Rahal Dawncrown |
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Hello everybody and welcome!
First, let me start with some introductions. We are a group of players who have played Pathfinder for about 2 years. Some of us have been playing tabletop RPGs for decades while some of us are more new to it. We even live in different countries.
About 2 years ago we came together to play the Way of the Wicked third party campaign and we actually managed to finish it a couple of weeks ago. That was our group's first full lvl 1-20 campaign and we all had a blast doing it. And now, after a few weeks of rest, it is the time to start our new project.
We have come together to play Tears of Tiamat, a homebrew campaign where we will be playing as real dragons. And what's more, we are streaming and recording these sessions and uploading them to the internet.
So in our usual professional fashion we sat down to talk about our characters and the campaign we are about to start playing:
This will be a story of dragons and their way of life, their dreams, hopes and ambitions. We will be starting out as small pathetic wyrmlings but with time and our indefatigueable purpose we will try to grow mighty enough to shake the world.
The campaign is a homebrew one based on the third party supplement "In the Company of Dragons" by Rite publishing. http://paizo.com/products/btpy98db?In-the-Company-of-Dragons
We're using a free Java-based program known as MapTool to simulate our virtual tabletop: http://rptools.net/
We are also using the MT1.3.87.06_DnD35_Pathfinder framework to simulate the Pathfinder ruleset: http://forums.rptools.net/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=23941
The campaign sessions will be uploaded every week on my youtube channel that can be found here:
And it will be streaming live every Friday at 8PM CEST / 11AM PST / 2PM EST and it can be found here: (With a sneak start Wednesday July 15th at the same time.)
Do you want to play Pathfinder but have no group? Come join us, and partake in our trails and tribulations! Ever wanted to see how Pathfinder could be played over the net? Take a look at our sessions and be enlightened! Just looking for an exciting adventure? Be a part of ours!
TLDR: We are playing as real dragons in a Pathfinder campaign and streaming and uploading it to the internet. You should watch it :)
Tears of Tiamat participants:
- SMW - The Dungeon Master
- Manaki - Ra'chaiax, Brine dragon
- Rahal/Jonas - Ty'lraxos, Blue dragon
- Tine - Aina'vox, Green dragon
- DDS - Ar'vulnyx, White dragon
Rahal Dawncrown |
The first session has now been played and we all had great fun attempting our Little prison break. Thanks everyone who tuned in! And for those who missed it the sessions are now uploaded to my youtube channel and can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkJAb0_hqfoc8iLxkNzmpppvUfa9Wf76c
Next session is on Friday the 17th at 8PM CEST / 11AM PST / 2PM EST on my hitbox.tv channel which can be found here: http://www.hitbox.tv/Rahal
See you there! :)
Rahal Dawncrown |
Time for a bit of thread necromancy to tell you folks that we are still going strong with our Tears of Tiamat campaign. We have battled forests, wizards and villages, not to mention dragon politics to get where we are now. We are rushing to unite a collection of disperate clansmen into an army to oppose the selfproclaimed Empress Suntha and her dragon allies before the big midsummers festival kicks off and our existence is uncovered.
As always we are live 20:00 CEST / 14:00 EDT / 12:00 PDT at my hitbox channel: http://www.hitbox.tv/Rahal and hopefully more awsome people decide to give it a look. See you there :)