Alexander Clatworthy's page

Goblin Squad Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Hi, Alex here.
As I mentioned in my introduction, when Jade says "write", you say "how much".
This team is great to work with, and items are always fun. Writing items always starts with a "wait, why doesn't this exist" and often ends with "oh, that's why". Sometimes however, you do find niches that need filling, or even more broad ideas that for some reason just don't exist yet.
There's a lot more to come, but hopefully this is a good taste of what to expect.

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Hi Adam, and thanks!

We put a lot of effort into it, and it's great that you enjoyed it (and that the effort paid off :).

I really love vampires, and I was sad to see them become a token monster, and i am glad i got the opportunity to fix it.

Thanks again!

Yigg wrote:
Thanks for the info. Think I'll give it a go.

Let me know what you think!

The Alerts system is also nicely modular, and should give you a good starting point for running any game where a settlement's normal running may be upset by something terrible in their midst.

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This is the first project I've done with a formal open beta, and, well: Wow.

Thank you guys/girls, you were an enormous help. Vampires are my favorite mythical creature, and I'm happy with the work we've done to make them both a PC option and a campaign option.

For the complete experience, please reread my co-authors post in a thick Aussie accent, as that will adequately express my views.

Thank you all.

We made some changes to the Nightguard, both to make it smoother and to make it feel more tactical (as opposed to just feeling powerful).

The main changes are:

  • Aura of Fury: Now resilience it makes you and nearby allies harder to crit.
  • Watchman's Zeal: Now Gravekeeper's Vigil, boosting the touch AC of you and nearby allies.
  • Weaken: Now allows a moderate save.
  • Condemn: Only prevents healing
  • Guilt Wrack: Now confuses your target

The biggest change is that while you can now apply powerful penalties to the target of your smite, you must choose one when you declare the smite. Hopefully this makes the choice of Nemesis a more thoughtful one, and more in line with the power of the replaced mercies.

Have I mentioned how awesome it is to have a public playtest and community feedback? I'm so used to writing in a vacuum, and it's so good to hear everyone's cool ideas.

Greater Hungering Blade has been changed so that it's a slightly higher level, and allows a save for half. Paladins no longer get this version of the spell, although normal hungering blade is only 3rd level for them. I feel it is now much closer to balanced, but I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Undead Companion [General]
Your companion or familiar becomes undead.
Prerequisites: animal companion, dark messenger, or familiar
Benefit: Your animal companion, dark messenger, or familiar gains the undead type (if you have more than one of these features, choose one upon gaining this feat). Do not recalculate its base attack bonus hit points, saving throws, or skill points. If the creature’s Charisma score was less than its Constitution score before becoming undead, its Charisma score becomes equal to its former Constitution. Additionally it gains channel resistance +4. If another ability you possess would permanently alter the affected creature’s type (such as the sorrow’s shadow class feature), instead improve its positive energy resistance by +5 and its channel resistance by +2.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, choose another animal companion, dark messenger, or familiar you possess to be affected.

I feel this may work a lot better.

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I'm currently writing a ranger who's enjoying being undead a little too much. I reached for "Undead Companion" feat, but I found that it doesn't quite work so well for animal companions, like this poor alligator. An alligator has a Con of 15 and a Cha of 2. Even the host of undead immunities doesn't make up for that kinda loss.

Since undead alligators should be awesome and terrifying, it's clear that the feat needs a little bump. I'd consider adding a clause that increased their Charisma score to a minimum of 10.


Aratrok wrote:
How many hitpoints can a blood fault hold?

I'm also a fan of letting it hold as much as you like, as it opens two interesting avenues.

First, it means that if you put too much in there, it becomes a massive Achilles heel (as you're one well-aimed hammer blow from being badly damaged or destroyed outright).

Second, it may open up some interesting storytelling options, where a blood vault filled with thousands of hit points is in the possession of a powerful vampire, and hunting the vault becomes more practical than directly engaging its owner.

Still, while I like those ideas it may not be practical from a balance perspective.

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I've been working on the items.


Watchman’s Water
Price 10gp; Weight -
Watchman’s water can help find old bloodstains. A single dose is enough to spray a 5 ft. square; one bottle typically contains 10 doses. Any part of the surface that has been in contact with blood within the past year glows faintly purple. The alchemical ingredients are very sensitive, and no amount of washing is sufficient to hide any traces. This grants a +4 alchemical bonus on checks to spot such stains, such as a Perception check when looking for clues or a Survival check when following a wounded creature.

Protective Parasol
Aura faint evocation; CL 3rd
Price 4,360 gp; Slot none; Weight 2 lbs.
This parasol is made of shiny black leather secured with a silver latch, with a handle ending in a small clasp. The clasp is generally attached to one’s shoulder and allowed to hang freely.
If the bearer is exposed to sunlight they may take an immediate action unlatch the parasol, causing it to instantly open and shade the bearer, protecting them from the effects of sunlight (such as a vampire’s weakness to sunlight) for 1 minute. The parasol works for a total of up to 10 minutes per day. This duration need not be continuous, but it must be used in 1 minute increments.
While open the parasol makes an easy target, and has a hardness of 0 and 5 hit points.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, protective penumbra[SUP]UM[/SUP], open/close; Cost 2,180 gp

Skulker’s Skullcap
Aura faint (no school); CL 7th
Price 800 gp; Slot head; Weight -
A skulker’s skullcap is made of scraps the skin of cave-dwelling creatures, typically bats, rats and moles - crudely sewn together - and covers the top of the head. Up to three times per day, the wearer of the skullcap may apply the effects of the Silent Spell feat, the Still Spell feat, or both, when casting a spell with the darkness descriptor. This does not change the spell’s casting time or effective spell level.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Silent Spell, Still Spell; Cost 400 gp

Blood Vault
Aura moderate necromancy; CL 5th
Price 8,500 gp; Slot none; Weight 8 lbs.
A blood vault is a jar made of undecorated blackened clay filled with a thick, oily liquid, and stands 8 inches tall. A vampire may attune themselves to a blood vault as a full-round action, provided the vault is empty. Thereafter, whenever the vampire would gain temporary hit points through their vampire fangs ability they may instead allocate any number of those temporary hit points to the blood vault, provided that the jar is within 1 mile of the vampire it is attuned to (the vampire does not gain those hit points and they do not count towards her feeding requirements). A vampire touching the blood vault to which they are attuned may withdraw any number of temporary hit points from it as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, up to the normal cap imposed by her vampire fangs ability.

Storing part of one’s essence in the blood vault is not without risk; if it is destroyed (hardness 3, 2 hit points), the vampire attuned to the blood vault suffers an amount of untyped damage equal to the temporary hit points currently in the jar.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, false life, vampiric touch; Cost 4,250 gp

Devil’s Luck
Aura strong necromancy; CL 20th
Slots neck; Weight 1 lbs.
The plain appearance of the devil’s luck belies its power; a small metal spike held on a loop of frayed brown twine. The spike is old and rusted, coated in globs of dried fat and old bloodstains.

A creature may slice off one of their fingers, and impale it on the spike. The devil’s luck is then given to a trusted servant to wear. If the owner of the finger should die or be destroyed, its corpse and all worn and carried items upon it are destroyed, and the bearer of the devil’s luck dies or is destroyed as well (no save). The finger, however, rapidly grows into the body of the original owner (as they were when they when the effect was triggered, including any worn and carried equipment, but completely healed of hit point damage, ability damage, and negative levels other than those inflicted by the necklace). When this happens, their original corpse (including any worn and carried equipment) turns to dust. This is similar to a true resurrection, except that undead creatures can also be restored, though they remain the undead beings they were before their destruction.

The devil’s luck is a relic of some long-forgotten demoness of treachery and spite, who used the it as a kind of magical Trojan horse. She would sell the devil’s luck as a protective charm, and when the purchaser got home the demoness would kill herself, only to appear at the amulet's location and wreak havoc. One day she had the misfortune of appearing in a consecrated chapel filled with an order of paladins. She was destroyed (properly, this time) and the amulet was loose in the world.

The newly restored creature gains a number of negative levels equal to the difference between their number of Hit Die and the bearer’s Hit Die (minimum 1).

If a creature impales their own finger on the devil’s luck, then commits suicide while wearing it, the Luck instantly rusts away into nothingness, and the creature is not restored.

Let me know what you think. I wanted to avoid the obvious things like stake-crossbows and super-duper-holy water, in favor of things that gave both sides a few extra tools.

Magic is in the air!
May I present: The Spells for the open beta!

They will be folded into the main doc shortly. Your feedback is always appreciated. This was a fun thing to write, as a colony of bats chose this week to set up shop in the tree opposite my office window. Ominous!


With that in mind, my initial thought was this: vampires gain XP 1 track slower than everyone else. If the campaign uses the Fast XP track, they gain at Normal. If the campaign uses Normal, they gain at Slow. If it's already Slow, they eat a level off the top and are always a level behind the party.

What this works out to is that over the course of 20 levels the vampire ends up about 2.5 levels behind everyone else, a bit more if they decide to create progeny.

Just a minor correction: This will leave the vampire PCs closer to 1 level behind, not 2.5.


My name's Alex, and I am the co-author on this project. In case it's not clear, I really love vampires, and the stories that can be told about them. Vampires can move through the societies of the living and the dead, and can be used to explore a lot of ideas such as pride, selfishness and aspects of morality. The core of this project is to make vampires a playable, fun and balanced option for Pathfinder campaigns. Vampires have a range of options, from standard adventuring, to city politics to being a complex and tricky antagonist.

I'm really excited about this project, and I hope that you'll enjoy it. Let us know what you think!

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Thanks for the kind words EZG. I'm really glad with how it turned out, especially Hell's Hamlet.

Enjoy, I'm pretty jealous!

Truly excellent maps. Thanks!