Zaister |
I know I'm doing a Myfly here, but you know what would be cool? PACG branded deck boxes from Ultra Pro with class-specific artfork to store the class decks. The cardboard boxes are nice, but they don't stand up well to getting the cards in and out on a regular basis for deck upgrades and whatever else you need to get at.

Hawkmoon269 |

They aren't class specific, but there are these. Not sure if you knew about those or not.

Zaister |
Ah nice, I forgot about those, I guess. Althogh 180 cards is a weird number. Too big for one class deck, too small for two. Class-soecific would be cool because you could easily tell them apart then.

First World Bard |

I fit two sleeved decks into mine as well. At the moment, it's the deck i'm playing (WoTR Kyra) and a pregen deck if someone wants to sit down and play (CD Harsk).
To be fair, only my character's deck is sleeved, the rest of the cards from the Class Deck are unsleeved. But I can hold 2 decks + spare sleeves for acquired cards, no problem.

Zaister |
Thanks for the info, guys. I was thinking more of this model.

First World Bard |

Thanks for the info, guys. I was thinking more of this model.
Those work too. They're a little on the tight side given how they open, so I prefer the wider version. That said, as long as you only sleeve the cards you are using, it will be fine.

Yoshua |

I comfortably fit 2 class decks in a class deck box all sleeved with a few extra sleeves.
You can also just take the cards in your deck, and the possible next round of upgrades and this leaves room for your dice/mini too if you want to take multiple decks but have room for dice/mini's

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I comfortably fit 2 class decks in a class deck box all sleeved with a few extra sleeves.
You can also just take the cards in your deck, and the possible next round of upgrades and this leaves room for your dice/mini too if you want to take multiple decks but have room for dice/mini's
When we say too small for two, we mean the full decks, but yes it works to just carry around the cards you might actually take. Even just the cards you can take would fit two decks till 4 or 5 probably.

Yoshua |

When I say I comfortably fit 2 full decks sleeved with the dividers, i mean I comfortably fit 2 full decks sleeved with dividers.
I gave the second scenario because when I travel I like to take my dice and mini's. I own 5 of these boxes, 2 of them are for my 4 class decks and I use the other 3 for other cards.
2 Full decks comfortably with the dividers that come with the case fully sleeved.
http://paizo.com/products/btpy99mb?Pathfinder-Adventure-Card-Game-Dual-Deck -Box

Karloch |

When I say I comfortably fit 2 full decks sleeved with the dividers, i mean I comfortably fit 2 full decks sleeved with dividers.
I gave the second scenario because when I travel I like to take my dice and mini's. I own 5 of these boxes, 2 of them are for my 4 class decks and I use the other 3 for other cards.
2 Full decks comfortably with the dividers that come with the case fully sleeved.
http://paizo.com/products/btpy99mb?Pathfinder-Adventure-Card-Game-Dual-Deck -Box
Sorry if I'm making you repeat the same thing again but, should we understand that the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Dual Deck Box can stored 2*109 sleeved cards?
This is quite a gap between 218 sleeved cards and the 180 sleeved cards indicated in the item description.
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Ultra•PRO's description says "Holds 180 cards in Ultra•PRO Deck Protector® Sleeves in two compartments."
It's possible that if you have thinner sleeves, and/or are willing to stuff more than they intended, you can fit more... but officially, their Pro-Dual Deck Box holds 90 sleeved cards in each of its two compartments.

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Ultra•PRO's description says "Holds 180 cards in Ultra•PRO Deck Protector® Sleeves in two compartments."
It's possible that if you have thinner sleeves, and/or are willing to stuff more than they intended, you can fit more... but officially, their Pro-Dual Deck Box holds 90 sleeved cards in each of its two compartments.
Makes sense. I don't trust the quality of a sleeve thin enough to fit ~220 cards sleeved into an intended 180 card box though, that's for sure.

Yoshua |

Ultra•PRO's description says "Holds 180 cards in Ultra•PRO Deck Protector® Sleeves in two compartments."
It's possible that if you have thinner sleeves, and/or are willing to stuff more than they intended, you can fit more... but officially, their Pro-Dual Deck Box holds 90 sleeved cards in each of its two compartments.
I'll take a picture but I have no idea how to post pictures to this site.
They fit just fine, you can't thumb through them but they fit snuggly and all of them are sleeved.

Yoshua |

don't know if that will work or heres a copy and paste version

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I use Ultra Pro Penny Sleeves. The deck box works, so do the sleeves. Trust issues I can't help with though.
That makes a bit more sense. Penny sleeves are usually used for inner sleeves when you double sleeve cards. They're thinner and tighter fitting but not really intended as normal card sleeves. (Not saying there's anything wrong with using them but when most of us are wondering how to fit two class decks fully sleeved, we're imagining using standard deck sleeve like the Pro Matte series.) Standard card sleeves won't allow for two full class decks in the box.
EDIT: I use those sleeves on my character, token and role cards and mark them with Sharpies for feats then insert them into standard clear sleeves.

Yoshua |

ah. Yeah. For card games like MTG that makes sense to me when cards will be worth money and rarity. When it comes to base games and set expansions? Everything is the same rarity, except maybe promos, but you cant use promos in the Society games anyways (not your own, yes in the box)
Either way though, comfortably fit 2 decks in one box in penny sleeves

Annoying Nitpicker |
In PACG play you're allowed to use promos in the box (up to a maximum of 12, with at most one copy of any particular card). You're also allowed to use class-appropriate cards from the "Iconic Heroes" sets in your character deck; while they're not exactly promos, they're probably rarer (not to mention more expensive) than regular class deck cards.

Yoshua |

they aren't rare in the sense that it is limited chance to get. MTG has cards that are worth thousands of dollars because of limited printing and lack of availability.
The cards you get through the iconics series are available to everyone as readily as the base sets and expansions.
The promo cards you get with monthly subs, or at events however are rarer, as in you have limited access to them. Those cards have wound up going for sale on ebay for quite a bit more than an average card. But you are not allowed to use those in your decks in society. These cards I could justify protecting more than penny sleeves because the lack of availability, but that is just me.
You may 'by chance' find a society game with the promo in the box, but that isn't a guarantee, and that is up to whoever runs the game if they want to protect those cards more thoroughly. For my house game I use penny sleeves, it isn't being used by anyone I didn't invite to my house.