Do skinwalkers inherent anything from their parent race?

Rules Questions

I mean rules wise, how does it work, standard skinwalker is human but they can feasibly be of any humanoid race, do try gain anything from this other than size? As in how are they affected by favored enemy? What about subtype in general? How does an orcish skinwalkers stats vary so massively from his kin, And as such how does he interact with his own kind when he has a bonus to wisdom and intelligence, but a detriment to strength?

Edit: I mean comparatively to his kin

Silver Crusade Contributor

By RAW, they do not, as they are (statistically) their own race with their own subtypes. They don't count as human at all, for example.

If you want to make a skinwalker with some aspects of another race, I recommend talking to your GM and discussing slight adjustments. You might be able to swap animal-minded for orc ferocity, for example.

It's just funny and seems as if the race doesn't even thematically match the template

The concept of being a were boat orc without the orc barbarian feats available for example, or a werewolf human without the canine handling feats seems to e an oversight, also where did the claw attacks come from on witch wolf?

Silver Crusade Contributor

It's also important to remember that skinwalkers have only appeared in one book so far - and one with relatively limited space, at that.

In time, we might see more support for this sort of thing. Many other races have room for this sort of development.

Dustyboy wrote:

It's just funny and seems as if the race doesn't even thematically match the template

The concept of being a were boat orc without the orc barbarian feats available for example, or a werewolf human without the canine handling feats seems to e an oversight, also where did the claw attacks come from on witch wolf?

As far as availability of race specific feats, I think for races such as skinwalkers, tieflings and the like you might have a reasonable case to get your GM to allow your parent's race specific options. That's a lot less impact on game balance than changing racial features around.

The human-only aspect can be easily explained away by elves, dwarves, halflings and others just refusing to mate with lycanthropes, therefor never spawning skinwalker bloodlines.

As evidenced by half-orcs, half-elves, tieflings, aasamars, etc, humans obviously will sleep with ANYTHING.

'Sani wrote:

The human-only aspect can be easily explained away by elves, dwarves, halflings and others just refusing to mate with lycanthropes, therefor never spawning skinwalker bloodlines.

As evidenced by half-orcs, half-elves, tieflings, aasamars, etc, humans obviously will sleep with ANYTHING.

The thing about lycanthropes is they are really good at appearing not-lycanthropic.

No, they do not inherit anything from parent races.

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