Elricaltovilla |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Do you like Magic Items? You know you do. Dreamscarred Press is very pleased to announce our newest book in the 'forge line (which began with Bloodforge, go check it out!): STEELFORGE!
What began as a half joke suggestion in one of our many, many team chats during the development of Path of War: Expanded is now a very real, very cool thing that we are super excited to bring to you all.
Headed by the very talented Jade Ripley (Path of War, Path of War: Expanded), the all star team comprising the writers of Steelforge includes: myself (Path of War: Expanded),Matt (Bloodforge), Alex (Lords of the Night), and our newest addition to the freelancer pool, Jacob (who has currently written guides to the Akashic Mysteries classes, as well as for the Dread).
But enough about us. You're here for the items. So have at it! Our initial playtest document - about thirty pages long - can be found here. As always, this is as live document that is subject to change and additions without warning.
Thank you all so much for your support in this and our many other projects. We're truly grateful to have such amazing fans.

Alexander Clatworthy |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hi, Alex here.
As I mentioned in my introduction, when Jade says "write", you say "how much".
This team is great to work with, and items are always fun. Writing items always starts with a "wait, why doesn't this exist" and often ends with "oh, that's why". Sometimes however, you do find niches that need filling, or even more broad ideas that for some reason just don't exist yet.
There's a lot more to come, but hopefully this is a good taste of what to expect.

Aratrok |

There's a lot of awesome stuff here (I'm especially happy to see the gravity slime make its triumphant return :D) I need to go into detail on later. I'm a little confused about the "other item enhancements" section and how pricing it works, though. It says "the price of this enhancement works like armor", but that would make it 10 times as expensive as normal competence bonus to skill items are (Bonus^2 * 100 gp), which is really weird.

Fury of the Tempest |

First, I do like how you have given people more options of items slots to get things like NA, Deflection and Resistances. Its a small thing, but it allows for MUCH much more flexibility when it comes to items! So thank you very much for that, I very much appreciate it.
Now onto the actual unique items... Steelwalker’s Boot is simply amazing. Practically a must get for any non-adept martial class in all honestly. The ability to move 15 feet before you make a full-attack action (or even weve that 15 feet in between the attacks) gives you such a huge boost to mobility that I honestly feel like 14k is understating it. Maybe the 14k one lets you move 10 feet, and then you get a more expensive version letting you move half your speed?
Okay. The Headless Helm is just completely and utterly FREAKY, and I LOVE it. Its a great item for a neutral or evil character honestly! Or a good character that likes pranking others. Not an item most will take, but I love it all the same.
Helm of Lost Flesh is also freaky, but a lot more clever to... can have some fun disguising yourself as an undead, but that does come at quite the risk as well... wonder if you can make a more expensive version without so much risk?
Non-Secrecy Amulet... I don’t like how there’s no way to protect yourself against it... I think it should require a check in order to listen in on the conversation, as being able to listen to telepathic messages can be insanely powerful. Then if there is a check, you can extend the range with stronger versions.
Ironbody Cloak is just awesome. Great for both tanks, who the extra health lets them be a better damage sponge, and the squishies, for whom the extra health gives them that little bit more leeway.
For Trick Cloak, more spell resistance is good, especially as you can suppress it momentarily in order to let your allies to use their buffing spells on you. Simple, but good.
Rings of Bound Loyalty... that is just scary as F-K. And I honestly don’t think it should be in the game... Charm Monster, towards the other one with the ring? Just give one to someone with a save to resist, give the other to someone you want to enslave - maybe with something else to lower their save - and hey pesto! New slave.
You made a pet. To use as a weapon. Whoever thought of it? You are a sick, sick psycho.
Hate Seed. Great for terrorists, and for good guys sabotaging enemy camps.
Magecatcher Net is very fluffy and pretty cool all round. The greater one however... well, that actually makes net-and-trident a legitimate fighting style all things considered and I would LOVE to make a character that specializes in using it.
Ooooh, Network Node Earrings are a very fluff-like items. I love it. It lets someone stay behind in base, and still be connected to everyone and buff them using their powers. Or it allows you to have two collectives doing different missions, and if one is in trouble, the other can support them with buffing spells. I love it!
The charms are awesome as well. Great abilities to give you more flexibility and endurance as well. Good thing is that so many different people can use them, and they don’t just help pure classes, but those who multi class/prestige class.
Smuggler’s Chest, simple, but fluffy and can be very helpful.
Warsong Instruments are bucking awesome. I’m just sad that you can’t use it to create an armoury of weapons to fight with. Because lets be frank. Someone walking along, completely innocent and vulnerable looking... then they wip out a music instrument, starting playing a nice cheerful song... AND SUMMON A HORDE OF WEAPONS TO BECOME A MACHINE OF DEATH!
Seriously. There needs to be an option to use a Warsong Instrument, and be able to summon more weapons with it than normal... oh I know, what about as an archetype? A special bard archetype? That sounds great fun! ... Even if it means you likely won’t be able to be a Initiating Bard at the same time, as that changes pretty much everything.
I like Chaos Beast’s Bile, poison an enemy to reduce their elemental resistance, then the party wizard can step in and fry them completely. Can even lead to ridiculous assassinations, when you use fire to kill a fire giant or something like that, XD
Lead Paint is awesome. How much would it cost to paint a Handy Haversack with it? Manabane Gel is great for transporting cursed item, or hiding powerful artifacts from the searching enemies. Poisoner’s Sheath just makes sense, and I hope you come up with some good poisons to go along with it.
Love Ring of the Grand Vizier, really hoping to see more Legendary Items, especially ones for the Path of War displines! (and the expanded ones to!)
Liar’s Quill... very nice, especially if you manage to swap it for someone rather important...
Bearded is ridiculous and I love it. You can’t Vital Strike when charging with Brave, can you? Either way, Brave doesn’t seem to be the best of ideas in all honestly. *Points to Mounted Chargers*, don’t they have enough already? Exploding is pretty neat too, especially if you have fire resistance so you don’t take the damage yourself!
Skinning is awesome... if it wasn’t treated like bleeding an easy as hell to get rid of. I mean seriously, you're paying +2 in order to reduce someone’s armour on the critical hit, and then any healing at all gets rid of it? What a colossal waste of time and money.
Not entirely sure about the action-economy of a Spell Echoing weapon, but it looks like something a Magus would love to have. Twinned meanwhile is AMAZING, as it really helps fight one of the biggest issues with a two-weapon fighter. Two weapons is more expensive than one.
Other Item Enhancements is just an awesome idea in general, and I love you for doing so, as well as Trapped Equipment, I really hope to see more development on them as well as the Places of Power.
I do love how the Forgelord lets you progress - at least partly - as the class you swapped out of to take it. Indeed, if you got 15/5, you technically 18/5, making it a very powerful class and actually worth of being taken just for that alone. Hell, its a pretty strong single-dip as well, but I don’t mind.
For the properties, I think the Weapon Least should give Weapon Specialization as well, as it looks rather weak compared to armour. In fact Armour looks to be insanely strong, especially for a monk/level 5 Forgelord. Able to wear any armour, but still get all the effects of a monk? Don’t you think that’s rather... ya know... insane?
That being said, I don’t like how the other effects of the Forgelord is all about wands and the like. Either adding charges, or by extend/persisting effects... and persisting the effect for such a low, low cost can be rather insane... that’s more like a capstone to an Artificer class, than the level 4 ability of a PrC.

Elricaltovilla |

A trick for exploding weapons: Stick it on a polearm, like say... a horsechopper? ;)
EDIT: To borrow lingo from 4e (forgive me) Brave only adds an additional [W] to your damage. It's not multiplied, it can't be stacked with vital strike, it's pretty tame for a +2. On a mounted lancer it's an additional 1d8 for a medium creature. Not really that significant.

Elricaltovilla |

So, are you saying that Brave isn't multiplied by Spirited Charge? As I don't see a reason why it wouldn't be.
That's exactly what I'm saying. It's the same reason that stuff like flaming isn't multiplied. I suppose I could make it more explicit but I don't think it's necessary yet.
EDIT: Well I went ahead and reworded Brave anyway. Better safe than sorry.

Elricaltovilla |

Hmmm, well in that case... it shouldn't be a +2. Yeah, you can get up to +2d6 damage with it when compared to say, flaming. But it only activates when you charge...
I still think +2 is appropriate. If you're wielding a large greatsword, it's +3d6. Even with just a medium lance, 1d8 is a point of damage higher than 1d6 on average, and it would increase as you increase your weapon's size. Additionally, charging is a preferred tactic for the majority of melee types and you have to account for that in your pricing.

Fury of the Tempest |

Well, Toxin Drinking Needle finally gives you a way of getting poison from poisonous animals, even if the fact it straight out removes any poisons without any problem means it makes poisons even more useless than usual.
Welp. Angelwing Cloack is an evil, evil item. Then Firesight Eyes... ummm... do they counteract stealth? Like, if your in 60feet away from someone with them and hidden. Wouldn't the entire 'dancing flames' thing mean that the Firesight Eyes means its impossible to sneak up on them?

Elricaltovilla |

Well, Toxin Drinking Needle finally gives you a way of getting poison from poisonous animals, even if the fact it straight out removes any poisons without any problem means it makes poisons even more useless than usual.
Welp. Angelwing Cloack is an evil, evil item. Then Firesight Eyes... ummm... do they counteract stealth? Like, if your in 60feet away from someone with them and hidden. Wouldn't the entire 'dancing flames' thing mean that the Firesight Eyes means its impossible to sneak up on them?
Firesight eyes is Faerie Fire. It does exactly the same thing as the spell.

Fury of the Tempest |

So... despite the fact that Faeire Fire reads 'A pale glow surrounds and outlines the subjects. Outlined subjects shed light as candles. Creatures outlined by faerie fire take a –20 penalty on all Stealth checks. Outlined creatures do not benefit from the concealment normally provided by darkness (though a 2nd-level or higher magical darkness effect functions normally), blur, displacement, invisibility, or similar effects. The light is too dim to have any special effect on undead or dark-dwelling creatures vulnerable to light. The faerie fire can be blue, green, or violet, according to your choice at the time of casting. The faerie fire does not cause any harm to the objects or creatures thus outlined.'
Firesight Eyes, which you just said is Feaire Fire, and does exactly the same thing as the spell. Has no penalty to stealth.

Elricaltovilla |

So... despite the fact that Faeire Fire reads 'A pale glow surrounds and outlines the subjects. Outlined subjects shed light as candles. Creatures outlined by faerie fire take a –20 penalty on all Stealth checks. Outlined creatures do not benefit from the concealment normally provided by darkness (though a 2nd-level or higher magical darkness effect functions normally), blur, displacement, invisibility, or similar effects. The light is too dim to have any special effect on undead or dark-dwelling creatures vulnerable to light. The faerie fire can be blue, green, or violet, according to your choice at the time of casting. The faerie fire does not cause any harm to the objects or creatures thus outlined.'
Firesight Eyes, which you just said is Feaire Fire, and does exactly the same thing as the spell. Has no penalty to stealth.
I misspoke then. Read the description of the effects of Firesight Eyes. It tells youexactly what it does. There was never any mention of stealth in the description of the item's effects.

Elricaltovilla |

Yes, I like magic items!
No, I don't like magic items that just give flat number boosts:(
But I like the trapped items:)Welcome to the team, Psybomb.
More feedback is coming soon to an internet near you!
Well not all of our items are just straight number boosts. A lot of those are effects that already existed, but we moved to less used slots in order to free you up for more fun things.
We look forward to your feedback.

PsyBomb |

There's a lot of awesome stuff here (I'm especially happy to see the gravity slime make its triumphant return :D) I need to go into detail on later. I'm a little confused about the "other item enhancements" section and how pricing it works, though. It says "the price of this enhancement works like armor", but that would make it 10 times as expensive as normal competence bonus to skill items are (Bonus^2 * 100 gp), which is really weird.
Sorry it took so long for me to see this feedback, but it is a good one. My thing is that these are much more versatile than just straight numbers. Having looked it up, though, I can agree that I put the price point way too high.
A bit of a change is coming to the Item Enhancement system, though it's enough of a wording effort that it won't be up for at least a day or two. More stuff, less raw numbers. One of our big concerns is with stacking up the numeric bonuses on something that is very easy to boost way too high

Fury of the Tempest |

.... So? That didn't stop Elric linking to Steelforge from the PoW: E thread here. I mean, that's how I came to know that this was even a thing, because Elric linked me to it.
And in actual fact, that doesn't stop Elric or PoK from linking their stories in Gitp and here as well. So saying that 'it is its own unreleated project' is no excuse as at considering the amount of times unreleated projects have already been linked.

Kudaku |

The OotS PoW threads move very, very fast, which makes the feedback hard to stay on top of as it is - mixing in Steelforge feedback there would A: Have a decent chance of Steelforge commentary getting lost in all the other commentary and B: Make the thread even more unwieldly than it already is.
By comparison this thread is slow as molasses, so it doesn't present the same problem. If anything this thread would benefit from more attention. :)

Milo v3 |

Fury of the Tempest wrote:We ARE allowed to post our own items as suggestions... right?You can submit them to our website or message one of us writers if you have something you'd like to submit. After all, why not do what we do and get paid for this? :P
I sent Sslarn some rules for Akashic Grafts, not sure if he was considering using them in psitech or an akashic supplement, but it fit this product if he isn't planning on using it.

Jamie Charlan |
What, like foci or weapon-effect adders for things like your force darts or Hand Cannons?
Although we could use nice Built-In reasons to do something other than bind the latter to armory of conquerer*!
*Storm Gauntlets cost too much given half their effect overlaps or is inferior to "just bind the wrist slot to the cannons" at anything less than 5 essence committed, but you have to twin-veil (and can thus twin-bind) either way since even this half-assed stacking requires them both in the wrist slot!
Edit: Also Psitech sounds like it should result in Aegis Vehicles somehow (a not-more-horses "mount" archetype?). Maybe that version of the 'ranged attack' upgrade wouldn't be a cruddy tertiary offhand!

VM mercenario |

Don't suppose you guys would be willing to include some Legs Slot items?
I agree with Ambrosia Slaad on his review. It's wholly uncharted territory and a lot of unused design space. And since Purple Duck already made the necessary references and jokes other parties could do a more serious job.

Elricaltovilla |

Elricaltovilla wrote:After all, why not do what we do and get paid for this? :P.... So just how serious about this bit are you?
I've been thinking on how best to respond to this, but I think I'll just be honest:
IF you write something worthy of being published, and IF you submit it through the proper channels (a post here, PM to one of the writers or a submission on DSP's website), and IF we end up publishing it, then yes you would be compensated for the work. I can't tell you how much that will be, it's not something I have control over but I can at least promise you named credit if something you write is published in a DSP book.

Kudaku |

Hm... I like the inclusion of nonstandard bonus slots like the Belt of Protection for a deflection bonus, because it frees up the stranglehold the big 6 have on the amulet, headband, belt and cloak slots. I'm not sure they need to be priced at 1.5x though.
Any chance you could let the Angelwing Cloak change its appearance? Walking around in a a cloak made out of bleeding angel feathers seems counterproductive if you want to pass for Lawful Good.
Slip Grenades are very, very cool. I like these a lot! :)
The concept for Warsong Instruments is awesome, but using your ranks in perform in place of your BAB makes me deeply uneasy.
What happens if you paint a creature with the lead paint? Other than lead poisoning, I mean.
The Caustic/Jolting weapons are cute. Any chance we could get an exception to the normal rule that a weapon must have at least a +1 bonus before you can add additional enhancements? Dropping a Masterwork Jolting Longsword could be a fun low-level weapon alternative to the ubiquitous +1 weapons.
Any chance you could edit the "tool" section to stand out a bit more? I first read Folding and Multitasking as a weapon enhancement, which confused me a fair bit.

Fury of the Tempest |

Not surprised by the fact there is so many IFs, honestly unless your a Dev yourself, get paid on a work is very unlikely no matter how involved or helpful you might be. Course that means it can help you make you a Dev later down the line, but that would take a while.
Either way... I just like creating stuff.

Insain Dragoon |

If what you want is to create stuff then check out this thread. Heck Ssalarn made a thread in this forum about "Feats of Bravery" and Owen KC Stephens thought it was smart stuff so he bought it and released it as the Genius Guide to Bravery feats.
This is where freelancers have a chance to meet someone willing to publish their work. Also being on the pulse of the community helps. A few months back Amora games was giving forum goers the opportunity to freelance for them on a community book. I wrote an archetype, 7 talents, a weapon, and one magic item for them and the book will be out in PDF by late August with a POD following.

Elricaltovilla |

Any chance you could let the Angelwing Cloak change its appearance? Walking around in a a cloak made out of bleeding angel feathers seems counterproductive if you want to pass for Lawful Good.
Well if you're super evil and you can't bluff worth a damn then what are you doing being super evil? :P
I'll play with the wording a bit to help the cloak be less obviously evil but I really like the imagery. We'll see.

Milo v3 |

I've been thinking on how best to respond to this, but I think I'll just be honest:
IF you write something worthy of being published, and IF you submit it through the proper channels (a post here, PM to one of the writers or a submission on DSP's website), and IF we end up publishing it, then yes you would be compensated for the work. I can't tell you how much that will be, it's not something I have control over but I can at least promise you named credit if something you write is published in a DSP book.
Wait... So I "could've" asked for money from Sslarn for the race he's planning on using.... *facepalm*
Ah well. Least my name will be in a book.

Fury of the Tempest |

Hmmmm... so on the one hand, I can link stuff relevant to this thread or PM a dev about it, and see how that goes. Or, I could post stuff up (here I guess?) and just see if people might enjoy it...?
Of course, keeping track of the thread that was linked is also going to come in handy...