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lucky7 wrote:
What does it mean when a girl leaves a fake moustache at your house?

She is now missing one fake moustache from her collection of fake moustaches.

I'm going to stream again probably. Working on page 5 now.

Once again these are thumbnails/storyboards. They're not meant to be neat.

Liberty's Edge

Rob Liefeld is actually a really nice guy. TERRIBLE artist/writer, but a really cheerful and enthusiastic guy.

Liberty's Edge

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I am now going to shamelessly steal Lord Fyre's schitck.

Who are you dancing with?

lucky7 wrote:
Rob Liefeld is actually a really nice guy. TERRIBLE artist/writer, but a really cheerful and enthusiastic guy.

Really? huh

lucky7 wrote:

I am now going to shamelessly steal Lord Fyre's schitck.

Who are you dancing with?

Myself, obviously.

For the record, I'm now working on page 6!

Liberty's Edge

Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
lucky7 wrote:
Rob Liefeld is actually a really nice guy. TERRIBLE artist/writer, but a really cheerful and enthusiastic guy.
Really? huh

Yeah. He's been cited by his coworkers as having an infectious enthusiasm and always turning his work in on time. I'm not making excuses, I just thought it was interesting.

Liberty's Edge

What did you do?

lucky7 wrote:
Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
lucky7 wrote:
Rob Liefeld is actually a really nice guy. TERRIBLE artist/writer, but a really cheerful and enthusiastic guy.
Really? huh
Yeah. He's been cited by his coworkers as having an infectious enthusiasm and always turning his work in on time. I'm not making excuses, I just thought it was interesting.

I almost feel bad making fun of his art now.


Liberty's Edge

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Merciful Lord...that poor woman...

Revisiting the subject of Yule celebration reveals that placing the birth of my character Hrūt on Yule has entirely new implications, as Yule itself, is about, in ways, the rebirth of Sunna, the Sun, giver of warmth, light and life.

Hrūt herself, already has many parallels with Thor, who is also honored in this feast, in her flaming red hair, her use of the hammer, and her strength and her protective nature. She even looks like Thor, especially when she grows her beard out.

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{purrs contentedly}

Nyan Cat wrote:
{purrs contentedly}

I love mynoise.net so much c:

I read an article once about how the frequency of cat purring might promote healing in cats, and that is why they purr when stressed or in pain. They also of course find it calming.

And I find it calming too!

Liberty's Edge

How does teaching something interesting turn it into something so BORING???

lucky7 wrote:
How does teaching something interesting turn it into something so BORING???

lots of teachers are just really bad at telling entertaining lectures.

Liberty's Edge

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Gah! It's been months, and it STILL bugs me.

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The ancient book of wisdom states, "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Those who can't teach become guidance counselors and administrators."

Liberty's Edge


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Ceaser Slaad wrote:
The ancient book of wisdom states, "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.

I really, really hate that BS line.

Unfortunately there's a certain amount of truth in it. There are good teachers out there. Unfortunately they seem to be in the minority and more often than not are handicapped by curriculum that have become little more than platforms for inculcating political ideologies instead of actually teaching anything useful. As for the rest, the dirty little secret when I was going to college was that the dimmest bulbs on campus were the education majors. The statistic that was floating around was that they normally came from the bottom 1/3 of graduating classes.

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Unfortunately there's a certain amount of truth in it. There are good basketball players out there. Unfortunately they seem to be in the minority.

Unfortunately there's a certain amount of truth in it. There are good car mechanics out there. Unfortunately they seem to be in the minority.

Unfortunately there's a certain amount of truth in it. There are good doctors out there. Unfortunately they seem to be in the minority.

Unfortunately there's a certain amount of truth in it. There are good oyster floaters out there. Unfortunately they seem to be in the minority.

The majority of people in any given profession are average, or worse.

Liberty's Edge

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How do you feel?

Edited because I screwed up the linkage.

Liberty's Edge

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My "posts favorited" count has been upped significantly since you joined the boards, Anius. Why is that?

Irontruth wrote:

Unfortunately there's a certain amount of truth in it. There are good basketball players out there. Unfortunately they seem to be in the minority.

Unfortunately there's a certain amount of truth in it. There are good car mechanics out there. Unfortunately they seem to be in the minority.

Unfortunately there's a certain amount of truth in it. There are good doctors out there. Unfortunately they seem to be in the minority.

Unfortunately there's a certain amount of truth in it. There are good oyster floaters out there. Unfortunately they seem to be in the minority.

The majority of people in any given profession are average, or worse.

Those basketball players who are not good enough are not retained on professional sports teams.

The majority of mechanics did not graduate in the bottom 1/3 of their college classes. In the overwhelming majority of cases, whether or not a mechanic has actually fixed a problem can be objectively determined in relatively short order. Those mechanics who have a demonstrated inability to fix things in a timely manner are not normally retained as mechanics.

The majority of doctors did not graduate in the bottom 1/3 of their classes. Doctors can and do lose their licenses for malpractice.

The overwhelming majority of jobs/positions in the world are such that it can usually be objectively determined whether the people doing those jobs are worth retaining in those positions.

If after 12 years of "public education" the system produces a bunch of borderline drooling idiots who can barely read and write at the 8th grade level, have poor comprehension of what little they can read, believe that their feelings determine reality and that the only thing that counts is that they feel good about themselves, and have been pretty much programmed to do what they are told, everybody except the teachers and the public education system will be blamed. All the teachers, guidance counselors, administrators and curriculum producers will go on doing exactly what they were doing before with no significant changes. NEA and other unions forbid that teachers or any other part of the process be subjected to any sort of objective performance review.

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Let's not turn my thread into a youtube comments section, ok?

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I was an educator once. I am no longer because parents are too lazy to discipline their kids, children are spoiled beyond belief, teenagers are entitled and think the world owes them something without effort required and I can make the same or more money in many other industries that require significantly less work, have significantly less stress, I was an educator once. I am no longer because parents are lazy, children are spoiled, teenagers are entitled, and I can make the same amount of money in many other industries that require significantly less work, less stress, more support when I'm overwhelmed, and no requirement to take my work home with me and continue doing paperwork off the clock.

When a profession is underpaid and given insufficient ludicrously inadequate support for the amount of work it requires, and next to no recognition from the people you cater to, many people will choose to take their talents to other industries.

Teachers aren't inadequate because they can't do the job. It's because students burn them out, parents burn them out, stupid arbitrary administrative requirements burn them out, and those who stick around only have so much to give.

It's a thankless job. I wouldn't return to it for triple the pay...at least not in a public school. Private, on the other hand... The parents actually care, and you can actually punish misbehavior instead of wrist slapping, so you can implement proper behavior conditioning, and when it doesn't work...in those rare cases you can just kick the little $#!+ out and never see him again.

The pay is terrible though. It makes public school teachers look like doctors in comparison.

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To be fair tho, everything's worse when you do it in Florida or California, my dad is a retired teacher and while as you say the administrative b%~*$!&% gets bad, at least up here the kids aren't such massive a$$%!$+s and the parents respect discipline except in Madison, where they're constantly hovering nearby, which means you have a whole list of parents ready to help and play teachers assistant for a day or two every week.

Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
Let's not turn my thread into a youtube comments section, ok?

Sorry for continuing the teacher rant, just now saw this, I'll stop now :-)

Liberty's Edge

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*takes a deep breath*

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last post on the teacher rant (since it took a better direction than i expected lol) A school is a terrible environment for kids to grow up in my opinion. In my experience kids just get bullied and learn to bully others.

Liberty's Edge

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I'm doing pretty okay, however. It's incredibly awkward hearing people make fun of/complain about teenagers, because I wanna shout out "Hello, there! I'M a teenager! I hate those guys too, but we're not all like that!"

lucky7 wrote:
I'm doing pretty okay, however. It's incredibly awkward hearing people make fun of/complain about teenagers, because I wanna shout out "Hello, there! I'M a teenager! I hate those guys too, but we're not all like that!"

Like in all honesty adults complaining about kids/teenagers being awful leaves a bad taste in my mouth

Cus kids are young people learning how to be people, and not only that, they are doing so in what is honestly a terrible environment for learning how to socialize in my opinion. And many often have awful environments at home which helps no matters. And kids can't help being expensive, or being inexperienced in life, or having whatever disabilities they may have, but they get blamed for that anyway. And you know, that kind of attitude makes a kid resentful of adults and never want to go to an adult for help.

But that's just my feelings.

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I complain about teenagers, mostly because I remember how pissed I got when people dismissed me for being a teenager, often when I'm standing right there.

Being the black sheep of the family and treated like a loser and ignored by my brothers didn't help any.

So I feel your pain, however I'm still gonna make fun of teenagers because I earned it :-)

Liberty's Edge

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I'll get you all for this...I'LL MAKE YOU ALL PAY! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!

lucky7 wrote:
I'll get you all for this...I'LL MAKE YOU ALL PAY! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!

*Sitting back on his rocking chair on the porch, gets out a bottle of geritol.*

Says, "It will be right here when you need it lucky7."


You'd think someone working in a psychiatric office would learn how to properly scan a document.

Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
You'd think someone working in a psychiatric office would learn how to properly scan a document.

Why would they?

Drejk wrote:
Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
You'd think someone working in a psychiatric office would learn how to properly scan a document.
Why would they?

because shuttling around lots of paperwork is one of the common things you end up doing when you work with mental health services, verification forms, documentation proving your disability and whatnot.

This person scanned a document sideways, cutting off its bottom half (fortunately there wasn't anything important under the cut) which I signed and returned, and then when they signed it and scanned it again they also did it the wrong way and cut off the entire left half so I had to ask them to do it again.

Liberty's Edge

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I like rocking chairs, man. I wish I had one.

lucky7 wrote:
I like rocking chairs, man. I wish I had one.

There might be one in our basement.

Or I could be thinking of someone else's basement.

Or I could be thinking of a rocking chair that's not only not ours but not actually in a basement at all.

My memory sucks.

I was right, there is, in fact, a rocking chair in our basement, and I don't even know how it got there cause I dont remember there being a rocking chair in my childhood, and I'm pretty sure that's not just my memory sucking this time.

Liberty's Edge

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Magic! Obviously, it's magic!

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Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
lucky7 wrote:
I like rocking chairs, man. I wish I had one.

There might be one in our basement.

Or I could be thinking of someone else's basement.

Or I could be thinking of a rocking chair that's not only not ours but not actually in a basement at all.

My memory sucks.

I am in no position to throw rocks. While I can claim to have a photographic memory, trying to find the film can be a problem. :-)

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I just keep getting "Scene Missing" or "This memory is now the property of Brian Williams" messages

Damn kids and their s+~~ty memories, why back in my day....

Ceaser Slaad wrote:
Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
lucky7 wrote:
I like rocking chairs, man. I wish I had one.

There might be one in our basement.

Or I could be thinking of someone else's basement.

Or I could be thinking of a rocking chair that's not only not ours but not actually in a basement at all.

My memory sucks.

I am in no position to throw rocks. While I can claim to have a photographic memory, trying to find the film can be a problem. :-)

film doesn't exist in the viking age, unfortunately, so my memory remains unloaded.

It's okay Lucky7, I hated teenagers before I was one, when I was one, and I'll hate them until they find a way to freeze kids in suspended animation from ages 12 to...oh, 24 for males, about 22 for females.

What's the verdict on kids who are both male and female, or neither? o:

I'm referring to sex, not gender, and the biological ramifications of mental maturation, not societal stigmas. In that instance there's still only an XX or XY combination.

If you must insist, for klinefelter syndrome, biological hermpahrodism, or other genetic outliers, I dunno...split the difference with 23?

Liberty's Edge

I'm very comfortable above cryogenic temperatures, thank you very much.

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