A King Maker Mistake?


Hey everybody. I will be in the King Maker campaign soon, and of all the amazing classes out there I decided on the Kineticist. Not saying the Kineticist is bad but it needs a little early lvl boost(D10, bonus feat, ect...)So far the group will consist of a Bloodrager, Witch, and Swashbuckler, and one undecided.

I'm playing a Areokineticist taking the Lightning Blast wild talent.
Human-taking dual talent for two score increases.
1st Feat- Point-Blank Shot

The GM had us roll for ability scores and so far have set them up like this. These scores already take into account the two ability score increases.

I wondering if any of you have any suggestions on how I should play with such a character in a campaign like King Maker, which according to our GM will be difficult, Seeing how I won't contribute much until later levels.

I'm also open to idea changes, and feat advice.

This is a five minute per day adventure so kinetist would work well especially with burn. As per players guide survival and nature knowledge are good there are no really muse have skills as a kinetist so you can fI'll in skill holes . As for later on the second module goes into ruling and some of the roles have con as a qualifying stat. So no real problems there. The witch appears to be the only healer so maybe water or aether as second element.

I wouldn't classify Kingmaker as "hard"; there are much more challenging APs (especially at low levels.) You should be fine.

Looking at the party composition, having someone that has Survival would be a good idea...

There are a lot of very short adventuring days (since it takes 1 day to fully explore a hex) and random encounters are pretty rare. The Kineticist can do very well in this environment. Early levels tend towards single monster encounters or a few weak mobs so you can afford to wait until level 3 for precise shot. I will not say that it doesn't come up though.

Whatever you build for, get flight asap. It will save your life in multiple occasions, and all-day flight is incredibly powerful. You can and will kite many creatures.

Take another blast type when you hit Level 7. There are a lot of spellcasters in Kingmaker that will take advantage of Resist Energy, and many creatures later on will be flat-out immune. Don't over-specialize.

Unless your GM is adding to the books, Kingmaker won't be very hard. Early levels will be the most difficult. Just one tip though - find a way to contribute that doesn't rely on targeting a creature. It will save your life at a certain point early on.

Early on there are some potentially hard random encounters, but as others have said, Kingmaker, if run strictly per the books, is not overly difficult imho. That said though, there are a lot of GMs who have added quite a bit to the KM modules, so there may be more truth in what your GM is saying.

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