Out of Anarchy - Stalker (lvl 3) Playtest

Playtest Feedback

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

The description of the module made it sound tailor made for a vigilante (especially a former Chelaxian slave who is looking to free halflings from enslavement.)

This is the first time I have ever seen two switches in a PFS module. Started in social guise, which was the only way the other characters ever saw the stalker. (4 of the PC's were dark archive former Cheliax faction members who were very pro-Cheliax, including one who was still played far more pro-cheliax/pro-devil than having any loyalty to the dark archive. Although evil isn't PFS legal, almost half the party was evil everywhere but on the character sheet.) The interesting part of this dynamic was that the social vs vigilante side became more of a tool to hide things from the party than any NPC's. It was different, but definitely not who I'd want to see things go most of the time. (Just made sense here.)

The main result of this is although I was in vigilante mode to go do things away from the party (probably the first time I recall of PFS party splitting up), when all the combats came with the party, I was also in social guise. I never ended up using my vigilante talent (twisting fear), instead acting basically as a warrior, and shooting a crossbow pretty much all the time. It wasn't very effective (especially with less damage as a halfling), but I could hit pretty consistently. Small light crossbows were less damage than I'd have been doing with a simple intimidate. (A lot of GM fiat made intimidation far less useful during this scenario however, so crossbows still probably were going to be the best option.)

The party ended up eating two fireballs in a fight, which resulted in the vigilante going down. While the rogue and the ninja danced out of the way and the beefier warriors just took the hits, my vigilante went down in spite of making both saves.

What I learned -
Although it wasn't great, level 3 stalkers were more interesting to play than level 1 stalkers in spite of never using my 1 talent the whole time. Looking forward to a couple more levels when the build will be built out better. I still think the character is very talent starved. Would love to grab things like evasion which would have kept me on my feet, but it's just not possible to get such luxuries right now without hampering offense too much.

The Concordance

I'm very aware of the table variation that happens with PFS. Could you expound on the GM fiat concerning Twisting Fear?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

It wasn't twisting fear that was the issue, it was getting intimidate in at all, especially in psuedo combat situations.

Modifying reactions is a min of speech but it should only be a standard action to demoralize; was the GM not allowing you to roll or something?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16


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