Kudaku |

Kudaku wrote:Any chance you could let the Angelwing Cloak change its appearance? Walking around in a a cloak made out of bleeding angel feathers seems counterproductive if you want to pass for Lawful Good.
Well if you're super evil and you can't bluff worth a damn then what are you doing being super evil? :P
I'll play with the wording a bit to help the cloak be less obviously evil but I really like the imagery. We'll see.
Gave this a bit more thought and realized something - my hangup is really only relevant if the Alignment bit is there to encourage the use of the item for infiltration. Wearing a literal angel slayer trophy while trying to pass as Lawful Good under magical detection seems counterproductive.
Conversely if it's meant as a trophy item rather than something used for infiltration, you could consider changing the alignment bit to something that helps while battling good-aligned creatures? Spitballing here, but how's this?
The wearer is treated as Lawful Good or his actual alignment for effects that target alignment, whichever benefits him more.

Kudaku |

I've added some new material. Poison Inverting Mask, new special materials Ironwood and Glass Steel, and a new mundane item in the Sparking Sheath.
Both Ironwood and Glass Steel seem very expensive for what they do?
Dragonhide Plate allows druids to wear full plate for less than a third of the price of an Ironwood full plate. Silversheen weapons have a fixed 750 GP price whereas Glass Steel weapons quickly get very expensive indeed.

Elricaltovilla |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

New weapon enchantment added: Cushioning.
Price: +2 Bonus
Aura: moderate evocation
Description: Cushioning weapons often see use as training implements used among the more destructive martial arts as a cost saving effort. These weapons exude a magical gel which clings to equipment, rendering it useless for an extended period of time but also protecting the item from being completely destroyed by violent action. It found popularity among certain professions that involve frequently killing people and taking their stuff. When a cushioning weapon is used to sunder an item and applies the broken condition to that item, the condition only lasts for 10 minutes, after which the item reverts to its fully repaired state. In addition, a cushioning weapon’s enhancement bonus can be applied to any sunder attempt the wielder makes.
Construction and Requirements: Craft Magical Arms and Armor, shatter, mending; Cost: +2 bonus.

Luthorne |
New weapon enchantment added: Cushioning.
** spoiler omitted **
In regards to the last sentence, you can normally do that. Is it supposed to allow you to add the enhancement bonus twice?

Elricaltovilla |

Elricaltovilla wrote:In regards to the last sentence, you can normally do that. Is it supposed to allow you to add the enhancement bonus twice?New weapon enchantment added: Cushioning.
** spoiler omitted **
No, I'll probably just remove that line. It was mostly there because I was too busy to check if it already applied or not, so I put the line in to be safe.

necromental |

AmberVael wrote:Girdle of Protection, Carapace of Natural Armor and Co.
So, on one hand, I think its useful to have a quick write up of these items. On the other hand I think the increased cost is a mistake. While the cost markup is in the rules of both 3.5 and Pathfinder, I've never found them to actually have any positive impact on the game. In the Magic Item Compendium they basically did away with those rules entirely with their 'Common Item Effects' rules and the impact was a really good one- people could still get the common magical effects they needed, while not giving up item slots for more interesting effects and items.
I can understand not wanting to go the full way of the Magic Item Compendium and just allow these effects to basically be unslotted, but I think the 50% price increase is a mistake. All it really does is punish someone who wants a slightly different item setup, and there's not really a balance reason for doing so. Taking up a slot is what provides the balance, not necessarily which slot it takes up.
Suffice to say, while the current pricing plays to the base rules of the game, there's something to be said for acknowledging a mistake and moving past it. And this mistake was kinda already acknowledged years ago by WotC.This is exactly how I feel. As things stand, I could rip out and burn every page describing headbands, belts, or cloaks from every Pathfinder book and not notice the difference. Cloaks are the worst for this. I don't think I have ever made a Pathfinder character who did not wear a Cloak of Resistance. The first time I came to this thread, I opened the playtest document, looked at the first three items, and closed it in disgust. I would have to be in the high teens level-wise before I would even consider buying one of those items, and even then, only if I absolutely needed something else in the slot.
(Especially egregious is how the consolidating of stat items into two slots just reinforces caster supremacy. Casters can boost their casting stat and con and pay no mark-up, but every non-caster wants to boost multiple physical stats and must pay half again as much for the second one.)
I'm crossposting this from GitP forums, and echoing the complaint. These items are relatively unnecessary (it's one of the easiest house rules concerning magic items), and at this price not worth the paper (or pixels or whatever).

PsyBomb |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

So, I have something exciting to announce.
We have messaged Adam Meyers, the creator of Spheres of Power, to ask for permission to create some items for this project featuring his classes and mechanics. Perhaps would even be working on possible synergies between the classes of Drop Dead Studios and Dreamscarred Press. We had a few of these items sketched out, just ideas really...
And he said yes.
None of them are on the doc just yet, they are undergoing polishing and getting brought up to the standards we expect out of ourselves. Over the course of the next week, though, a few are going to start showing up. You read that right. I am happy to announce that Steelforge will include content featuring Spheres of Power.
Happy hunting!

Fury of the Tempest |

Ooooh, I love the Poison Inverting Mask, and it makes me hope that the entire ‘drug’ thing can be expanded on a bit more... even if I suppose that’s what potions are now that I think about it. Still, I love the Mask, lets you get even more use out of poisons (which is really necessary), and gives you a strong risk/reward... do you have to keep wearing the mask during the ten-minutes, or can you use it then take it off?
Sparking Sheath is simple, but awesome... and I want more Sheath Items like it! Its just, awesome! Maybe a Launcher Sheath that uses a small amount of gunpowder to increase the acceleration of a draw, letting you do a bit more damage or catch the enemy by surprise?
Also, I have to say that whilst I like the idea of being able to get stuff like Resistance and Natural Armour on items that were not restrained to say, a Cloak of Resistance, I don't like the fact that the Corset of Resistance costs 50% more than the Cloak of Resistance. If your going to give people the ability to use other slots for important items, then don't increase the price.

VM mercenario |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Fury of the Tempest wrote:We ARE allowed to post our own items as suggestions... right?You can submit them to our website or message one of us writers if you have something you'd like to submit. After all, why not do what we do and get paid for this? :P
Posting a suggestion that popped in my head coming back from work:
Belt of Throwing: This belt has loops, hooks and pouches for daggers, handaxes and other thrwing weapons. This belt can be enchanted as a throwing weapon. Any weapon or ammo drawn from this belt gains the weapon enhancement and enchantments applied to the belt. This lasts until the weapon is used for an attack or for 30 seconds (5 rounds) after it has been drawn. The belt can hold up to twenty one handed or light weapons, or 50 pieces of ammo. Belt Slot or Chest Slot. Two belts of throwing can be used on chest slot at the same time.Basically an Amulet of Mighty Fists for throwing. Hopefully not as overpriced.
Should solve one of the main problems with throwing weapons. Simple solution someone might have thought of before. I don't remember seeing a similar item before, but I could be wrong.

Elricaltovilla |

Elricaltovilla wrote:Fury of the Tempest wrote:We ARE allowed to post our own items as suggestions... right?You can submit them to our website or message one of us writers if you have something you'd like to submit. After all, why not do what we do and get paid for this? :PPosting a suggestion that popped in my head coming back from work:
Belt of Throwing: This belt has loops, hooks and pouches for daggers, handaxes and other thrwing weapons. This belt can be enchanted as a throwing weapon. Any weapon or ammo drawn from this belt gains the weapon enhancement and enchantments applied to the belt. This lasts until the weapon is used for an attack or for 30 seconds (5 rounds) after it has been drawn. The belt can hold up to twenty one handed or light weapons, or 50 pieces of ammo. Belt Slot or Chest Slot. Two belts of throwing can be used on chest slot at the same time.Basically an Amulet of Mighty Fists for throwing. Hopefully not as overpriced.
Should solve one of the main problems with throwing weapons. Simple solution someone might have thought of before. I don't remember seeing a similar item before, but I could be wrong.
Is there a reason for you to be allowed to put two belts on your chest slot?

VM mercenario |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

VM mercenario wrote:Is there a reason for you to be allowed to put two belts on your chest slot?Elricaltovilla wrote:Fury of the Tempest wrote:We ARE allowed to post our own items as suggestions... right?You can submit them to our website or message one of us writers if you have something you'd like to submit. After all, why not do what we do and get paid for this? :PPosting a suggestion that popped in my head coming back from work:
Belt of Throwing: This belt has loops, hooks and pouches for daggers, handaxes and other thrwing weapons. This belt can be enchanted as a throwing weapon. Any weapon or ammo drawn from this belt gains the weapon enhancement and enchantments applied to the belt. This lasts until the weapon is used for an attack or for 30 seconds (5 rounds) after it has been drawn. The belt can hold up to twenty one handed or light weapons, or 50 pieces of ammo. Belt Slot or Chest Slot. Two belts of throwing can be used on chest slot at the same time.Basically an Amulet of Mighty Fists for throwing. Hopefully not as overpriced.
Should solve one of the main problems with throwing weapons. Simple solution someone might have thought of before. I don't remember seeing a similar item before, but I could be wrong.
Crossed bandoliers, the always necessary belt of phisical perfection, crossed bandoliers are cool, in case someone wants to pay for two sets of weapon enchanments, bandoliers are badass.

Elricaltovilla |

Elricaltovilla wrote:Crossed bandoliers, the always necessary belt of phisical perfection, crossed bandoliers are cool, in case someone wants to pay for two sets of weapon enchanments, bandoliers are badass.VM mercenario wrote:Is there a reason for you to be allowed to put two belts on your chest slot?Elricaltovilla wrote:Fury of the Tempest wrote:We ARE allowed to post our own items as suggestions... right?You can submit them to our website or message one of us writers if you have something you'd like to submit. After all, why not do what we do and get paid for this? :PPosting a suggestion that popped in my head coming back from work:
Belt of Throwing: This belt has loops, hooks and pouches for daggers, handaxes and other thrwing weapons. This belt can be enchanted as a throwing weapon. Any weapon or ammo drawn from this belt gains the weapon enhancement and enchantments applied to the belt. This lasts until the weapon is used for an attack or for 30 seconds (5 rounds) after it has been drawn. The belt can hold up to twenty one handed or light weapons, or 50 pieces of ammo. Belt Slot or Chest Slot. Two belts of throwing can be used on chest slot at the same time.Basically an Amulet of Mighty Fists for throwing. Hopefully not as overpriced.
Should solve one of the main problems with throwing weapons. Simple solution someone might have thought of before. I don't remember seeing a similar item before, but I could be wrong.
Your logic. It is flawless.

Kudaku |

Elricaltovilla wrote:Crossed bandoliers, the always necessary belt of phisical perfection, crossed bandoliers are cool, in case someone wants to pay for two sets of weapon enchanments, bandoliers are badass.VM mercenario wrote:Is there a reason for you to be allowed to put two belts on your chest slot?Elricaltovilla wrote:Fury of the Tempest wrote:We ARE allowed to post our own items as suggestions... right?You can submit them to our website or message one of us writers if you have something you'd like to submit. After all, why not do what we do and get paid for this? :PPosting a suggestion that popped in my head coming back from work:
Belt of Throwing: This belt has loops, hooks and pouches for daggers, handaxes and other thrwing weapons. This belt can be enchanted as a throwing weapon. Any weapon or ammo drawn from this belt gains the weapon enhancement and enchantments applied to the belt. This lasts until the weapon is used for an attack or for 30 seconds (5 rounds) after it has been drawn. The belt can hold up to twenty one handed or light weapons, or 50 pieces of ammo. Belt Slot or Chest Slot. Two belts of throwing can be used on chest slot at the same time.Basically an Amulet of Mighty Fists for throwing. Hopefully not as overpriced.
Should solve one of the main problems with throwing weapons. Simple solution someone might have thought of before. I don't remember seeing a similar item before, but I could be wrong.
This is sheer genius. I especially love that you managed to sidestep the problems both the blinkback belt and the belt of mighty hurling ran into. The only suggestion I can make is to also make a similar item for two-handed throwing weapons, perhaps a wide-mouth quiver?

Fury of the Tempest |

Love the two winders btw, especially the Swiftshot’s Winder. Such a simple item gives SO much more power and aid to crossbow users! Now I will just have to remain ever salty that the Bolt Ace's Sharp Shoot will always cost a grit point because of Pazio's oh so f~&*ing clever errata.
I've never seen the Safety Belt before, was that new? Either way, I love it. +2 Saves, AC and SR is very powerful, and a potential situational -10 to stealth. The bright shining Paladin who doesn't understand stealth would LOVE such an item.

PsyBomb |

Just got through doing a major editing pass. Warsong Instruments changed significantly due to feedback, losing the BAB bonus and clearing up confusion in wording (plus getting MUCH cheaper).
In other news, Slime Master had ability DCs clarified, Soulvenom Infusion now accounts for resurrection that doesn't require a body, and the Incinerator Cannon has been added. Axiom resist bonuses from shield investment got buffed. Mostly grammar and punctuation other than that.
Check it out!

PsyBomb |

It's an Option! Multiple! Bits! Attack Satellites!
Why are they artifacts and why can't you get four? It has to be four!
It's a minor artifact, so there is nothing stopping you from hunting down four of them (other than their owners, and the high chance you will be on their Defined Foe list)

Adam B. 135 |

It's an Option! Multiple! Bits! Attack Satellites!
Why are they artifacts and why can't you get four? It has to be four!
Bits sounds like something that belongs in psitech in all honesty, considering bits and funnels are controlled by the user's mind, and are only used by psychics.

Insain Dragoon |

I think the Twinned property is both too complicated and a bit under powered for what it does.
I much preferred the original version from back when this was a Path of War side project where you could pull a second weapon out of a weapon that had the twinned property. That one was simple and kept you only the cost of a +1 enchantment behind a 2 handed fighter unlike the current version which keeps you a +1 enhancement and about 8k gold behind a 2 handed weapon user.
In short I think the problems with the Twinned Enchantment are
-Too expensive
-Too complicated

Fury of the Tempest |

Bits sounds like something that belongs in psitech in all honesty, considering bits and funnels are controlled by the user's mind, and are only used by psychics.
Looks around at where we are
Oh right. That's everyone.
Well, feedback time. Incinerator Cannon is an awesome little item. Not just a possible Attack Satellites - which are AWESOME - but also a point defence item... it just makes me wanna see more of it.
Autoloader is simple and neat, whilst the Warsong Instument Changes make me sad, it does make sense... but I do hope its possible to have an upgraded version of them with the BAB replacement, or maybe even letting you have more weapons than you have hands hmmmmmm?

VM mercenario |

Adam B. 135 wrote:Bits sounds like something that belongs in psitech in all honesty, considering bits and funnels are controlled by the user's mind, and are only used by psychics.I WANT UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS
Wrong playtest, go to the Soulknife Augmented playtest. It has an entire archetype of UBW. And can also be used to play Gil.

PsyBomb |

Alright, announcement time.
AGrinningCat submitted a subsystem a while ago to enhance weapons without the use of magic. We at DSP looked it over, and found it to be a good idea and worth pursuing. The result of this has just gone up into the Steelforge Playtest Document, the Nonmagical Item Enhancement system! Check it out, it's Chapter 9 in the document.

upho |

This is sheer genius. I especially love that you managed to sidestep the problems both the blinkback belt and the belt of mighty hurling ran into. The only suggestion I can make is to also make a similar item for two-handed throwing weapons, perhaps a wide-mouth quiver?
Sorry for my ignorance, but what exactly is the problem with blinkback and mighty hurling? The 50% cost markup from sharing slot with a phys-boost belt? Or did I miss something vital regarding their functionality in practice?
@VM mercenario: I like it. Though I believe my dual shield wielding/throwing Shield Champion brawler/warder loves his new look (he really likes shields), he also wanted me to tell you he finds it "insulting" his shield bonus to AC hasn't increased, even though he's carrying "more metal than an F&%"*ing Abrahams main battle tank", running around buried in a pile of no less than 40 gargantuan heavy steel shields... :P

VM mercenario |

Kudaku wrote:This is sheer genius. I especially love that you managed to sidestep the problems both the blinkback belt and the belt of mighty hurling ran into. The only suggestion I can make is to also make a similar item for two-handed throwing weapons, perhaps a wide-mouth quiver?Sorry for my ignorance, but what exactly is the problem with blinkback and mighty hurling? The 50% cost markup from sharing slot with a phys-boost belt? Or did I miss something vital regarding their functionality in practice?
@VM mercenario: I like it. Though I believe my dual shield wielding/throwing Shield Champion brawler/warder loves his new look (he really likes shields), he also wanted me to tell you he finds it "insulting" his shield bonus to AC hasn't increased, even though he's carrying "more metal than an F&%"*ing Abrahams main battle tank", running around buried in a pile of no less than 40 gargantuan heavy steel shields... :P
Humm, extra AC for having multiple shields, that is a little outside of what a single item should give...
Maybe a feat?This one should help. Should increase his AC by +3, not much, but it helps. It's third party, but since you're already using homebrew...
Oh, maybe you could count all those shields as if he was wearing fullplate armor. Fullplate armor made of shields, should increase his AC, unless he is already wearing fullplate.
Increase the price of the weapon enhancement bonus on one of the bandoliers by 50% so they can also caount as armor enhacement bonus. Should balance WBL a little since he won't be paying for armor separately anymore.
Also, I'm kinda curious how he is using gargantuan size stuff. Did he start as a large race?

Fury of the Tempest |

Fury of the Tempest wrote:Wrong playtest, go to the Soulknife Augmented playtest. It has an entire archetype of UBW. And can also be used to play Gil.Adam B. 135 wrote:Bits sounds like something that belongs in psitech in all honesty, considering bits and funnels are controlled by the user's mind, and are only used by psychics.I WANT UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS
Wait, seriously? *runs off to check*
So you can! Awesome! ... Still love the idea of a bard summoning an army of weapons through...
Anyway, I will definitely check out the non-magicial enchanting and get right here with my feedback about it soon!

upho |

Heh, I was mainly kidding to illustrate one of the more hilarious potential consequences of your belt idea, or more precisely of these two sentences:upho wrote:@VM mercenario: I like it. Though I believe my dual shield wielding/throwing Shield Champion brawler/warder loves his new look (he really likes shields), he also wanted me to tell you he finds it "insulting" his shield bonus to AC hasn't increased, even though he's carrying "more metal than an F&%"*ing Abrahams main battle tank", running around buried in a pile of no less than 40 gargantuan heavy steel shields... :PHumm, extra AC for having multiple shields, that is a little outside of what a single item should give...
Maybe a feat?
This one should help. Should increase his AC by +3, not much, but it helps. It's third party, but since you're already using homebrew...
The belt can hold up to twenty one handed or light weapons, or 50 pieces of ammo. ... Two belts of throwing can be used on chest slot at the same time.
But I still like the idea, and thanks for the suggestions!
Oh, maybe you could count all those shields as if he was wearing fullplate armor. Fullplate armor made of shields, should increase his AC, unless he is already wearing fullplate.
Increase the price of the weapon enhancement bonus on one of the bandoliers by 50% so they can also caount as armor enhacement bonus. Should balance WBL a little since he won't be paying for armor separately anymore.
Actually, this touches upon a potentially more important and purely mechanical limitation of the belt, namely that as written it cannot have magic shield enhancement bonuses or special abilities, which with Shield Master makes it pretty useless for shield throwers past 10th level. OTOH, this might very well be preferable to removing that limitation and having to explain how the heck you can move or see anything, not to mention fight well, while attached to 40 heavy shields...
Also, I'm kinda curious how he is using gargantuan size stuff. Did he start as a large race?
No, he started out as a half-giant wielding large shields. But as he's so far just an experiment build (using Paizo and DSP options) and thus able to change his race far quicker and more often than most people change underwear, he had in truth become a huge aasimar last time I saw him. Though I guess he wouldn't be much less hilarious now if turned into a mobile pile of 40 size-appropriate huge heavy shields...

VM mercenario |

VM mercenario wrote:Heh, I was mainly kidding to illustrate one of the more hilarious potential consequences of your belt idea, or more precisely of these two sentences:upho wrote:@VM mercenario: I like it. Though I believe my dual shield wielding/throwing Shield Champion brawler/warder loves his new look (he really likes shields), he also wanted me to tell you he finds it "insulting" his shield bonus to AC hasn't increased, even though he's carrying "more metal than an F&%"*ing Abrahams main battle tank", running around buried in a pile of no less than 40 gargantuan heavy steel shields... :PHumm, extra AC for having multiple shields, that is a little outside of what a single item should give...
Maybe a feat?
This one should help. Should increase his AC by +3, not much, but it helps. It's third party, but since you're already using homebrew...VM mercenario wrote:The belt can hold up to twenty one handed or light weapons, or 50 pieces of ammo. ... Two belts of throwing can be used on chest slot at the same time.But I still like the idea, and thanks for the suggestions!
VM mercenario wrote:Actually, this touches upon a potentially more important and purely mechanical limitation of the belt, namely that as written it cannot have magic shield enhancement bonuses or special abilities, which with Shield Master makes it pretty useless for shield throwers past 10th level. OTOH, this might very well be preferable to removing that...Oh, maybe you could count all those shields as if he was wearing fullplate armor. Fullplate armor made of shields, should increase his AC, unless he is already wearing fullplate.
Increase the price of the weapon enhancement bonus on one of the bandoliers by 50% so they can also caount as armor enhacement bonus. Should balance WBL a little since he won't be paying for armor separately anymore.
No worries. The most optimized way to be a shield thrower is having a single shield and bouncing it off from enemy to enemy. It's already well suported by both the Iron Tortoise style and by the Shield Champion Brawler. It's also the most flavorful, since it is what Captain America uses. Two shields is cool for two weapon fighting and melee, but it doesn't help with throwing.
Covering yourself in 40 shields is a joke build, pure flavor, no optimization. I believe that if a player really wants to do it in a comedy one-shot he shouldn't be punished. If my item allows for a bit of fun and it's not breaking the game, then it's doing it's job as intended.To your former question, the problem with the Belt of Might Hurling and the Blinkback Belt is the problem that you still need to have multiple magic weapons and they all need to be kept at a competitive enhancement bonus.
A twelfth level knife thrower could have up to 8 attacks in a round (3 BAB, 3 TWF, 1 Rapid Shot, 1 Haste). That means, if he wants to hit a CR appropriate enemy, he needs 8 +3 weapons, leaving him no money to buy anything else really. And after he full attacks he only regains four knifes for the next round with Blinkback Belt, halving his attack power for the rest of the fight. If he is using a Belt of Hurling, he better have killed everything in one full attack cause he now has to spend a couple of rounds to gather his knifes.
If he doesn't have all that many magic knifes he might as well throw paper balls, since he won't he be hitting anything anyway.

upho |

No worries. The most optimized way to be a shield thrower is having a single shield and bouncing it off from enemy to enemy. It's already well suported by both the Iron Tortoise style and by the Shield Champion Brawler.
If you intend to throw the shield more than once per round? No. It plain sucks, the opposite of optimized. Once you get iteratives, not to mention free action combat maneuvers from magic shields (like the Maelstrom) and their related triggered AoO's, or ranged-to-melee repositioning stuff like Wolf Trip, the shield bouncing is awful. Or would just like to attack more than one single target with one single thrown attack per round outside of melee range...
It doesn't matter much for typical Iron Tortoise users, since they're interested in having a decent backup when melee is a poor/non-existent option, without having to deal with all the crap that comes with carrying an additional ranged weapon. But for Shield Champions, their "thing" being as good ranged with thrown shields as they're in melee with shields, it's not an option. Also, you want to make the most out of the fantastic Shield Master feat and the Shield Champion's great 7th level benefit, and that means you want to be able to attack with shields at your full bab as many times per round as possible. You want to be able to damage, bull rush, trip and AoO several enemies per round, even if they're initially far apart. That's impossible with shield bouncing, but not with a blinkback belt, quick draw and two throwing shields.
And from another perspective, there's two main drawbacks to TWF: attack and damage penalties. Neither of them apply to a Shield Champion. So two shields basically makes you capable of dealing with the same number of distant opponents per turn and with the same efficiency as two single-wielding Shield Champions standing back to back (barring 1/turn stuff like dirty tricks).
It's also the most flavorful, since it is what Captain America uses. Two shields is cool for two weapon fighting and melee, but it doesn't help with throwing.
Flavor aside, why wouldn't TWF help with throwing? I'd say TWF throwing is especially great in the case of shields since Shield Master is a thing. And besides that, the Shield Champion does get to use the TWF feats for free and doesn't get any off-hand penalties, so why not make the most out of the class features?
In conclusion, at least a somewhat decently built Shield Champion is highly dependent on having two magic shields he's able to throw an unlimited times per round, and that he can throw or use in melee immediately after resolving a preceding ranged attack.
Covering yourself in 40 shields is a joke build, pure flavor, no optimization. I believe that if a player really wants to do it in a comedy one-shot he shouldn't be punished. If my item allows for a bit of fun and it's not breaking the game, then it's doing it's job as intended.
You're absolutely right, of course. And it is a kinda funny joke build as well...
To your former question, the problem with the Belt of Might Hurling and the Blinkback Belt is the problem that you still need to have multiple magic weapons and they all need to be kept at a competitive enhancement bonus.
A twelfth level knife thrower could have up to 8 attacks in a round (3 BAB, 3 TWF, 1 Rapid Shot, 1 Haste). That means, if he wants to hit a CR appropriate enemy, he needs 8 +3 weapons, leaving him no money to buy anything else really. And after he full attacks he only regains four knifes for the next round with Blinkback Belt, halving his attack power for the rest of the fight. If he is using a Belt of Hurling, he better have killed everything in one full attack cause he now has to spend a couple of rounds to gather his knifes.
If he doesn't have all that many magic knifes he might as well throw paper balls, since he won't he be hitting anything anyway.
Sorry, I don't get this. Why would he ever need more than two (or even one) knife with the blinkback belt? The blinback belt description says (my emphasis):
"When the wearer draws a weapon attached to this belt and throws it before the end of her next turn, the weapon teleports back to its strap or sheath immediately after the attack is resolved."
So, as far as I can tell, as soon as the knife-thrower's first ranged attack hits, the knife he used to make the attack is back in his belt again, ready for him to draw it again as a free action with quick draw, and then throw it again using whichever limb he prefers. So technically per RAW, he could even use one single knife to perform all eight attacks (though I guess RAI he would probably need at least two knives). What am I missing here?
Or were you perhaps thinking of the ridiculous returning weapon property and the Greater Belt of Mighty Hurling which bestows that property? That would indeed require 8 magical knives, not to mention that the knife-thrower also remains in the exact same spot until the start of his next turn when some of his knives return. Hilariously dysfunctional!

Here4daFreeSwag |

So remind me, if I've been inspired by stuff here and decided to create my own stuff, what would be the best way to share it...?
Because I really got inspired by the Sparking Sheath Misc item... and I may have gone a little overboard in creating variations & Upgrades to it...
You can always pass a message to anyone official (like the OP) involved in the play-test to see what they think. If all goes right, you could get some credit and possibly more.

Fury of the Tempest |

I'll think about it...
Okay so, finally getting round to non-magical upgrades. First, the fact that the majority of the upgrades use Weapon crafting to make, but the actual slots needed to upgrade the weapon requires Trap crafting makes me scream out in agony. WHY?! Just. WHY?! Why can only a trap master actually UPGRADE the weapon? Why can’t a skilled weaponsmith make a weapon able to upgrade, when they actually make a lot of the upgrades themselves?! It makes no sense! Not to mention it is a SEVERE limitation to character builds. When I first heard about this, I was ecstatic. Finally, I can play as a master smith who needs no magic for his weapons! Except... I can’t. I need to have a trap master or be one in order to do so.
Having some of the upgrades be alchemical and others be trap-focused is understandable and completely fine. But forcing you to be a trap crafter in order to be able to upgrade a weapon in a mundane way? Yeah, that’s just unfair. You should be able to use Craft (Weapons) for it, just as much as Craft (Traps). There is just no reason not to.
Furthermore. Why is there only two examples of scaling DC per level of upgrade? The higher leveled upgrades should be harder to make. All of the upgrades should have several DC’s if they have multiple levels just like Accurate does. Not only does it make sense in a logical manner, but it is also balanced. Remember, crafting cuts the cost down by 1/3... that’s a significant amount of money being saved, so the higher priced items should be harder to make, meaning one can’t just have a high craft skill and be able to take 10 high priced items, allowing you access to the upgrades at a significantly lower level than you should.
Now onto the upgrades themselves. Accurate and Lethal. Stark differences between the two is quite simply NOT okay. Accurate costs the same as an actual magical enchantment. Considering that a magical enchantment gives both a bonus to attack AND defence, that simple does not stand! Accurate should have the same cost as Lethal. Allowing you to get +5 attack and damage for the same cost as someone would using magical means... and on that subject. Why is Accurate limited to +4 whilst Lethal goes all the way to +5? Finally, Lethal’s lore is much more of a weapon-crafting than a trap-crafting upgrade as well, so it should be able to be done by a weaponcrafter. Not to mention the starting DC is 3 to higher, it should have the exact same scaling DC as Accurate does.
I feel like Double Impact should have 2 forms of progression. One that increases the damage, and a another that decreases the reset time. Probably make the highest reset time a level 3 upgrade, meaning you can’t have that AND the 3d6 damage.... full-action > move action > swift action works as a progression, right? I chose move over standard, as it lets you reset and then whack someone if your still in melee range from them.
Not going to lie. Entangling, Forceful and Hooked are just AWESOME. Especially Hooked. Like seriously, I had a whole build revolving around using the Maelstrom Shield and its ability to trip on as a free action on attack. Now I can give that ability to any weapon, much earlier? It makes Grab, Trip, Bull Rush and so on SO much stronger and I love it, because they are so underused and under-loved. My only problem is that Forceful uses Trap, which really doesn’t make sense...
Honed, I have mixed feelings about. First, the fact you have a mundane way of increasing your critical threat is awesome, but the fact it doesn’t stack with Improved Critical or Keen really chafes. Especially when I can turn around, point to Stalker, and say ‘Well they can upgrade their critical threat and it stacks, even if it applies after’. Honestly, I think that Honed should be allow to stack with effects that double the critical threat range but applied afterwards, and NOT allowed to stack with effects that simply increases it by a numerical amount. It means you don’t have to be a Stalker in order to get a 14-20/x2 weapon. Making it not stack with Jagged I fully agree with. Finally, the DC for the price is ridiculous, and I really don’t like how its alchemical crafting.
Hyperdense, I don’t like the price:DC ratio, same with Jagged and Monofilament Blade (I can accept that being a higher DC than normal for that one, but 2.5k for DC 25? 100gp per DC? The hell?!)
Serrated is DEFINITELY weapon crafting and not trap crafting.
What is the point of the Polished Minor modification? And we really need more minor modifications. Okay, yes between the two ‘Expanded’ there is quite a bit of choice, but a lot of them really aren’t all that good...
Overall, I love the Non-Magical Enchantments, and I’ll definitely be working on my own. However, I feel like the crafting support for it is weak and needs revamping and polishing to make it solid and flexible. Finally, a few more creative ideas like the Double Impact idea are needed before its sent out. Because honestly? The modifications in general and pretty bland, not really offering much excitement that magic doesn’t already provide. Not to mention there's nothing for armour or shields yet, and I really hope to see some for armour and shields as well as weapons.
Hope this feedback helps.

Adam B. 135 |

This nonmagical item enhancement stuff is pretty cool! After looking through it, I have some comments and suggestions.
I agree. I think some of the nonmagical item enhancements should either be moved over to craft (weapons) or better yet, work with craft (traps) and craft (weapons). Specicially, I think Honed, Lethal, and Serrated should be allowed to be crafted with Craft (weapons) and Craft (traps).
Also, getting cheap minor modifications is really cool. I love the customization that it grants! There are a few minor modifications I'd love to see. First of all, a hollow haft modification that is only used to store stuff, and keep things hidden. That way I could hide scrolls, wands, letters, or any other kind of thing that I wouldn't want discovered by the enemy or pickpocketed. Also, a modification for ammunition to be able to load alchemical weapons into them, though reducing the damage die by one or two steps.
Lastly, I think Jagged's bonus should be changed to something else. Getting a +1 to your critical modifier is really quite powerful, especially on those 18-20/x2 2-handed weapons, or the 19-20/x3 base weapons.

Fury of the Tempest |

Glad to hear I’m not the only one that issue with the crafting side of things!
That being said, I really think your overestimating the power of the +1 critical modifier bonus. I mean, there is exactly many 18-20/x2 2-handed weapons or 19-20/x3 weapons in the world... plus, getting critical hits is pretty hard still. Okay, this isn't 3.5, and there is only 6 types that have a built in immunity to critical hits instead of almost everyone, so it isn't impossible, but at the same time, getting a critical hit isn't exactly the end of the world. Spells and manuverers do much more damage than a cirtical hit on a normal basis! Sure if you could get a 13-20/x3 weapon, then it would be ABSURD, but a 15-20/x3 weapon, or a 18-20/x4 weapon? That isn't so bad. Powerful yes, but not world ending.

Elricaltovilla |

A new alchemical (sort of) item has been added to Steelforge: Martial Elixirs. These potent creations contain the distilled knowledge of great warriors, allowing you limited access to their maneuvers for a short time.
Additionally, other elemental versions of the Exploding enchantment have been added (acid, cold and electricity) and the Exploding enchantment has been renamed to Fiery Explosion.

Fury of the Tempest |

I like the new legendary item! I'm happy your not following a standard formula when it comes to legendary item levels (even if it means I probably should revise the legendary items I've been working on before submitting them to the DSP forums), as it means you have a lot more flexibility when it comes to legendary item creations.
Razor itself is a pretty awesome weapon. A sword that wishes to fight and slay warriors, making contracts with other warriors in order to become the perfect sword of them. Devouring weapons in order to absorb their magic. That's pretty damn cool.
I am curious through. Can you craft non-magicial enchantments onto Razor? Maybe for an increased DC cost...?

Fury of the Tempest |

Kinetic Kickers is awesome, but the fact take the same amount of damage really limits the power of them. I think you should still take damage, but it should only be half. That way you can actually play as a Dungeoncrasher in Pathfinder, but not be as insanely powerful as it is in 3.5.
City in the Bottle is just awesome, a portable industry and R&D department! Who needs to spend hours making magical weapons and items, when you have a cohort to do it for you without having to sacrificing any time at all! ... I of course have no idea what the city traits are or what they do, but it's a fantastic item with so much flavour and fun to it!

PsyBomb |

Kinetic Kickers is awesome, but the fact take the same amount of damage really limits the power of them. I think you should still take damage, but it should only be half. That way you can actually play as a Dungeoncrasher in Pathfinder, but not be as insanely powerful as it is in 3.5.
City in the Bottle is just awesome, a portable industry and R&D department! Who needs to spend hours making magical weapons and items, when you have a cohort to do it for you without having to sacrificing any time at all! ... I of course have no idea what the city traits are or what they do, but it's a fantastic item with so much flavour and fun to it!
You don't take the damage, just the victim and the hard surface. I'll try to make that clearer.
If you don't care about settlement traits, then don't worry. The City in a Bottle works perfectly well without them.

Fury of the Tempest |

Empowered Charm is fine, extra animus at the start of combat lets you nova swiftly. Lethality... yeah, an extra round of Deadly Strikes is good as well. Nice bonus power, but not overly so. Especially as if you have say, 18+ wisdom, its not that strong as battles last 5 rounds or so most of the time.
Extra 10 feet to Tactical Presence Aura makes it easy to buff allies, and the Tactical Presences are overwhelmingly powerful, so I’m good. Tactics is AMAZING though, granting you a lot more flexibility with builds using Coordinated Strike and Strategies class features. Whichever classes they are.
Refinement Charms... Sigil and Spirits are good. You don’t have any nova-like abilities with Ki-Pools, and more Arminger Marks just makes it easier to tank effectively.

Here4daFreeSwag |

Y'know, I had this strange thought about the Gravity Slime...
supposing you had some of this slime on a weapon like normal, then you stab yourself (maybe 1 pt dmg. minimum?) with the slime coated weapon...
... could that count as sort of a pseudo-"Feather-Fall" effect, excepting that you can never "fly" for the duration that the slime is in effect?

Prince of Knives |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Y'know, I had this strange thought about the Gravity Slime...
supposing you had some of this slime on a weapon like normal, then you stab yourself (maybe 1 pt dmg. minimum?) with the slime coated weapon...
... could that count as sort of a pseudo-"Feather-Fall" effect, excepting that you can never "fly" for the duration that the slime is in effect?
Yep, pretty much.