Lord of Runes can you identify class and levels of main characters (minor spoilers)


Just finished reading Lord of Runes
Really enjoyed it.
When I read I always try and label classes/spells/magic items

But I am not as knowledgeable as many here on Paizo messegeboards

My question
Can you give estimate for level (it felt high level) and classes
Maybe abilities of Magic items

Count Varian Jaggare: ??Class and level?
Used an impressive shadowless sword , Info it its powers

Radovan : class and level?

Jannake Class and level?

Lady Illyria:....

Kazyah : Druid???

The Oracle : Level?

A few other characters as well

Powers of the Gluttonous tome

Dark Archive Contributor

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One of my key references for this book was the Magic of Thassilon web supplement, in which you'll find all the mysteries of the Gluttonous Tome.

I've purposefully not statted out Radovan and the count.

Radovan is not only a rogue (and perhaps another class, which I've left vague because readers have statted him out so much better than I ever could) but also a special entity (as revealed a little at a time in "Hell's Pawns" and the first four novels).

Varian began as a (magically disabled) wizard/aristocrat/fighter but retrains almost every novel as he learns more about his unusual affliction. After Chapter 17 of Lord of Runes, I think it's safe to say that Varian has achieved his "final form." I'll leave the game experts to say just what class that is.

The Shadowless Sword has not been statted out (to my knowledge), but that's partly because Varian has not yet discovered all of its abilities. After reading Lord of Runes, you know its main attributes: speed, revealing illusions, and the ability to cut damned near anything.

Janneke is a ranger/fighter. Kazyah is indeed a druid and one of the two highest-level allies the boys have met. (The other, incidentally, is also a druid.)

Illyria is a necromancer.

The Oracle I never statted out, but it's safe to say he too was a high-level divine caster.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

And Arnisant is a level 12 dog dog.

Dark Archive Contributor

7 people marked this as a favorite.

I like to think of Arni as a Mythic dog.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Arni is a good dog.

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Varian - I think he has evolved into an Arcanist (Blade Adept). You could make a case for being a magus but there were many cases where he said he is a wizard and a sorcerer. Maybe toss a level or two of monk in there. Could argue for some Investigator or even Aristocrat... personally I'd never saddle a PC with an NPC class just to say they are a noble though (the class doesn't even give you the money that Varian has... so not sure how I'd "balance him as a PC").

Radovan - Rogue/X, up until the end of the last book he definitely was looking to being a Summoner (Synthesist). This book that seems to be gone.

Those two definitely have fluid classes. I think they have "gone up levels" during the stories but they also seem to swap out levels when it makes sense.

They both might have mythic levels.

I statted and priced out a Shadowless Sword in an thread, or well how one would build a close to equivalent for their own game, anyways.

But with Lord of Runes, it's time for an update and for fixing up older mistakes.

Shadowless Sword: +4 keen mythic-bane speed jian with continuous true-seeing when wielded. We'll also assume a jian is a longsword equivalent in Pathfinder RPG rules.

+4 enchancement and mythic-bane and speed would make it a +8 jian = 128315 gp. The enchancement bonus and mythic-bane would mean it'll slice up any sort of known DR besides DR/-. I'd personally throw in adamantine in there too, whether it's made of it or not it an simple be refered to as an "adamantine-like effect", adamantine to bypass hardness and keen to increase critical chance would certainly cover "the ability to cut damned near anything" that Dave has described.

Continuous True-Seeing = 6 spell level x 11 caster level x 2000 x 2 (min/level) x 1.5 (for sticking on existing magic item) = +396000 gp.

Protoman wrote:

I statted and priced out a Shadowless Sword in an thread, or well how one would build a close to equivalent for their own game, anyways.

But with Lord of Runes, it's time for an update and for fixing up older mistakes.

Shadowless Sword: +4 keen mythic-bane speed jian with continuous true-seeing when wielded. We'll also assume a jian is a longsword equivalent in Pathfinder RPG rules.

+4 enchancement and mythic-bane and speed would make it a +8 jian = 128315 gp. The enchancement bonus and mythic-bane would mean it'll slice up any sort of known DR besides DR/-. I'd personally throw in adamantine in there too, whether it's made of it or not it an simple be refered to as an "adamantine-like effect", adamantine to bypass hardness and keen to increase critical chance would certainly cover "the ability to cut damned near anything" that Dave has described.

Continuous True-Seeing = 6 spell level x 11 caster level x 2000 x 2 (min/level) x 1.5 (for sticking on existing magic item) = +396000 gp.

Oh wait. That's a +10 weapon. Should be 200315 gp + 396000 gp (continuous true seeing)

Scarab Sages

Kajehase wrote:
Arni is a good dog.

A very good dog indeed.

Scarab Sages

DeathBecomesus wrote:

Just finished reading Lord of Runes

Really enjoyed it.
When I read I always try and label classes/spells/magic items

But I am not as knowledgeable as many here on Paizo messegeboards

My question
Can you give estimate for level (it felt high level) and classes
Maybe abilities of Magic items

Count Varian Jaggare: ??Class and level?
Used an impressive shadowless sword , Info it its powers

Radovan : class and level?

Jannake Class and level?

Lady Illyria:....

Kazyah : Druid???

The Oracle : Level?

A few other characters as well

Powers of the Gluttonous tome

My take:

Count Jeggare - after his resurrection a solid Arcanist (blade adept) with the Shadowless Sword as his black blade.

Radovan - with his host of planar allies taken away, he is now a mix of Rogue and Brawler (snakebite striker). His true strike scroll plus sneak attack would seem to confirm that he has a lot of sneak attack dice at his disposal.

Zora - has me puzzled. Maybe some kind of Cavalier (daring champion) build?

Eando Kline has to be stated out somewhere right? I'm thinking Bard (archeologist) with some Pathfinder prc levels.

Also, thanks for another great book Dave!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Also Varian had access to mythic powers for a little while during King of Chaos, that happened when

king of chaos spoiler:

he had both the lexicon of paradox and the lacuna codex in his possesion, both "activated" by the ritual. If you remember he started casting spells left and right (arcane surge) and his spells were a lot more powerful (mythic spells) including using electricity spells to hurt an almost demon lord (mythic augmented lightning arc).

Unfortunately (for him) he doesn't appear to have retained any mythic power.

Varian is a Sorcerer with the Sage bloodline.

I know everyone likes to stat him a an Arcanist but He's never shown the ability to memorize and prepare spells. His "wizardry" is just his practice of creating Riffle Scrolls which are just another version of traditional scrolls.

Stat wise I see him as something like Fighter (learned Duelist) 5/Sorcerer 8/Pathfinder Savant 3/Monk (Weapon Adept) 2

Scarab Sages

samuraixsithlord wrote:

Varian is a Sorcerer with the Sage bloodline.

I know everyone likes to stat him a an Arcanist but He's never shown the ability to memorize and prepare spells. His "wizardry" is just his practice of creating Riffle Scrolls which are just another version of traditional scrolls.

Stat wise I see him as something like Fighter (learned Duelist) 5/Sorcerer 8/Pathfinder Savant 3/Monk (Weapon Adept) 2

Someone hasn't finished Lord of Runes yet.

Protoman wrote:
Protoman wrote:

I statted and priced out a Shadowless Sword in an thread, or well how one would build a close to equivalent for their own game, anyways.

But with Lord of Runes, it's time for an update and for fixing up older mistakes.

Shadowless Sword: +4 keen mythic-bane speed jian with continuous true-seeing when wielded. We'll also assume a jian is a longsword equivalent in Pathfinder RPG rules.

+4 enchancement and mythic-bane and speed would make it a +8 jian = 128315 gp. The enchancement bonus and mythic-bane would mean it'll slice up any sort of known DR besides DR/-. I'd personally throw in adamantine in there too, whether it's made of it or not it an simple be refered to as an "adamantine-like effect", adamantine to bypass hardness and keen to increase critical chance would certainly cover "the ability to cut damned near anything" that Dave has described.

Continuous True-Seeing = 6 spell level x 11 caster level x 2000 x 2 (min/level) x 1.5 (for sticking on existing magic item) = +396000 gp.

Oh wait. That's a +10 weapon. Should be 200315 gp + 396000 gp (continuous true seeing)

Actually +9 (4 enh +1 keen +1 bane +3 speed) for 162315. True Seeing is fortunately a 5th level Cleric spell, so can be reduced to 'only' 5 spell x 9 caster x 2000 x 2 (dur) x 1.5 (added) = 270000. Another 3000 for adamantine, for a grand total of 432,315gp, for it's *known* abilities.

Zora is cool, whatever she is.

Eando was statted up in PF #18 I believe... yes. As a Rog3/Sorc 1/Brd 4. However Port Godless, PFS Scenario 5-7, stats him as:

Bard 5/Rogue 6/Sorc 1
He could of course have leveled more since.

Silver Crusade

Dave Gross wrote:
I like to think of Arni as a Mythic dog.

Hrmmmm.... :-D

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