Silly group errors

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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bbKabag wrote:
One error we usually make is forgetting what the card was that was just scouted and having to re-scout. Or forgetting someone already scouted it and going 'DOH!' after wasting another scouting ability/card.

This is exactly why we started putting "scouted" cards back face-up--because we kept forgetting, too.

bbKabag wrote:
One error we usually make is forgetting what the card was that was just scouted and having to re-scout. Or forgetting someone already scouted it and going 'DOH!' after wasting another scouting ability/card.

A lot of people play by leaving examined cards face-up on the deck (at least until shuffled, of course). This removes the 'memory' part of the game, which - IMHO- is extraneous to the core experience.

EDIT: Damn Ron and his levels in Ninja!

We should and will start doing that.

Actually we leave face up any card we know until it has to be reshuffled. E. g. : if a power asks you to put a card from your hand to the bottom of a location deck, we put it face up.

bbKabag wrote:

One error we usually make is forgetting what the card was that was just scouted and having to re-scout. Or forgetting someone already scouted it and going 'DOH!' after wasting another scouting ability/card.

Another common one is forgetting what the 'At this location' text does. Only remembering it after your turn has long been over.

When cleaning up after a game, I sometimes misplace a card in the wrong pile. When asked to draw from the box we end up drawing a random Item from Weapons or something similar and everyone immediately looks at me.

When I've scouted a card I leave it face up. This makes the tragedy of an escaping villain all the more obviously painful :/

We played the entire RotR AP assuming any player could attempt to close a location as their first action once the henchman was defeated, regardless of how many cards were still left in the loc.

On a personal note, I've mostly totally forgotten that WotR Seoni can draw card after acquiring an ally. I even put a power feat into that ability!

Cax wrote:
We played the entire RotR AP assuming any player could attempt to close a location as their first action once the henchman was defeated, regardless of how many cards were still left in the loc.

How do cards left in location effect this?

If the henchmen says you can attempt to close on defeat, you can attempt to close.

Cards left in location (edit: shouldn't normally) affect.

Shadow Lodge

Zayzayem, if you fail to close the location when the henchman lets you, you can't try again until the location deck is empty. I believe what Cax was saying was that every turn they tried closing the location after they defeated the henchman even though they failed the first time and there were cards left in the location.

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I learned last night that I need to read cards better and stop assuming I know what they say. Imrijka's power to reveal a card with the Divine or Ranged skill to add 1d4 and the Magic trait isn't only to a combat check, it's to "a check against a monster." So I could have been adding d4s to my Wisdom or Knowledge or Perception checks. Agh. *headdesk*

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This is written in the middle of our game mat in French, but it translates something like:

"If you think you know what the card says, read the card instead"
"If you beleive you remember what the card says, read the card instead"
"If you are really confident that's what the card says, read the card instead"
"If you are 100% sure that's what the card says, you definitively need to read again slowly that #$*¤# card"
"If you have just read the card, read it again out loud"
"Go fetch your glasses man"

Grand Lodge

Very well stated, Frencois!

Top-10-like silly group errors :

From our experience, even with veteran players there is during a given 6 players game something like :

-> 1% chance you will at some point wrongly read what is exactly written on a card in your own hand (yes, that one in front of you)

-> 2% chance you will at some point wrongly read what is exactly written on the card you are currently exploring (yes, that other one in front of you)

-> 3% chance you will at some point forget what is exactly written on the rulebook

-> 4% chance you will at some point forget what is exactly written on a displayed card

-> 5% chance you will at some point forget what is exactly written on your character or role card

-> 6% chance you will at some point forget what is exactly written on any adventure specific catrd (ship, mythic path, environment)

-> 7% chance you will at some point forget what is exactly written on a location card

-> 8% chance you will at some point forget what is exactly written on the FAQ list

-> 9% chance you will at some point forget what is exactly written on the current face-up blessing

-> 10% chance you will at some point forget what is exactly written on the scenario card

... and obviously :

-> 50% chance you will at some point forget to roll a die that you could have added to your check

-> 60% chance you will at some point forget to play a card that could have help someone else's check

-> 99% chance you will at some point forget to ask for help before rolling those stupid dice!!!

Now you would imagine that experience would help with the last 3 cases. Nope, it only helps with the first 10. Go figure.

Of that stuff, I think our worst flaw is determining exactly which henchmen do what these days. Do I have to shuffle it into another deck to close? Expend a mythic charge? We've gotten better about it now that we know to watch out--thanks a lot, dragon in AP4 that hurts everyone and managed to show up 3 times in that scenario--but we definitely fulfilled every closing requirement on every location where we beat an army in AP2.


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Rebel Song wrote:
I learned last night that I need to read cards better and stop assuming I know what they say. Imrijka's power to reveal a card with the Divine or Ranged skill to add 1d4 and the Magic trait isn't only to a combat check, it's to "a check against a monster." So I could have been adding d4s to my Wisdom or Knowledge or Perception checks. Agh. *headdesk*

Holy crow, I didn't realize this, and I'm almost halfway through WotR with my Imrijka!!

Yeah "your check" instead of "your combat check" has become such a common thing that I always double or triple read powers like that just to be sure, since I've definitely made that mistake myself a couple times. Make sure you re-read Alain's powers for a similar, if modestly less exciting, surprise. :D

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