Freedom...but at what cost


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You are hereby sentenced to live the remainder of your miserable lives at prison #14, there you will reside in the misery of your thoughts until such time as you die, may the gods have no mercy on your soul

This was your last memory before you passed out and and awoke at prison 14. This will be a chance for 5 irredeemable prisoners at freedom...if you can survive the dreaded Tomb of Horrors

Character Creation:
25 pt buy HP max at first and then 1/2+1

9th level and starting gold of 46K

2 traits, no drawbacks and no crafting feats

Books: All Paizo material, No 3PP this time

Classes: No guns, tech or trip, sunder, grapple stuff

I am not a creative writing expert and I do not expect that out of you, Just tell me what got you condemned to the worst prison in existence

House Rules:
There are no class skills
There is no taking "20" and no tripping, grappling, sundering etc.

Other Stuff:
Do not hesitate to make powerful, effective characters. If you are all about combat this adventure is probably not for you

Please be familiar with the rules and know your character

I am going to hold you to the same standard as I hold myself: I plan to post at least once a day on weekdays adjusting to the pace of the group as set by me. When you do post, I expect you to push the action/story/RP or leave/pick up RP hooks. If our pacing changes to the point of negativley impacting your ability to keep up, I hope and expect you to contact me earlier rather than later. I promise to do the same if our positions are reversed

Let's see anything I forgot...I consider myself a players DM, I want you to win, The rule of cool is in effect. However I will pull no punches.

Interested for sure. With the 46k is that equipment we get back upon release to run the Tomb as a gauntlet.

SS: You will start off with nothing, but will be given your stuff back upon departure

Sounds good. Will whip something up by Monday for sure.

Are we in Golarion? I know the background you are looking for is basic but I want a bit of flavor for the character, I am making a Magus.

Silver Crusade

Dot. Thinking a ranged focused alchemist.

Silver Crusade

rough draft outline for lieutenant Ziggs Vakov:
Half-elf alchemist
Alternate racial traits: dual minded
Traits: student of philosophy, accelerated drinker

Str 10
Dex 16 (18)
Con 12 (14)
Int 20 (24) (+2 race +2 levels)
Wis 12
Cha 07

Hp: 75
AC: 21 T:16 FF: 17
Fort: +10
Ref: +12
Will: +10

Offense: move 30ft fly 60ft

Bombs(16/day): +12/10
Damage: 5d6+8/12

Longbow +10(+11)
Damage: 1d8+1

1- throw anything, iron will
3- point blank shot
5- deadly aim
7- splash weapon mastery
9- additional discovery

2- precise bomb (free), tanglefoot bombs
4- explosive bombs
6- wings
8- fast bombs
9- force bombs

Belt of physical might +2/+2 10000g
Headband of Intelligence +4 16000g
Cloak of resistance +2 4000g
Ring of sustenance 2500g
Ring of protection +2 8000g
Bag of holding I 2500g
+1 chain shirt

(I assume I am allowed to craft alchemical items...)
Alchemists fire x15 150g
Acid flask x5 60g
Flash powder x5 125g
Itching powder x5 150g
Sneezing powder x5 150g
Foaming power x20 100g
Smoke pellet smog x10 200g
smoke stick x5 50g
Thunder stone x5 75g


1st 7/day
Ant haul
Targeted bomb admixture
Hieghtened awareness
Endure elements
Detect secret doors
Long shot
Touch of the sea

2nd 6/day
Alchemical allocation

3rd 4/day
Orchids drop

Would being framed/set up be a valid idea for a back story?

SS: Yes, golarion will be the setting

R55: I did not explain background well enough, you may put as much or as little in to it as you wish. I am not going to judge anyone on how well written their backstory is. Your backstory idea looks fine

EDIT: Also Ziggs looks good

I'm very tempted; dotting in while I wrestle with myself about it. Quick question - if I were to do something with an animal companion, would that companion be in the prison as well?

Ren: The Animal companion will not be with you initially, however, when we get into the meat of the adventure you will have access to it.

The same holds true for familiars

I can easily commit to one post per day as it's a major draw for wanting to play the game.

I am considering a paladin or barbarian, but have never played Tomb of Horrors before. Would one be better / more appropriate / more useful for the adventure?

I haven't played as a player in a while and may be a bit rusty. If you're cool with that I'll draw something up?

Syn: Paladin is not going to work as you are in prison(See background), Anti-paladin is good as well as Barbar

Sol: Go for it, I like to include at least 1 new player

Silver Crusade

Actually.. I may make magus... Unsure atm...

R55: Not a problem, you got plenty of time. I will probably kick this off in a week or so

Grand Lodge

Only five players? I was hoping to get in on this.

GDM: You may submit a character, I am not even close to choosing

Silver Crusade

I think I will.


Age: 155
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 155
Hair: black
Eyes: green
good rough estimate of appearance

Mai Valaria
Magus (bladebound/Kensai)
Traits: magical lineage, fencer, reckless, seeker

Ability scores
Str: 08
Dex: 20 (24)
Con: 12
Int: 18 (22)
Wis: 12
Cha: 12

HP: 65 (9d8+10)
AC: 30 T: 24 FF: 17 (+5 armor +7 dex +6 dodge(Int) +1 natural armor, +1 deflection)
Fort: +10
Ref: +13
Will: +10
Initiative: +13

Offense: move 30ft
Alderi dueling sword: +17/+12 (+15/+10)

Damage: 1d8+12/17 (19/20x2)

1-weapon focus dueling sword, weapon finesse
3- slashing grace alderi dueling sword
5- intensify spell, weapon specialization alderi dueling sword
7- Craft Wondrous items
9- additional traits

Magus Arcana:
Flamboyant Arcana
Arcane Accuracy
Empower spell

Gear: 46k + 1/2 crafted
Headband of intelligence +4 8000g
Belt of dexterity +4 8000g
Cloak of resistance +3 4500g
Ring of sustenance 2500
Ring of protection +1 2000g
Amulet of natural armor +1 2000g
Bracers of armor +5 12500g
Pearl of power I x2 -2000g

Skills: 4+Int mod (10/level=90)
Know. Arcana- 7
Know. Planes- 7
Know. Dungeoneering-5
Know. Nature-5
Spell Craft-9
Sense motive-5
Acrobatics- 5
Escape Artist-5
Stealth- 7
Sleight of hand-7
Disable device-5


1st- 7/level
Shocking grasp
Chill touch
Mage armor
Feather fall
Long arm
Reduce person
Ray of enfeeblement

2nd 6/level
Cats grace
Fox's cunning
Frigid touch
Bladed dash
Mirror image

3rd 4/level
Force punch
Monstrous physique I
Vampiric touch

Ok, this is Rennai with a half-elf (half-drow) brawler for consideration. I don't have crunch yet, but I wanted to get her bit of backstory in so you'd have an idea of the character. She's going to be a fairly standard brawler, likely specializing in unarmed combat and/or close weapons.

Story-wise, she was a pit fighter until she discovered that her skills worked just as well on the members of her audience, especially when they were asleep in their beds. She was sentenced to Prison #14 after a string of murders was traced to her.



So your no class skill house rule. I assume that just means that no one gets the +3 class skill bonus? Or does all skill get the bonus?

Ok I'm thinking Gruingar, an inquisitor of Shelyn. Someone related to influential was murdering sculptors, so that he would be the best one remaining. Church could tell who was doing it, but couldn't prove it especially to a member of 'that' family. So Gruingar was sent in to stop him however necessary. He was caught over the body. He was also blamed for all the other murders.

He will accept the price for doing what he knows needed to be done. But he's going to make every effort to also get out.

R55: Looks good

ND: Looks good

WM: You are correct, you put a pt. in it you are trained

EA: Sounds good

All: I have just returned from vacation so work will be a bit hectic. Please bear with me.

Hmm, how does a Kasatha Monk (Unchained) sound? Too out there? T'would be a matter of 'wrong place at the wrong time'. His clan went through a planar portal and a miscalculation ejected him into a city square. The locals freaked out and he ethically despises killing if he can help it so he opted to be taken in for questioning. A sap to the back of the skull and now he finds himself questioning himself and whether or not he should kick the crap out of every human he sees once he escapes.


DMTFY wrote:

R55: Looks good

ND: Looks good

WM: You are correct, you put a pt. in it you are trained

EA: Sounds good

All: I have just returned from vacation so work will be a bit hectic. Please bear with me.

So if you put a point in, and are trained, do you get to apply the +3 bonus?

Soli: Kasatha is that one of them 4 armed freaks?, sure why not. I have not picked up unchained and am unsure if I want to. Are you well versed with the rules for unchained.

You might want to be a bit more badass as this prison is for the worst of the worst. Maybe you went on a mass murder spree upon seeing the humans

WM: That is correct

Ah, you may have a point, this is my first dive into being a player after some time...

'Badass' you say? I have been playing around with the idea of a halfling titan mauler. Have a backstory and a killing spree fits the bill perfectly...

Basically, a halfling that excels at killing anything bigger than him, which is pretty much everything :)

The unchained classes are on d20pfsrd if you want to take a look. It's not too bad to learn, no harder than any other class.

Solivagus wrote:

Ah, you may have a point, this is my first dive into being a player after some time...

'Badass' you say? I have been playing around with the idea of a halfling titan mauler. Have a backstory and a killing spree fits the bill perfectly...

Basically, a halfling that excels at killing anything bigger than him, which is pretty much everything :)

No worries Soli, like I said you do not have to be a creative writing genius. I have 2 links at the top of the page you may want to peruse. They provide excellent advice on PbP and gaming in general

Nadiriel Darkborn wrote:
The unchained classes are on d20pfsrd if you want to take a look. It's not too bad to learn, no harder than any other class.

Oh I know they are there, I am a sucker for books though. Also I am not sure if I want another set of rules, Hell I have barely scratched the ACG. Which reminds me a brawler does more than grapple cause we are not doing tripping, sundering, grappling etc..

Silver Crusade

As an aside, if selected I can't wait to see the guards faces as every time they check on Mia she will be sitting happliy talking to her sword... Even though they take it away every time...

Silver Crusade

DMTFY wrote:
Nadiriel Darkborn wrote:
The unchained classes are on d20pfsrd if you want to take a look. It's not too bad to learn, no harder than any other class.
Oh I know they are there, I am a sucker for books though. Also I am not sure if I want another set of rules, Hell I have barely scratched the ACG. Which reminds me a brawler does more than grapple cause we are not doing tripping, sundering, grappling etc..

Brawlers actually only grapple as a hobby. They are basically monks with full BaB, and better bonus feats. Think fighter+ more flexibility.

It's a pretty cool book, we got it pretty soon after release. Some things we already use, some we'd like to try, and some we'll probably never get to, but it's all things that I can see how people would find useful.

I know we're playing without maneuvers. Brawlers are still pretty beastly at unarmed combat (which I've been wanting to try and sounds like a good fit especially for the beginning of the module), and I'd like to play around with martial flexibility as well. I was looking at the archetypes to see if there was something that would be a good replacement for the maneuver stuff, but none of them really fit what I wanted to go for.

rorek55 wrote:

Brawlers actually only grapple as a hobby. They are basically monks with full BaB, and better bonus feats. Think fighter+ more flexibility.

This. They're excellent at maneuvers if you want to do them, but still worth it without.

Reluctantly, I think I am going to have to withdraw. I am getting saddled with some additional responsibilities at work and doubt I will have the time to give this the time it deserves.

Good luck all, it sounds like fun.

Got most of the guts done with my toon. Just need to polish off the numbers and pick out gear and I'm set.

R55: Be careful what you wish for

ND: Looks like you just cost me 50 bucks

Soli: Cool, can't wait to see it.

Looks as if we are pretty martial heavy so far

Here is wondering monster's submission:


William Dienow
Sage Sorcerer 9
N Medium Human
Init +5; Senses Perception +18;

AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+4 dex, +1 Nat, +1 Deflection)
Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +10
hp 56

Spd 30

Arcane Bolt - Range touch attack; +8 1d4+4 damage; 8/day

Str 8, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 24, Wis 12, Cha 8
BAB +4, CMB +3, CMD +16

Eschew Materials
Combat Casting
Expanded Arcana
Expanded Arcana
Persistent Spell

Pragmatic Activator - use Int for Use magic Device
Reactionary - +2 Initiative

Bluff +11 (9 rank, -1 CHA, 3 class)
Climb +3 (1 rank, -1 str, 3 class)
Escape Artist +8 (1 rank, 4 dex, 3 class)
Fly +15 (8 rank, 4 dex, 3 class)
Knowledge arcana +19 (9 rank, 7 int, 3 class)
Knowledge nature +19 (9 rank, 7 int, 3 class)
Knowledge religion +11 (1 rank, 7 int, 3 class)
Knowledge Planes +11 (1 rank, 7 int, 3 class)
Knowledge Dungeoneering +11 (1 rank, 7 int, 3 class)
Perception +18 (9 rank, 1 wis, 3 Class, 5 item)
Spellcraft +19 (9 rank, 7 int, 3 class)
Stealth +16 (9 rank, 4 dex, 3 class)
Use Magic Device +19 (9 rank, 7 int, 3 class)
Survival +9 (5 rank, 1 wis, 3 Class) +5 when tracking
Swim +11 (9 rank, -1 str, 3 class)

Special Abilities
Arcane Bolt - Range touch attack; 1d4+4 damage; 8/day
Bloodline Arcana - cast with INT
Metamagic Adept - apply metamagic feat to a spell about to be cast without increasing casting time


Spells Known:

Acid Splash
Detect Magic
Read Magic
Mage Hand

Infernal Healing
Magic Missile
Monkey Fish
Mage Armor
Unseen Servant
Burning Hands
Hold Portal
Detect Secret Doors
Expeditous Retreat
Windy Escape

Resist Energy
See Invisibility
Dark Vision
Create Pit
Spider Climb
Scorching Ray

Dispel Magic
Protection from Energy
Gaseous Form
Hold Person

Dimension Door
Greater Infernal Healing
Elemental Body 1


Gold 0

Handy Haversack

8 X Potion of Cure light Wounds
Potion of Jump
Potion of Sanctuary
Potion of Barkskin +2
Potion of Neutralize Poison
Potion of reduce person
Potion of Enlarge Person
2 x Potion of Endure Elements
Wand of Mount - 50 charges

Headband of Vast Intellegence +4 - (Knowledge Nature, swim)
Belt of Incredible dexterity +2
Cloak of Resistance +3
Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Ring of Protection +1 Deflection
Lens of Detection
Page of Spell Knowledge - Hold Portal
page of Spell Knowledge - Detect Secret Doors
Page of Spell Knowledge - Vanish
Page of Spell Knowledge - Expeditious Retreat
Page of Spell Knowledge - Windy Escape


William Dienow has ambitions. He hopes to one day rule all people. He does not want to do this out of greed, but because he believes it to be best for the whole world.

To further these goals, Williams has been experimenting on people. Testing new spells, which often leave people mutilated or worse.

DMTFY wrote:

ND: Looks like you just cost me 50 bucks

I'm sorry. :(

Oh, quick question: is it ok if I have Undercommon instead of Elven as my racial language besides Common? I've really not had much to do with the surface elves.

I'm mostly finished - I still need to get feats and skill points allocated. I gotta say, it's weird to me. I've never started a character at this high of level, and the most martial character I've played is a paladin - I actually don't know what to do with all my feats, and that's BEFORE martial flexibility. :/ But I'll figure it out. :)

My Magus submission.

Zoren Valkith:

Tiefling Magus 9 (Blade Bound)
Lawful Neutral
Initiative - +5
Speed 30’
[b[Ability Score:[/b]
Strength - 14
Dexterity – 12
Constitution - 16
Intelligence – 22
Wisdom – 10
Charisma - 12
Combat Statistics:
AC= 19 (Breastplate +2 SR 15 | + Dex Bous)
CMB +8
CMD 19
Base Attack +6/+1
Melee Weapon –+11/+11/+6 – Black Blade Scimitar - 1d6+5 [Keen, Vorpal, Speed] 15-20x2.
Ranged Attack +7 (Spells)
Fort +11
Ref +5
Will +8

1) Extra Arcane Pool,
3) Extra Arcane Pool,
5) Improved Initiative,
5 Bonus) Disruptive Recall
7) Arcane Strike
9) Extra Arcane – Arcane Accuracy

Desparate Focus +2 Concentration checks [Source: Pathfinder Chronicles - Cheliax: Empire of Devils]
Beguiling Liar +4 to Bluff when trying to pass off a lie as the truth (Tiefling)

Special Abilities:
Arcane Pool – 16 ½ (+4 9th Level, +5 Intelligence, +4 Feats, +2 Favored Class Tiefling)
Swift Action to grant a Weapon a +1 Bonus for 1 Minute up to +5 at 17th.
At 5th Level, so long as Blade is +1, can add the following bonuses:
Dancing, Flaming, Flaming Burst, Frost, Icy Burst, Keen, Shock, Shocking Burst, Speed or Vorpal.

Spell Combat – Cast spell and wield weapons at the same time. If use all attacks AND cast spell in same round, get -2 on all attacks. If Casting Defensively, take reduction on attack equal to Intelligence Bonus to increase Concentration checks.

Spellstrike – Cast a spell with range of “touch” through my weapon. Instead of one free melee “touch”, the Magus may opt to take one “free” melee attack to deliver the spell.

Magus Arcana 3rd Level – Swapped out for Black Blade.

Spell Recall – Use arcane spell pool to recall spells already cast. Swift action to recall any single magus spell prepared and cast that day and cast that spell again by expending a number of arcane pool points per spell level.

Magus Arcana 6th Level – Critical Strike – If I score a critical hit may cast a spell with the range of touch as a swift action then make a touch attack with that spell against the target of the critical hit as a free action.

Knowledge Pool – When preparing spells, can expend 1 or more arcane pool points up to intelligence bonus. For each point expended, I can treat any one spell from the Magus spell list as if it were in my spellbook. Lasts until the next time I prepare spells.

Medium Armor – Wear medium armor with no arcane spell failure.

Improved Spell Combat – When using the spell combat ability, I receive a +2 bonus on Concentration checks in addition to any bonus by taking a penalty to attack to increase concentration.

Magus Arcana 9th Level – Spell Shield expend 1 arcane pool point as a swift action to get +6 AC bonus for 1 turn.

Racial Abilities:
+2 Dex & Int -2 Cha
Fiendish Resistance 5 – Cold, Electricity, & Fire.
Darkness 1x Day
Darkvision 60’

Acrobatics - +7
Bluff - +10 (+4 when lies are swapped for truth)
Climb - +8
Diplomacy - +7
Escape Artist - +7
Fly - +7
Intimidate - +7
Knowledge Arcana - +12
Knowledge Dungeoneering - + 12
Knowledge Geography +12
Knowledge History - +12
Knowledge Local - +12
Knowledge Nature - +12
Knowledge Planes - + 12
Knowledge Religion - + 12
Perception - + 12
Ride - +7
Sense Motive - + 8
Spellcraft - + 12
Stealth - +10
Survival - + 6
Swim - +8


Read Magic at will.

Concentration +17

0th – Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Spark
1st – 9 – Chill Touch, Color Spray, Corrosive Touch, Magic Missile (5d4+5), Ray of Enfeeblement, Reduce Person, Shield, Shocking Grasp, True Strike
2nd – 8 - Bear's Endurance, Bull Strength, Cats Grace, Elemental Touch, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Scorching Ray, Spider Climb
3rd – 8 – Arcane Sight, Dispel Magic, Displacement, Fireball, Fly, Gaseous Form, Lightning Bolt, Vampiric Touch

Per Day
0th – 5 -
1st – 7 -
2nd – 6 -
3rd – 4 –

Bonus From Knowledge Pool If Used – Burning Hands, Floating Disk, Frigid Touch, Minor Image, Monstrous Physique I, Water Breathing

Wand Unseen Servant (50)
Wand Expeditious Retreat (50)
Headband of Intellect +2
Belt of Dexterity +2
Cloak of Resistance +2
Boots of Levitation

Black Blade
+3 Scimitar
Arcane Pool - 3
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10
Ego 12
Languages – Common (2 more languages DM choice)
Alertness – Per Feat
Black Blade Strike – Free action spend point from Blade’s pool to add +1 to damage +1 point per 4 levels (+3)
Telepathy -
Unbreakable – Immune to breaking so long as it has 1 arcane pool point
Energy Attunement – Free action expend 1 point – cold, electricity or fire. Free action expend 2 points – force or sonic. Energy Damage in lieu of weapon damage.
Teleport Blade – Call Black Blade up to 1 mile away.

Zoren has black hair slightly receding. His eyes are green by day but glow in the dark of night. He is 6’ tall 165 lbs. His only obvious Devil feature is a long tail which he hides within clothing.

Common, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Orc.

Zoren grew up in Cheliax learning the secrets of the Magi from his father a human wizard who had a Devil as a consort. As his powers grew, he inherited coveted Black Blade of his father. The evils his father had planned turned Zoren’s stomach. During a vital experiment, Zoren struck and slew his father and is paramour and claimed the Blade as his own.

He struck out on his own for a life of adventure on the road. Unfortunately, the Blade was as corrupt as his father. While Zoren slept, the Blade possessed him in a trancelike state where he slew several villagers in a small farm community.

Horrified by what he had done, Zoren fled. As the process kept repeating itself, the authorities finally were able to track Zoren’s travels and brought him to justice. Zoren was glad to be rid of the sword as he sat in prison contemplating how to escape and leave the sword behind. To his horror, the sword would reappear just as the guards came to speak with him, hopefully about redemption…

Just a quick noob question, but how do I type a post to get a button to reduce it. Is that the spoiler thing I see in the FAQ?

Look at "Format Your Text" below the text box. Look at the "Spoiler" option.

EDIT: Yes, it is the spoiler thing.

WD: Excellent, I too love me some expanded arcana with my spont casters

ND: Do not fret, It was bound to happen. Everytime I pass by that book it calls to me

SS: Hmm..Another Magus. Character looks good

Soli: If you look below, there is a section that says "How to format your text" Click on the show button.

When do you see the campaign starting DMTFY? I will be away till Saturday but f you plan on starting within the week I will create a Profile and post as I can if accepted.

SS: I will probably start next monday to give folks a solid week.

So I have 2 magus, 1 brawler, 1 sorceror and a monk. Hmmm...Without giving too much away can any of you detect traps.

No but I suppose I could dip Rogue for a level... Should be an easy adjustment to make. I will tweak my submission to account for that.

Teaked as a Level 1 Rogue Level 8 Magus.

Zoren Valkith:

Tiefling Magus 8 (Blade Bound)/Rogue 1
Lawful Neutral
Initiative - +5
Speed 30’
[b[Ability Score:[/b]
Strength - 14
Dexterity – 12
Constitution - 16
Intelligence – 22
Wisdom – 10
Charisma - 12
Combat Statistics:
AC= 19 (Breastplate +2 SR 15 | + Dex Bous)
CMB +8
CMD 19
Base Attack +6/+1
Melee Weapon –+11/+11/+6 – Black Blade Scimitar - 1d6+5 [Keen, Vorpal, Speed] 15-20x2.
Ranged Attack +7 (Spells)
Fort +11
Ref +6
Will +8

1) Extra Arcane Pool,
3) Extra Arcane Pool,
5) Improved Initiative,
5 Bonus) Disruptive Recall
7) Arcane Strike
9) Extra Arcane – Arcane Accuracy

Desparate Focus +2 Concentration checks [Source: Pathfinder Chronicles - Cheliax: Empire of Devils]
Beguiling Liar +4 to Bluff when trying to pass off a lie as the truth (Tiefling)

Special Abilities:
Sneak Attack +1d6


Arcane Pool – 16 (+4 8th Level, +5 Intelligence, +4 Feats, +2 Favored Class Tiefling)
Swift Action to grant a Weapon a +1 Bonus for 1 Minute up to +5 at 17th.
At 5th Level, so long as Blade is +1, can add the following bonuses:
Dancing, Flaming, Flaming Burst, Frost, Icy Burst, Keen, Shock, Shocking Burst, Speed or Vorpal.

Spell Combat – Cast spell and wield weapons at the same time. If use all attacks AND cast spell in same round, get -2 on all attacks. If Casting Defensively, take reduction on attack equal to Intelligence Bonus to increase Concentration checks.

Spellstrike – Cast a spell with range of “touch” through my weapon. Instead of one free melee “touch”, the Magus may opt to take one “free” melee attack to deliver the spell.

Magus Arcana 3rd Level – Swapped out for Black Blade.

Spell Recall – Use arcane spell pool to recall spells already cast. Swift action to recall any single magus spell prepared and cast that day and cast that spell again by expending a number of arcane pool points per spell level.

Magus Arcana 6th Level – Critical Strike – If I score a critical hit may cast a spell with the range of touch as a swift action then make a touch attack with that spell against the target of the critical hit as a free action.

Knowledge Pool – When preparing spells, can expend 1 or more arcane pool points up to intelligence bonus. For each point expended, I can treat any one spell from the Magus spell list as if it were in my spellbook. Lasts until the next time I prepare spells.

Medium Armor – Wear medium armor with no arcane spell failure.

Improved Spell Combat – When using the spell combat ability, I receive a +2 bonus on Concentration checks in addition to any bonus by taking a penalty to attack to increase concentration.

Activated at 10th level. Magus Arcana 9th Level – Spell Shield expend 1 arcane pool point as a swift action to get +6 AC bonus for 1 turn.

Racial Abilities:
+2 Dex & Int -2 Cha
Fiendish Resistance 5 – Cold, Electricity, & Fire.
Darkness 1x Day
Darkvision 60’

Acrobatics - +7
Bluff - +10 (+4 when lies are swapped for truth)
Climb - +6
Diplomacy - +7
Disable Device - + 13
Escape Artist - +7
Fly - +6
Intimidate - +7
Knowledge Arcana - +12
Knowledge Dungeoneering - + 15
Knowledge Geography +12
Knowledge History - +12
Knowledge Local - +12
Knowledge Nature - +12
Knowledge Planes - + 12
Knowledge Religion - + 12
Perception - + 14
Ride - +6
Sense Motive - + 8
Spellcraft - + 9
Stealth - +11
Survival - + 6
Swim - +6


Read Magic at will.

Concentration +17

0th – Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Spark
1st – 9 – Chill Touch, Color Spray, Corrosive Touch, Magic Missile (5d4+5), Ray of Enfeeblement, Reduce Person, Shield, Shocking Grasp, True Strike
2nd – 8 - Bear's Endurance, Bull Strength, Cats Grace, Elemental Touch, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Scorching Ray, Spider Climb
3rd – 8 – Arcane Sight, Dispel Magic, Displacement, Fireball, Fly, Gaseous Form, Lightning Bolt, Vampiric Touch

Per Day
0th – 5 -
1st – 6 -
2nd – 6 -
3rd – 3 –

Bonus From Knowledge Pool If Used – Burning Hands, Floating Disk, Frigid Touch, Minor Image, Monstrous Physique I, Water Breathing

Wand Unseen Servant (50)
Wand Expeditious Retreat (50)
Headband of Intellect +2
Belt of Dexterity +2
Cloak of Resistance +2
Boots of Levitation

Black Blade
+3 Scimitar
Arcane Pool - 3
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10
Ego 12
Languages – Common (2 more languages DM choice)
Alertness – Per Feat
Black Blade Strike – Free action spend point from Blade’s pool to add +1 to damage +1 point per 4 levels (+3)
Telepathy -
Unbreakable – Immune to breaking so long as it has 1 arcane pool point
Energy Attunement – Free action expend 1 point – cold, electricity or fire. Free action expend 2 points – force or sonic. Energy Damage in lieu of weapon damage.
Teleport Blade – Call Black Blade up to 1 mile away.

Zoren has black hair slightly receding. His eyes are green by day but glow in the dark of night. He is 6’ tall 165 lbs. His only obvious Devil feature is a long tail which he hides within clothing.

Common, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Orc.

Zoren grew up in Cheliax learning the secrets of the Magi from his father a human wizard who had a Devil as a consort. As his powers grew, he inherited coveted Black Blade of his father. The evils his father had planned turned Zoren’s stomach. During a vital experiment, Zoren struck and slew his father and is paramour and claimed the Blade as his own.

He struck out on his own for a life of adventure on the road. Unfortunately, the Blade was as corrupt as his father. While Zoren slept, the Blade possessed him in a trancelike state where he slew several villagers in a small farm community.

Horrified by what he had done, Zoren fled. As the process kept repeating itself, the authorities finally were able to track Zoren’s travels and brought him to justice. Zoren was glad to be rid of the sword as he sat in prison contemplating how to escape and leave the sword behind. To his horror, the sword would reappear just as the guards came to speak with him, hopefully about redemption…

SS: Are you sure? cause I was thinking of that trait from Mummy's Mask if you don't want to dip.

I am thinking of submitting an inspired blade swashbuckler. As for race I'm thinking of going Kitsune. I'll have the crunch up tonight or tomorrow. If that doesn't mesh well with what you are imagining for your party I can just as easily changed the race to something more fitting.

DMTFY wrote:

SS: Are you sure? cause I was thinking of that trait from Mummy's Mask if you don't want to dip.

That is a terrific idea! I am sorry I did not think of it. Will swap out the Trait and resubmit again :-)

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