Knight of Ozem build...


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

OK all, I'm looking for recommendations of ways to build towards the Knight of Ozem prestige class.

The requirements are pretty simple;
Armor Proficiency: Must be proficient with heavy armor and shields (not including tower shields).
Deity: Must worship Iomedae.
Skills: Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks.
Weapon Proficiency: Must be proficient with the longsword.

A couple of limitations though; it's intended for PFS play, so everything has to be Paizo product. (I'll double check the Additional Resources list myself, so don't worry about that.) And I don't want to be a paladin. (My initial build was, but I just can't get the feel of it. Not to mention the potential paladin in the society problems.)

So, suggested classes/archetypes, feats etc. please. :)

How about a ranger that just spends a feat on heavy armor?

Maybe go sword and board, go 6 levels for TWF feats, and then take advantage of the prestige class's shield feats.

The flavor of the Knight of Ozem class makes me think that the Inquisitor would be a good fit. Make Iomedae your patron diety to get longsword proficiency and then take heavy armor prof as a feat. Gets you some good skills and going 5 levels gets you bane which is really strong.

Flavor seems to fit well.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I think that the Inquisitor would be the better of ghe two, primarily as I already have a Hunter on the books. Are there any undead based archetypes out there for the class, I'm not aware of any?

Nothing exciting it seems.

Vampire hunter is...focused on vampires. So it gets a lot of silver stuff and light stuff. Sometimes useful, but not overly so. There are also some inquisitons...but again, nothing to exciting in my eyes.

Thematically, a Cold Iron Warden might be nice though (demons are the other big thing for Iomedae)- trades teamwork feats for stuff useful against evil outsiders. Some of its abilities have fairly nice uses outside of that though (tracking teleportation for example). If teamwork feats do not excite you, I can only see the fact that you bane ability does 1d6 less against mostenemies (and does 1d6 more against c or e outsiders)

The final rest inquisition kills undead very effectively from 8th level - but gives nothing before that, and you're looking to get out of the class early. True death has the same purpose but isn't impressive, OTOH it does come online early.

Really, you might as well grab the tactics subdomain instead.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Some interesting ideas, I'll do some further digging. Many thanks.

Paladin, Cleric, and Oracle fit every well with the Knight of Ozem. They make up the clergy of Iomedea. The Slayer with the vanguard archetype is an option. Free teamwork feats for you group.

Four levels of Warpriest is a very solid package. You get free Weapon Focus, another bonus feat, and five uses of a minor Blessing, and with Fate's Favored and Magical Knack you can get a swift-action +3/+3 Divine Favor out of it. With the Proselytizer archetype you can even pick up Heroism as a second level spell, and have 2 hour-long castings per day (or more with pearls of power).

Four levels is the sweetspot, so you can pick something martial for the first level you take. You could take a level of Urban Barbarian (or other Barbarian, but Urban seems the most appropriate) and a little Extra Rage for a thematic Controlled Rage. For a very unorthodox knight you could even take a level of Sohei and pick up the Quickdraw and Crusader's Flurry feats, so that you could use flurry of blows with your longsword while wearing mithral medium armor for attacks, and then switch on a quickdraw light shield when defending.

BadBird wrote:
You could take a level of Urban Barbarian (or other Barbarian, but Urban seems the most appropriate) and a little Extra Rage for a thematic Controlled Rage.

Or Celestial Bloodrager...

Sovereign Court

Not PFS, and not related to your question, but when I saw the name of the thread, couldn't help posting this item from one of my past homebrews... :)


(Leaping and Maneuvering abilities are from the Paizo Blog)

Keen Evil Outsider Bane modified Shatterspike +2
Aura strong evocation; moderate transmutation; moderate conjuration; CL 16th
Slot none; Weight 4 lbs.
This intimidating weapon appears to be a longsword with multiple
hooks, barbs, and serrations along the blade, excellent for catching
and sundering a foe’s weapon. Wielders without the Improved
Sunder feat use a shatterspike as a +2 longsword only. Wielders with
the Improved Sunder feat instead use shatterspike as a +5 longsword
when attempting to sunder an opponent’s weapon. Shatterspike can
damage weapons with an enhancement bonus of +5 or lower. The
weapon also generate light as a light spell on command or at the direction of the weapon.
Requirements Str 13, Craft Arms and Armor, Improved Sunder,
Power Attack, keen edge, shatter, summon monster I; CL 12.

(+4 total, so +30,000, for 34,315 base cost) EGO +4

Leaping: The item can leap to its possessor's hand or become instantly equipped. As long as the possessor has the item on his person, as a free action he can call out to the item, causing it to jump into his hand (if that is how it is wielded) or equip itself in the appropriate slot (if it takes up a slot). Items that are not wielded or do not take up a slot cannot have this power. The possessor must have a free hand or the appropriate slot free for this ability to function. Item Type: Special. Price Modifier: 2,000 gp. Ego Modifier: +1.

Maneuvering: Whenever this weapon is used to perform one specific type of combat maneuver, in this case BULL RUSH, the possessor receives a +2 bonus on the check and does not provoke attacks of opportunity when attempting the combat maneuver. This does not stack with the bonus gained from Improved Bull Rush. Item Type: Weapon. Price Modifier: 8,000 gp. Ego Modifier: +1.

Intelligent base 500gp
Lawful Good
Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 18; +7000gp; EGO +9
Speaks Taldane, Varisian, Osiriani
Senses (120 ft.), Speech, Telepathy; +2500gp; EGO +1
Cast 0th level spell at will, cast as a standard action on the sword’s initiative turn (ENHANCED DIPLOMACY); +1000gp; EGO +1
Cast 4th level spell 3/day, cast as a standard action on the sword’s initiative turn (SPIRITUAL ALLY, CL 16th; +19/+14/+9/+4 to hit, 1d10+5 dmg); +33600gp; EGO +2
Defeat Evil Outsiders; EGO +2
Item can detect Evil Outsiders within 60 feet; +10000gp; EGO +1

Total Cost: 98,915; Total EGO: +22

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