GM help request:A Thrilling encounter.

Homebrew and House Rules

Greetings all,

Thought I would seek some feedback for an encounter I plan on running during a one shot session next week.

Quick Background, running a pretty standard village in the middle of nowhere has the baker's daughter go missing. Final confrontation is planned with a harpy but before that the party takes off down a rocky road with a another wagon in hot pursuit.
Click on spoiler for details, pardon the mess of grammar and any spellings.

5. The Chase
Silas urges the horses down the old dirt road and the last thins the party sees is Boris and the other deserter head to the 2nd wagon.
The wagon is bouncing down the road, only the light of the moon helping them see. Each round a character must make DC 8 Acrobatics to not be jostled allowing a full turn. A fail by 3 or less allows for either a standard action or a move action. 4 or less loses a turn as a sudden lurch leaves them stumbling.

Silas yells back that there might be some oil flask in one of the crates, but ask that they don't use it all. A DC 15 perception check will also spot a Quick striker, allowing the oil wicks to be lit as a free action. Otherwise the wicks must be lit by a torch as a move action with a 5% chance of spilling oil on the wagon, causing 1d4 fire damage and damage point of the wagon.
Each wagon has 8 damage points.

The party soon sees the other wagon come barreling down the road quickly covering the distance. The lighter wagon has a single driver with Boris standing at the seat, using his whip to urge the horses to a breakneck speed. Either Boris or the wagon driver can be targeted but the unsteady terrain gives each a partial cover ac of 22. The wagon has a touch ac of 12, and each lit oil flask will due two points of damage.

On the 2nd round after Boris appears along with another deserter, riding the other wagon, they slam into the side of the party's wagon. The impact inflicting 1 point of damage and needing a DC 12 Reflex save to prevent the party from falling prone, and allowing Boris to jump over. He proceeds to fight using his whip.
Rd3, A shadow crosses the party, and Mildrana screams. The dc to retain a full action increases to DC 10 as Silas panics and takes the wagon off the road and down the rocky hills. The enemy wagon again slams into them with again each preceding rounds till caused to be destroyed, each slam requires a DC 12 Reflex.

Rd4, Instead of attacking the party, if Boris remains alive he attacks Silas , wrapping his whip around his throat. in a panic Silas drops the reigns. mildrana alerts the party. A PC may attempt to grab the reigns and take control with a DC 14 ride or handle animal.
Rd5, The harpy returns and begins her song DC 14. If Silas was still driving he immediatly is captivated, dropping his reigns as listed above. If Boris is still alive he stops fighting.
Rd6, A DC 13 Perception finds the current path suddenly drops off, if able the one holding the reigns can attempt a ride check of DC 15 to pull the wagon short. If the check fails, or no one holding the reigns the wagon goes over the drop. The wagon breaks its axle and the PCs each take 1d4 non-lethal damage as they are scattered. If Boris was still alive he is thrown from the Wagon, hitting a rock and breaking his neck.

I suppose what I am looking for most is the answer to the golden rule; Is this fun?

Two goals in mind, allows the harpy to use her song without putting the party in any real danger if they fail the save.

Thank You in advance.

Sounds good. I would strive to give the plsyers a sense of being rushed, don't force them to make quick decisions, but make the npc turns seem rushed and push that atmosphere.

Sovereign Court

Fire is always fun.

Just a thought, the final drop-off could be a ramp instead, maybe a broken bridge. The encounter will still end the same, but I think the image would be cooler.

What level are the PCs? Is the baker's daughter a captive in the other wagon?

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