Natan Linggod 327 |
Once Occult Adventures Book is out, I'm planning on starting a new campaign with one of my groups in a homebrew world.
One of the hooks of this world is that certain types of magic will be limited to certain races. Magic will be more of a mysterious force than the semi science it's normally portrayed as.
Arcane magic will be limited to beings that have an actual connection to magic.
So among PC playable races; Wizards are limited to Elves and Gnomes, Sorcerers are limited to beings like Aasimar or Ifrit (and their bloodlines will be partially determined by race).
I'm not sure what to do about the numerous other arcane classes though.
Bards for example. Or Alchemists.
For classes that supposedly a deal with otherworldy beings like Witches or Summoners, I think will be available to all. Since it's granted power like Divine magic. Most will be highly suspicious of it as a result.
Humans will be the only one's who can use Psychic magic.
And everyone will be able to use Divine magic since the gods don't much care what you are as long as you worship them properly.
Any suggestions on race/class combos?

Natan Linggod 327 |
That makes sense. Might need a bit of tweaking.
Investigator would work the same as the Alchemist in this case.
Further thoughts ;
Magus will be same as Wizard, except for that one spontaneous archtype which will be available for the same races as Sorcerer.
Arcanist likewise as a Wizard except for the sorcerer based archtype and the witch based archtype.
Bard is still giving me trouble. As is the Skald. Bard, as a class, fits well with both elves and humans while Skald works well with Dwarves, Orcs and humans.
The problem is that they're spontaneous casters without bloodlines which don't quite fit. I'm thinking of making Bard a partial Divine class with the gods/muses/spirits granting the magic, kind of like how Oracle is a divine spontaneous class.
Or maybe making a variant with prepared spells and another variant with more special abilities but no spells...
More work than I'd like to make my own. Does anyone know of any Bard variants like this?

Natan Linggod 327 |
I could but I'd like to keep them. They fit the ideal of elf blending of magic, combat and art. And skalds work well for the many tribal groups. Itinerant keepers of lore etc..
I think I might give elven/gnomish bards prepared casting using the Magus as base. While skalds will have to choose a divine patron.
Here's hoping there'll be some kind of psychic bard.. :D
Edit: Ooooh!Totem rage powers! I completely forgot about those! So, skalds will have to choose a totem that reflects the spirits and powers that grants them their magic. I'll have to come up with some basic codes of conduct/rituals/taboos for them to enhance the 'borrowed power' feel but that should be fun.

Tzimiscar |
Alchemist - Dwarfs, Gnomes, Goblins. Races that love mechanical things and/or explosions. How about alignment, chaotic?
It needs a certain state of mind to drink untested substances. Of course no one would question the stability of mind of a walking explosive. As an alternative the other extreme, there is no magic, just SIENCE.
Bard - didn't you want a clear split, with your suggestion some bards would be arcane while others would be divine. I'd go with full divine and allow all races. [Twist: The only casters humans have at all are Bards]