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The amount of guards is propotional to the worth of the goods and the risk involved. Someone trading with food won't usual have the need of protection.
High end would be additional protection of magical artifacts, low end would be someone hired to guard the stand while the merchant haggles with the guildmaster about the costs. Mid tier might be the two big guys hired by the guildmaster to get an edge in those haggles. Most class choices would fit, though marterial classes like fighter or rouge would fit more than the rest. ![]()
Battle power might be the most important thing, but don't forget the other core problem in dungeons: Traps. You need to have a way to get through these. Then you'll run into magical effects, without a way to dispell them you'll probably have trouble. Clw-wand takes care of healing HP but you should have a way to heal stat dmg. ![]()
'allowing me to get +2 on my typical attacks and getting rid of the -4 malus for shooting into melee.'
If you dip into a diffrent class you reduce the DC of your bread and butter spell. You're not the kind to kill an enemy with damage. Polymorph them into a frog, blind them, turn them against their allies... but not damage. ![]()
Snowblind wrote:
Of course, if possible at the time. Greater heroism is on the same lvl as SM6, but I find that the increase in effect isn't worth the higher slot in most cases, especially as the duration decreases (1 instead of 10 min/lvl). Also we're in a five character group, and I'd rather help all than just one of the team. Far as I can see the only other buff (for others) on lvl6 is greater namend bullet, a situational spell at best of times. A few stylish escape/emergency options for yourself (Dust Form/Swarm Skin). Still, SM6 is the best buff on that lvl and arguably on the whole list. (A number of nice buffs isn't on the witch spell list, among these haste, blur, mirror immage and resist energy)Lvl 1 Enlarge [Mage Armor for myself]
Anyway the thread was about SM & Smite, was the example of a findish dire tiger correct?
Let's make it 3 findish dire lions with smite good attacking three diffrent heroes.
Ah, thank you s eems I mixed CR up with HD. +12 instead of +8 in this case, as well as the better template. So the right offense with smite is:
Let's see if I can do it right with diffrent creature, this time a villain summons a findish Dire Tiger.
Melee 2 claws +18 (2d4+8 plus grab), bite +18 (2d6+8/19–20 plus grab)
In general smite adds:
'It still only has 90 HP and an AC of18.' - more than my HP, and any dmg on the summon isn't dmg on my allies or myself. 'Its weakest save is Will at +7.It's spell resistance is 14 which is tough but not unbeatable.' Two rolls, one against SR, one against the save isn't too bad. Your 'flesh to stone' is on the same level, both expemd the same ressource. Just that the summon get's a full round of attack in before it's eliminated. Beside it's used against the summon and not against my allies or me. Granted, there are spells like charm monster, but even then 'rather the summon than me' applies. On that note SM6 has it's own charm monster (DC 22) if you summon a succubus. 'when it comes to multiple targets it is useless.' just as flash to stone. The smite itself helps taking out the first target, the summon exists for the rest of combat to block path, tank damage and dish out what it can. A related question, is there any dedicated buff spell on the witch's spell list that beats summoning an Lillend Azata? +2 competence on to hit/dmg, bonus against fear effects and that's just the move action. ![]()
We were attacked by a giant evil octopus. Of course the only sensible thing to do is (not traveling by sea) to summon your own giant octopus. And what do you know, it is possible. Hmm, what's that * 'Creatures on Table: Summon Monster marked with an "*" are summoned with the celestial template, if you are good, and the fiendish template, if you are evil. If you are neutral, you may choose which template to apply to the creature' Neat, so now it's good giant octopus vs evil giant octopus. So what does it get mechanical? 'A celestial creature's CR increases by +1 only if the base creature has 5 or more HD.'
'The creature gains damage reduction and energy resistance as noted on Table: Celestial Creature Defense.'
'SR The creature gains spell resistance equal to its new CR +5'
'Special Attacks The creature may smite evil 1/day as a swift action (it adds its Cha bonus to attack rolls, and a damage bonus equal to its HD against evil foes; smite persists until the target is dead or the celestial creature rests).'
Melee bite +13 (1d8+5 plus poison), 8 tentacles +11 (1d4+2 plus grab) A: +13(1d8 +13 plus poison), 8x +11(1d4 +10 plus grab)
Is it just me that this seems a bit too strong? The smite bonus lasts till the target is killed. Granted, in this case it was just 1 round. Still if I look at the reverse 'Smite good' for summons of the bad guys it'll become a matter who draws first. Or is it just because of the many attacks of the Octopus this seems like a bit of a problem? ![]()
I always wondered how reknown is handled with everyone else. The guys you help during the adventure will tell stories about you. Save the caravan and those guys will sing your praise along their traderoute. Save a village and it should increase your reknown in that village. More, all those that interact with that village will notice sooner or later. It depends how visible your deeds are, compare slaying a mighty beast in a dungeon to fighting said beast after it smashed though the city gates. Even without such reference feats like bringing back someone from the dead should have some impact. Unless of course it is a common occurence in the world. Infamy is another aspect, by 9th level you might be recognised by the evil guys.[#Do YOU know how to slay a dragon? Me neither but these guys do.# Just a moment, then the road is free again sire. Excuse the inconvinience, but maybe you can tell us the story how you did slay the dragon... or what that thing with far too many tooth is. Bandits, no we are just a group of hunter. Some might have a past, but out here we don't ask questions. We are all equal, just trying to survie in this harsh world right?] ![]()
Alchemist - Dwarfs, Gnomes, Goblins. Races that love mechanical things and/or explosions. How about alignment, chaotic?
Bard - didn't you want a clear split, with your suggestion some bards would be arcane while others would be divine. I'd go with full divine and allow all races. [Twist: The only casters humans have at all are Bards] ![]()
* Wizards cannot access spellbooks in any way until prison break begins.
*They will spend X rounds after breaking out putting their gear back on and they will not do a single fight without it, because that is, in my opinion, a boring and tiresome amount of bookkeeping on both ends.
Option A: The prison utilizes magic. A teleporter the wizard can hijack, some kind of obstacle only arcane knowledge can overcome, maybe a puzzle. Or make it a race of time - can the rest of the group buy him the time to get the teleport spell? Maybe throw in some gm fiat and allow to make spellcraft checks to come up with a way to remember that one spell faster (use a higher level slot to remember faster, use more slots to remember faster - use your creativity to give him a challenge). Or insist on the hower and see if the group can find a way to hide for an hour. Option B: A vally of death before he'll turn the table. Two or three encounter without any spells. Then he gets just enough time to remember spells and has to go nova to save the team. For bonus points the guy who burned his previous spell book earlyer in the adventure. ![]()
A high UMD, some money and the D team has acess to quite a bit magic.
It depends on the hex, but most are used like spells with a few advantages:
One word to the sleep hex: Consider it is just sleep, so in your example lizard man #3 can wake up lizard man #2 and #1. (Still very useful as it buys time, time in which McSlashalot has cut down a few of the other) ![]()
You can basically get any spell by chosing the right patron. With haste and time stop time is arguably the best patron, though a party without a healer will be glad you took the healing patron for lesser restoration. My patron is Elements. I know, hardly the best patron but flaming sphere came in handy against swarms, a fireball works targets reflex and works against undead and ice wall has it's uses. Besides I like the thematic, would pick it again.
@ Cevah:
1) Pearl is always a good idea. Can be used for other spells (dispell) and by others (cleric).
Ok, what nice can we do for our party?
For yourself:
Mage Armor (1) - Your AC
Marionette Possesion(3) - take over an ally and use personal spells Questions:
Can be a bit frustrating if you don't get the downtime to use the feat. I find the idea of creating something unique nice. Instead of a ward of healing light wounds our group has a bottle of healing potions - a round of drinking after a battle seems appropriate. (No one gets drunk from it. No I can't change the taste to something besides beer. At least not yet.) Item creation can also be used as a plot hook. Player needs to find substance x. Only the old master y knows how to combine these specific effects. Flaws can add to it, like cursed against a specific enemy. Or you could suceed so well it has additional effects/is intelligent... ![]()
Great ideas so far, thank you.
No scar hex, not that the characters would allow it.
Hex vulnerability - How did I missed that spell? Combined with fortune it becomes nearly game braking. A free re roll every round of combat, every fight. Though one guess who becomes the focus target?
Wards are a good idea, have to raise my UMD a bit. A DC20 check if you don't know the spell, and on a 1 the ward won't work a day, right?
Ice Body is nice, as is dust form though I rather had something else in my highest lvl slot. Same reason I hesitate a bit to get greater false life, thought I might do it. Heroism
Persistent Vigor might be worth it, especially as poison might be a thing. Neutralise is on the same lvl, this is an alternative. Named Bullet rather high slot and many restrictions, still might be worth it. Not quite as perfect for boss fights if that boss surprises you. Still, a method to help other partymembers, that's what I want. Defending Bone - perfect. Might be a bit discussion as using the bones of your enemy screams evil but it's stylish too. Death knell, just as Hex: cook people Awesome, but evil. Threefold Aspect - Changing Stats and Apperance, don't have the spell quite yet. Probably can not be bought anywhere, getting it might be the problem. Marionette Possesion - Would not exactly work in our group. Think, would you allow an associate to posses your body? ![]()
The party just reached lvl 11 and debuffing becomes great. An unlimited amount of safe & suck (evil eye/misfortune) or save & die (tomb(fort)/sleep(wil) and a nice selection of spells with similar effect. A nice offense, the defense, well... few hp, bad ac, bad saves so all the debuffing will not happen after round two, as a dead witch can't hex. What spells can help you here? Personal buffs
Iron Skin (L2) - AC, nat armor, duration could be a problem and not really worth it in a fight. I doubt that AC really is the go to. P.s. of course I overlooked that spell...
Feast on fear (5) - Arguably a buff. Situational, the fear effect has style, the extra life is nice though very situational Dust Form (6) - Finally an option worth casting during combat. An optoin to gamble that the save or die hits before you're hit
Basically Mage Armor and False Life and Dust Form in a pinch. Thus my first question: What other spells can be used to survive? Buffs for everyone What Buffs are worthwhile? Of course there is the fortune Hex. Always an interesting question when to use it to greatest effect. More suited towards a critical skill check like use (mac guffin) magic divice, sense motives (yes, you are screwed) disarm trap (stop disarming with your face) so you can fail twice as often. Ward might be good at lower level but by know the bonus would not stack. Used Enlarge (L1) a few times on our fighter, but not too sure where the great advantage is. Heroism (L3) - Saves, Ac basically everything... oh, goes only of one person and adds to attack. Goes on someone else, wonder if it's good enough to prepare multiple times/day. Is greater heroism(L6) worth it learning next level? Summon monster:
Am I right that the best buff-spell on the list is Summon Monster(6)? What other good buffs exist on the spell list? ![]()
I would say that we should not forget that all 10 is the average Human. As attributes, I won't deny Charisma is very, but I would argue the value of constitution.
A place that disables your abilities, say a field that switches your main stats. Bonus points if the change is permanent.
I would not say you are screwed. Low level has the healing hex witch can be combined with persile hair for a nice ranged touch attack. Misfortune works, not sure about evil eye... I'd say no. At higher levels you get a greater healing hex or Ice Tomb, which should work just fine. As this is about hexes:
A spellcaster without his buffs is a hell of a lot easier to kill than one that has several min/lvl buffs, so try to catch them off guard with everything you got.
Anyway back to the game. In your usual fight always kill the spell caster first. Death temporarly shuts most spell casters up. (Temporarly? Well, there is a thing called ressurection, and a dark god might make an offer to a faithfull follower that met his quota of kicked puppies and sacrificed villages... getting off topic again...) A gurillia tactic might be worth a shot, casters do not have unlimited spell slots, and not all buffs are for eternity. Can't kill the caster in the first two rounds? Run, and return in two hours to try again. What about a diffrent target than the spell caster himself?
Surviving always depends on your allies and spells. At higher levels as long as the team survives you can come back, even from the dead. (Of course the same might applie to your enemies who may or may not have made a deal with the devils(s). As a witch loosing your familiar at that level is mechanically worse than death.). Arcane casters are a wide field, some of them might even want to be at the frontline though most arcane classes don't want that. A: Have someone between you and the bad guys - Where would you stand in a group of 6? I prefere somewhere in the middle, the back is great - until someone ambushes you from behind. Stay close and you risk getting hit by area spells, spread and risk that your party is split. B: Mobility, fly is a great option. Unless your enemies have a ranged attack. Dispell might a problem (unless you use the hex, that feather fall option is great). Not that flying is even possible. As a caster you look on your spell list, a lot of great spells were mentioned. Then you look at the witch spell list and get the impression they missed mage armor.
Mage Armor (L1, +4 AC(armor))
Before a fight
Ironskin (L2, +5AC) 1min/lvl ...probably overlookt this one
In a fight
Dust Form (L6, incorporal) 1round/lvl 50% miss and immunities to effects
Fly (L3: Fly Sir Slashalot, Fly. Now 50% more awesome as a hex)
*Storm Step (L3: Short range teleport with 5d8 dmg, points for style) *Hostile Juxtaposition (L5, change positions)... not used yet, do you change position & share the pain 1x or for the whole duration of the spell? Either way an interesting take on defense Missed a few interesting spells, but nothing that truly changes the picture. Even the defensive options I found (*) are rather agressive, the witch is a glass cannon. A witch has poor hitpoints(d6 hd), poor saves, poor bab (hello grapple) and no proficiency with armor (poor AC - unless you want your spells to fail and a bad initiative). The good news is your hexes are great, the bad news reads '30 feet range' for your hexes. Until the major hexes (picked ice tome), and even then you might want to stay in 30 feet range due to split hex and evil eye/misfortune/sleep (would be nice to meet something not imune to it). Do not rely too heavy on slumber, those guys can be awakend by a slap not to mention your opponents can be immune against it like say drow. Undead drow, SR, good saves AND immune to quite a few effects... does misfortune and evil eye work against undead? Or... does evil eye buff undead like harm does? (bad things happen when a cleric fumbles the knowledge check... granted it looked alive... first time the party is saved because our enemy makes the SR check.) I am playing a witch myself (lvl 11, elemental patron) and wonder how she is going to survive if something reaches her. The witch has 57 Hp (+11-18 temp), 18 Ac (With mage armor) and with 7(fort)/8(reflex)/10(wil)the saves don't look too good either even with the new-found cloak of resistance. However it wasn't me that died first. Not getting hit is the best way to survive.
A list that could be filtert for useful defensive buffs and equipment would be great. Class (mage, wizard, sorceror, witch...), Duration(permanent, lvl/hour, 10min/lvl, min/lvl, round/lvl), effect(Increases AC, HP, Saves, DR, Immunity from ...). Witch/Ac/hour would get you Mage Armor and ... that's it,