AC and shields


Quick question about combat.

We did our first battle the other day and my turn went as following.

My character had a shield,rapier,armor. I could not reach the enemy wolf but I was told that, in order to revive my AC of 17 I would have to ready my shield. So I got it ready and drew my blade.

My question is do I get a natural 17 to AC. Or do I have to ready my shield? "It's a buckler"

Also if I do, would I need to ready it every round?

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For a buckler, you get its AC bonus by RAW if you:

  • Are equipped with it.
  • Do not attack or do something else with that hand that would deny you the bonus (like attack with a two-handed weapon, two-weapon fight, use a wand, etc).

So no, you don't need to "ready" it every turn.

Even for regular (non-buckler) shields, you can assume the shield is strapped to your arm and readied, unless you have purposely removed the shield to use your off-hand for something else.

So if I attack with the hand that has the buckler equipped, how would the AC work then?

Generally, when you attack with whatever hand has your shield, you cannot apply the Shield bonus to your AC for that whole round (until the start of your next round).

However, if you take the Improved Shield Bash feat, then you can attack with your shield and still get the shield's AC bonus. If you're wearing a buckler and have some weapon in the same hand, then you have to pick just one: attack with the weapon or use the buckler for the Shield bonus).

Winterfox707 wrote:

Quick question about combat.

We did our first battle the other day and my turn went as following.

My character had a shield,rapier,armor. I could not reach the enemy wolf but I was told that, in order to revive my AC of 17 I would have to ready my shield. So I got it ready and drew my blade.

My question is do I get a natural 17 to AC. Or do I have to ready my shield? "It's a buckler"

Also if I do, would I need to ready it every round?

Keep in mind that the GM might have actually meant that you need to strap the shield to your arm (or the book terminology uses "don") in order to gain its AC benefits, and he's correct in saying that.

A lot of times GMs would rule that carrying your weaponry around in your hands at all times can be physically taxing, requiring you to make Fortitude Saves or you suffer Fatigue penalties (or just imposing them automatically). It's also not exactly appropriate for character/NPC interactions to have your weaponry out during the conversation(s).

They might just give you the penalties outright, so they handwave it and say you carry your weapons, but don't have them equipped.

That being said, the GM should've been able to tell you that once you have your shield readied ("donned"), you shouldn't have to don it a second time unless you remove it. Once the shield is donned, all of its benefits and rules apply to you. If it's not donned, then it's just like any other object in the game.

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