MordredofFairy |
Was that ever clarified somewhere?
E.g. if Silence is the coupled spell effect. Is the whole 40-feet area treated as area of Silence for applicable creatures entering? (Honestly, that seems like it makes more sense, but could be powerful because it's a selective silence...)
Or do they get to make a save, then have silence centered on them, as per the spell? If so, does the silence "outrange" the 40-feet of the area? Stick with them permanently while they are inside? Could someone else "dispel" the silence on them? If so, would it come back after a while, as per supression of a permanent effect, or would it be gone?
What about Dispel Magic...does it trigger once only, when a creature enters for the first time ever? Or each time a creature enters the area? Once per round?
Does the Dimensional Anchor only function while the creature is inside, or will the effect linger for the round? (otherwise unless at the center, all it takes is a move action to shake it off) Does it affect ethereal creatures trying to move into the material plane/prevent summoning into the area?(In that they cannot "move" to the material plane, either...i know stuff that already is ethereal can freely move ethereal...but does it just prevent "leaving" the material plane, or does it lock ALL travel to and from it(except summoned creatures disappearing as per the exception noted)...also, what if a Ethereal Jaunt ends while on the Ethereal side of a Dimensional Anchor-covered area? Re-Materialize? Get shifted? Nothing while remaining there?

Kayerloth |
I would go with caster level of the caster who most recently cast the Hallow/Unhallow. I say most recent because after the initial casting with the linked companion spell: "At the end of the year, the chosen effect lapses, but it can be renewed or replaced simply by casting hallow again." Hence a lesser (and lower level caster) could be maintaining a much much older casting of spell pairing by just casting Hallow/Unhallow.

Clebsch GM |

I have a related question that I don't see answered above:
Unhallow is a 5th level spell. Suppose the associated spell is darkness, which is a 2nd level spell. When considering whether a light producing spell over comes a darkness creating spell, the spell levels are compared. Does the darkness associated with the unhallow spell count as a 5th level spell or a 2nd level spell?
This will matter since the PCs in my game cannot cast any spells at 5th level yet but they could cast spells that create light that are higher than 2nd level.

Kayerloth |
I'd count it as a 2nd level spell, the level of the companion spell.
My Loremaster once created an area of Hallow plus Deeper Darkness within the groups stronghold for one of my companions who had a prestige class ability which gave him what I believe is now termed See in Darkness (this was in 3.5 not PF) as an ability.