How do I keep track of copied spells?

Pathfinder Society

Dark Archive 1/5

Let's say I learn a new spell from another player's spellbook. How do I keep track of this?

5/5 *****

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Mark it on the chronicle where you get it and get the GM to sign it.

Silver Crusade 3/5

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Locally, we list on the chronicle: the names of the spells, the scribing costs, and the character name and PFS# that we are copying from. Then the GM initials it.

It might look something like this:

Typical Chronicle wrote:

Spell scribing costs from Tim the Enchanter, PFS# 90210:

    burning hands, 10 gp
    scorching ray, 40 gp
    fireball, 90 gp
    TOTAL 140 gp G.M.


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Personally, I keep a separate set of Inventory Tracking Sheets for my Wizard's spell library. I think he's up to 7 pages now, but it keeps the spells in one place and distinct from tangible resources.

The electronic copy is in Excel, and I've included a "source" field (paid NPC, captured spellbook, party member, etc.) It's a bit more paperwork, but I think it works well.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

The Fox wrote:

Locally, we list on the chronicle: the names of the spells, the scribing costs, and the character name and PFS# that we are copying from. Then the GM initials it.

It might look something like this:

Typical Chronicle wrote:

Spell scribing costs from Tim the Enchanter, PFS# 90210:

    burning hands, 10 gp
    scorching ray, 40 gp
    fireball, 90 gp
    TOTAL 140 gp G.M.

I've done something similar, though it has just been the Player of the PC I copied the spell from who initialed my sheet.

The Exchange 5/5

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here's a repost of my advice from years ago...

one bit of advice from one wizard to another. It helps to have a list of the spells in your book that you can hand to another player. I use a page in a sheet protector separate from my Character Folder (so if it's lost I can just reprint it. On this sheet I also note if the spell is on the Alchemist or Magus lists.) That way it doesn't cut into table time while he reviews your book to see what he can use/wants/doesn't have. I also stick on a big sticky note - that way, when he returns the spell list to you, he should have noted what he has that you don't - that you can add to your book. I get him to note his PFS character number too, that way you have a record of who you got the spell from. So it goes something like this:

sharing spell books:

me to other player as we are sitting down at the table: "here's my spell book. Look thru and copy what you want. I'd like you to note what you have that I don't on this. Pass it back when your done."
Other player: "HA! like you're going to have something I don't... wait, you've got eight 5th level spells in your 1st level wiz/9th level rogues book??"
Me: "yeah, I adventure with a lot of wizards. This is my 'Wizard Bait'. Anyway, if you have anything I don't just note it ok?".

Me to the Judge: "If we have time & money before the adventure - we'll copy spells, if not, we'll do it at the end afterword. Is that ok? I'll copy anything he has that I don't."

I've had more than one player say "heck, even if we stop the game now, I've had a GREAT game! I'm a lot poorer - but LOTS of new spells!"

This way it only takes a couple minutes away from the RP of the table, reduces table crosstalk, does the needed bookwork, and (most important) doesn't cut into the DMs time/setup/etc. And can be done in across a crowded table in a noisy ballroom in between total strangers... with minimum impact in the game at the table.

It often results in a Wizard player who spends the first 10 minutes of the game with his nose in a spell book - giggling to himself. But I figure this is good role play. Every wizard/Magus/Alchemist is a little bit crazy...

After this I stick the Sticky note on the back of the Chronicle for that game, marking the total cost on my ITS and Chronicle and add the spells to my Book List some time later.

Dark Archive 1/5

That's a pretty good idea, thank you! :)

5/5 5/55/55/5

A trick i've used as a dm to help the players as they comp shop is to fold the chronicle sheets in half for spoilers and hand them out at the start so the wizards can go shopping as we play.

Silver Crusade 4/5

I wrote all those I copied on our chronicle and wrote "copied spells" on my tracking sheet.

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