Getting the most from Perception


A random thought that occurred while I was trying to build a Sensate Fighter.

Just how far and how useful can we push Perception to?

Aside from the skill unlocks from Unchained, are there any tricks, feats or other things that we can do with it?

And just how far can we pump it? (Leaving aside magic item skill boosts that is)

I know elves/half elves have some Perception based feats they can take, and of course, skill focus, Alertness, Uncanny Alertness.
Psychic Sensitivity and Third Eye for occult perception skill unlocks.

Anything else?

Jackal Blood feat adds a racial bonus.
Certain traits can add a smidge.

Otherwise, you've covered most of the built-in bonuses. Then you're looking at magic, which can get positively nasty/effective.

Feather Domain adds 1/2 your cleric level to Perception.

Grand Lodge

Detective Bards add half their level to Perception. Bards have little reason to have a decent wisdom, but that's still a heck of a boost.

If you're looking for Perception on a class that can lay out melee damage though, go Inquisitor. They're wisdom-based, and you can go Feather domain or pick an inquisition that allows you to add half your inquisitor level to perception for an hour.

Another option... Get a full owl familiar. Vanilla familiars grant the alertness feat for +2 to perception and the owl ups that by an additional +3 in the dark (most dungeon conditions).


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There's the odd spell which boosts perception. Acute senses or heightened awareness spring to mind, but I'm sure there's others.

If you want to make use of perception for more than the obvious you'll need to go 3rd party. Dreamscarred Press's Path of War has a couple of disciplines which let perception improve your combat ability.

Scarab Sages

There is the Read Aura psychic skill unlock in Occult Adventures. Perception to detect alignment, emotional state, health, or magic is pretty cool.

avr wrote:

There's the odd spell which boosts perception. Acute senses or heightened awareness spring to mind, but I'm sure there's others.

If you want to make use of perception for more than the obvious you'll need to go 3rd party. Dreamscarred Press's Path of War has a couple of disciplines which let perception improve your combat ability.

Thats sounds interesting. I'll have a look thanks.

Hmm wrote:
Detective Bards add half their level to Perception. Bards have little reason to have a decent wisdom, but that's still a heck of a boost.

Detective* VMC Cleric(Feather domain)? VMC Cleric lets us obtain guided hand to at least hit things if playing a martial who pumped WIS (even if it's kind of mid-late game).

*Alternately, Archaeologist Bard. Note that the Clever Explorer offers half level on all perception checks. In fact, given you can gain an advanced rogue talent with it at 12th (let's say Skill Mastery (because it's sodding skill mastery, what else for this build?)), you'll start to approach pretty strong perception.

A one level dip in Sleepless Detective will push the boat a bit further (two attributes are definitely more than one).
For not spending half your levels tied to a charisma-based caster: Pathfinder Field Agent will offer you 1/2 level to perception with skill specialization. Not sure what else you might want from the PrC though. :/

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