Yeah, that isn't go to fly with me!


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Organized Play Developer

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As a GM I would have never allowed that, unless all players had spoken together beforehand and agreed to have that sort of questionable content at the table. Even then, I don't see myself allowing rape to be part of my fun hobby time.

If I was a player at that table, PvP probably would've happened. Then I would have walked away and found another group.

Community & Digital Content Director

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Removed posts, their replies, and locking. On these forums, it is never acceptable to use the word "rape" other than in reference to sexual assault. It does not matter if it's a "joke" or "clever" wordplay. We endeavor to create a safe space for gamers from all walks of life, and the back and forth rhetoric trying to define what is "legitimate" or what the OP "actually" means works against this goal. Endorsement of sexual violence (even within the context of a game) is 100% not cool here.

Additionally, the Advice forum is a platform for other gamers to connect, not to turn threads into your own soapbox. Bringing other social issues/political issues in an attempt to change the topic of the thread goes against the intent of this area.

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