounted blade is like a charging cleave.