Dave Riley |

It's allowed (I remember in an early video for RotR, Mike described it as 'grinding'), but not recommended because of how it can upset the power curve. I imagine banes are balanced against players having an average of X current-AP boons more than it is players having every single awesome card available.
But we've definitely had the experience of "oh man, why didn't we encounter any of that cool stuff?" That made us want to sift through scenarios again just to see what we missed. Nowadays it's less of an issue, APs come out at just about the right clip for our rate of play, but we did it a bunch in RotR (both with the original scenarios and some homebrew) because we were in love with the game and hungry for content when only the base set was out.

Sandslice |
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Vic seems to be suggesting otherwise - not that no rules prohibit it, but that no rules allow it.

Mike Selinker Adventure Card Game Designer |
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One of the design team's core principles is "We do not adjudicate social contract issues." While it may be true that the game doesn't specifically say whether you can replay a scenario—specifically because we can't account for overfarming in our balance analyses—if you enjoy a particular scenario or adventure and want to play it again, we are not going to call that cheating. We won't allow your character to gain the reward for it again, but we're not going to stop you from playing it. Just keep in mind that you might outpace the game at some point.
Of course, in Wrath that might be exactly what you want to do.

Troymk1 |

One of the design team's core principles is "We do not adjudicate social contract issues." While it may be true that the game doesn't specifically say whether you can replay a scenario—specifically because we can't account for overfarming in our balance analyses—if you enjoy a particular scenario or adventure and want to play it again, we are not going to call that cheating. We won't allow your character to gain the reward for it again, but we're not going to stop you from playing it. Just keep in mind that you might outpace the game at some point.
Of course, in Wrath that might be exactly what you want to do.
Wrath is making me farm by default good sir!!! I'm failing scenarios at an exponential level compared to earlier campaigns!

Dave Riley |

True enough. I think it was our third run at AP1-5 that got us that coveted Demonbane Light Crossbow.
(tbf, I can't really rag on grinding; I've long suspected our Location +2 difficulty bump isn't as much of a difficulty increase as you'd think, since it gives you a better chance at more boons)
(I say, having played AP1-5 at least five times)

MightyJim |
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Wrath is making me farm by default good sir!!! I'm failing scenarios at an exponential level compared to earlier campaigns!
We're currently stuck on the with the non-demon army and the 6 linear locations. Yesterday with about 5 turns left, and still only on location 3 or 4, we ran into a nice looking boon, and decided to throw blessings at it, rather than pretend we were going to find and defeat multiple 6-check armies, a Brimorak and the actual villain on consequent ice turns.
Not sure whether that's farming or just realism...

Jason S |

I'd replay in campaign mode on if another character needed the scenario. And I'd try to do it with a new character if possible.
I'd replay in OP mode if there was no other game (or character) to play and I needed some upgrades that I missed. Very difficult to stay on top of upgrades in OP, especially when they come so randomly.

Zenarius |

Troymk1 wrote:
Wrath is making me farm by default good sir!!! I'm failing scenarios at an exponential level compared to earlier campaigns!
We're currently stuck on the with the non-demon army and the 6 linear locations. Yesterday with about 5 turns left, and still only on location 3 or 4, we ran into a nice looking boon, and decided to throw blessings at it, rather than pretend we were going to find and defeat multiple 6-check armies, a Brimorak and the actual villain on consequent ice turns.
Not sure whether that's farming or just realism...
Sir I second your notion... My team got hold of the demonbane and both marksman bows and still needed to repeat multiple times... (totally didn't encounter the aspergilium yet tho)..

Xexyz |

Most of the time we end up replaying scenarios because our group is large and not everyone can make every session.
However today my Seoni found the Tome of Mental Prowess at the Laboratory during the last scenario and managed to make the recharge check. So I'll already get another skill feat, so it'd feel cheesy to use it again at the Laboratory in a scenario I've already completed.

Xexyz |

Knowledge 30 isn't easy for anyone who isn't Shardra or Enora - and even one fail results in Remove From Game, closing the door on that little problem. :)
So I don't think it will need errata.
I used a Blessing of Deskari and blew all my mythic charges. With each other player contributing a blessing I ended up rolling 3d20+2d8+9, so it was a pretty good chance to recharge.
But yeah, Seoni, Shardra, Enora, and Balnazar (if he takes archmage) are the only ones who can really get good odds on the roll, unless you're playing 5+ players and everyone burns a blessing.

First World Bard |

Knowledge 30 isn't easy for anyone who isn't Shardra or Enora - and even one fail results in Remove From Game, closing the door on that little problem. :)
S&S Merisiel. Shadow Role. "You automatically succeed at your knowledge check."
Now I want to play her solo in a WotR home game, or maybe bring her and the Rogue class deck into the Season of the Righteous. I'll call it "The PACG Worldwound Gambit."

Frencois |

Keith Richmond wrote:The question you should really be asking yourself:
Why aren't we worried about you guys gaming the system to maximize out your skill bonuses?The question I'm actually asking myself is:
Should I be worried since I don't farm and they're not worried about farming?
The question I'm actually asking myself is:
Should I be worried since I usually play exactly like Orbis?
Orbis Orboros |

Orbis Orboros wrote:Keith Richmond wrote:The question you should really be asking yourself:
Why aren't we worried about you guys gaming the system to maximize out your skill bonuses?The question I'm actually asking myself is:
Should I be worried since I don't farm and they're not worried about farming?The question I'm actually asking myself is:
Should I be worried since I usually play exactly like Orbis?
I honestly can't tell if this is facetious or not.

Keith Richmond Pathfinder ACG Developer |

Should I be worried since I don't farm and they're not worried about farming?
Nah, I don't think any of us on the design team feel a need to grind/farm.
If you really want to make the game a little easier for yourself, go ahead. I'd rather plow on full steam ahead; if I need more boons, I'll fail a scenario and get the "opportunity" to farm that way, without planning around it. (One of the very nice balance mechanisms in PACG)

John Davis 2 |
One thing that has bothered me in Wrath of the Righteous is the distribution of types of boons available. There seem to be many opportunities to acquire weapons, armour and allies, but very few opportunities for spells or items. At the end of AP 3 my spellcasters are still carrying spells like Agility and Frigid Blast because they just haven't found anything better :-(

Zenarius |

The question you should really be asking yourself:
Why aren't we worried about you guys gaming the system to maximize out your skill bonuses?
Not that difficult to do. Adventure 3-5 start at lab.. pull out tome.. everyone have one blessing each.. fire, bury, restart scenario... rinse... Repeat.. (no we aren't going to do this... ! Wth...)

Frencois |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Frencois wrote:I honestly can't tell if this is facetious or not.Orbis Orboros wrote:Keith Richmond wrote:The question you should really be asking yourself:
Why aren't we worried about you guys gaming the system to maximize out your skill bonuses?The question I'm actually asking myself is:
Should I be worried since I don't farm and they're not worried about farming?The question I'm actually asking myself is:
Should I be worried since I usually play exactly like Orbis?
Was not. I tend to agree with all your posts and remarks...